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Azalena's POV
I died. I saw myself in Loki's arms as I did. He wasn't letting me go, he was trying to keep me awake, to keep me alive. And I remember him being mad at Thor just standing there, not being able to do anything. I was dead for at least a minute, on my way to the afterlife, when some mysterious force decided, "No. You're not going yet."

I know who did this. He's a dark spell caster, one who takes. He takes everything that they are, and everything that they ever will be. And I was one of many affected by him. His name is Vecna.
He started killing on Midgard in the 1950s, with the family Creel, and then stopped until the 1980s, when he decided he was going to again. He unleashed his fury on a Midgardian town called "Hawkins, Indiana", and killed four people. Chrissy Cunningham, Patrick McKinney, Fred Benson, and Edward Munson. And apparently he's upgraded to other realms.
I breathe a ragged breath and cough roughly. I can't see, that's my one thought. Oh Norns, did he blind me? "Loki?! Loki, I can't see anything, it's so dark--" I'm in a full on panic now. I can feel him holding me now. He comforts me for a bit longer until he brings me to the healers.

"And you can't see anything?" Eir asks gently. "N-no. I can't," I reply, my voice shaking. "And you said he was going to kill you?" I can feel my bones snapping back into place, which hurts like Hel. I nod and bite down on the rag given to me. I feel a hand stroke my hair, which makes me flinch. "Don't worry, darling. It's just me," Loki says.

"I'm sorry. It's just--I don't know how I'm going to be able to be normal."

"We'll make it work, love," his smooth voice says. Eir steps in. "We may be able to cure your blindness, just a little bit," she says. "D-do it. Please," I practically beg. Loki puts his hand on mine. I can feel my heart race. "It's okay, darling. It's only me." I nod as Eir says, "We're beginning the process now." I can hear her turn the Soul Forge on and there's a burning sensation. I cry out in pain and feel Loki squeeze my hand. Then, after five grueling, burning minutes, I can faintly see again.

I can only see blurred images, but I don't want to ask Eir to do anything further. There's silence in the room before I cup my hands around Loki's face. "Loki?" I ask. "Y-you can see me?" His broken voice asks. I nod and say, "It's blurry but I'm not blind anymore." We both start crying and hug each other tightly. I'm still here. I'm okay. I can see a blurred image of Mama Frigga rush in. "Oh my Norns, I heard what happened! Are you alright, my darlings?" She runs to Loki and I and showers us with kisses and hugs. "Mum, she went blind. She's not anymore, but--"

"Oh, my dear," Mama Frigga hugs me tight to her chest. "Thank you, Eir. If it wasn't for you she may not be here." Eir nods regally. She leaves and Mama Frigga sits on the edge of the bed. "Please. Tell me what you remember," she pleads softly. It pains me to do this, but I will. I exhale shakily, which prompts Loki to say, "Take your time, darling."

"There was this red mist, I don't know if this was real or not, but it was a red mist, and then I went to try and figure out what it was...my legs turned to jelly, and then my surroundings went just-- black."

"And then?"

"I called out for Loki and Thor but I couldn't see them. I couldn't hear them. And then I was on this flaming ship, I saw Thor trapped under rubble, and Loki in the grip of this horrid purple creature. I thought maybe I was having a nightmare until Loki told me what happened. I went blind."

Mama Frigga nods with concern. I don't realize Loki's hand is on mine until I look down and see his thumb caressing the top of my hand. "Did you have any warning? Anything before this?" She asks softly. "Just--just that memory about Alfheim..."

"Alright. I'm keeping you here until further notice. Loki, my dear, you can stay here."

He nods and quietly thanks her. She leaves, most likely to her chambers. I curl up in a tiny ball. "It's alright, sweetheart. I'm here, and I'm not leaving you," Loki says softly. "I--I know. I'm just scared that if I fall asleep, he'll come back for me, and you won't...be able to save me."

"You survived once. You'll survive again if he ever comes back."

I nod slowly and lean into Loki's chest. He runs his hands through my hair and hums a soft Asgardian lullaby. "Loki, I don't know why I survived," I whisper. He hums curiously in response. "I should have died. Something just decided that I wasn't going to die."

"Darling, you can't think like that, okay? You're here, and that's all that matters."


"Azalena, if you're concerned about it, we can talk to Mum about it tomorrow."
I nod and he kisses me on the crown of my head. "For now just try and rest. You need it," he says. I sigh and close my eyes, reminding myself that Loki is right here. Right next to me, ready to fight for me. I'm okay.

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