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Loki's POV
The connection with her is forcibly broken somehow. She was fucking taken. Azalena said she was at "our spot" when she was taken...the waterfall. Fury fills my soul as I run down the stairs towards the stables. Spade whinnies and I mount him, not thinking about putting any tack on him.

I ride to the waterfall where we were before and I look for any signs. Spade sniffs around and he nickers. "What is it?" I walk to him. There's some torn clothing. It belongs to Azalena. My chest heaves, she could be dead. No. I push those thoughts out and focus on finding her. Mother told me about a special connection that lovers have, that if one is missing then the other can find them. I close my eyes and I see foggy visions of her. She's in a palace--in front of the King of the Light Elves. I realize now what I have to do.

I mount Spade and ride to the Bifrost. "Prince Loki. Are you going to do what I think you are?" Heimdall asks. "If you think that I am saving my wife, then you are right," I reply, magicking my full armor onto me, complete with my ceremonial battle horns. "I bid you good luck," Heimdall smiles as he opens the Bifrost to Alfheim. I nod and I'm sucked into the land of Azalena.

I don't bother saying hi or kissing any babies. I teleport straight to the palace past the guards. I face Leife. "Prince Loki! What brings you to Alfheim?" He asks fakely. "You know damn well. Where do you have Azalena?!" I snarl. His expression falls and his other daughter looks at him with worry. "Tell me!" Leife leans forward on his throne. When he's about to speak, I see her. Being led out in chains. My eyes widen in terror. "Azalena--"

"Hi, Loki...guess I shouldn't have threatened patricide and regicide."

"Azalena, no. This isn't your fault--"

"SILENCE! I will speak to the prisoner alone!" Leife thunders. At this point I've had enough. "T-the prisoner? She's my wife, you daft dimbo! I've quite honestly had enough of you," I hiss. Behind my back I summon a knife and throw it at his face.

It doesn't miss.

The entire court erupts in screams.

Azalena's sister runs to his aid. While she's doing that I run to her and teleport us outside. "Heimdall, get us out of here!" I yell. We are teleported back to Asgard just in time.

By the time we're back I'm still full of anger. This shouldn't be right, but I know what it is. It's battle fury. "Loki, let's go to our quarters, I'll make us some tea--"

"No, I need to go. Battle fury."

Those words seem to be the only warning she needs. She rides Warsong back and I ride Spade to the arena.
Azalena's POV
I walk back to the palace and see Frigga. "Frigga, can I talk with you? If that's okay?" I ask. She hugs me and kisses my forehead. "Oh, thank the Norns you're okay. I heard what happened. Yes, of course." She leads me to her study.

"What did you wish to speak about, darling?" She asks while sorting through papers. "Loki told me that he had to fight through something called 'battle fury'. What is that?" I ask. Frigga looks up suddenly. "Oh dear. Come with me."

We walk away from her study and towards the arena. I see him battling Thor furiously and I frown. "Oh, no. Is that what it is?" I ask. She nods sadly. "Sometimes when Odin or others get him very mad, especially during physical fights, he gets this thing called battle fury and the only way to fix it is to simply battle it out. It is hard to watch. I'd recommend coming with me."

"No, it's okay. I'll stay here."

She nods and leaves. Loki catches sight of me while battling Thor. "Why--why are you here?" He says, out of breath. "I'm here because I love you. Now do what you need to do, Loki. I'll be here as long as you need me." He shakes his head and goes back to fighting. This lasts for at least another hour before he starts losing power. Then Loki collapses on the ground. "There it is. He'll need help up to your quarters," Thor says.

"I'll help him. I'm his wife."

Thor rolls his eyes. "He's dead weight, little sister. You need help," he insists. I smirk and we help him up to our quarters. Loki protests very little. "He'll need looking after this evening. I trust you'll do it?" Thor asks.

"Of course. He does it for me enough, I can do it for him."

Thor nods and leaves with another thank you. Loki blinks a few times before he realizes where he is. "What happened?" He asks groggily. "You had something called battle fury. Thor and I carried you up here."

"Oh. Oh, Norns, I didn't hurt you, did I?"

"No, love, you didn't. I just stayed on the side and watched."

"How bad was it?"

"Well, you kicked Thor's ass which was quite entertaining."

He attempts a laugh but yawns. "Sleep, Loki. I'm right here." He manages to change himself into more comfortable clothing. I undress myself into a silk nightdress behind the divider and crawl into bed. "What are you doing?" He sleepily asks. "What? Do you really think I'm going to pass up a nap?"

"Fair enough."

He yawns again and closes his eyes. I pull the covers over him and cuddle close to him. Before we both fall asleep however, I feel a soft kiss press against my forehead. Thank you for saving me.

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