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Bowie was really scared. He was trembling, staring into darkness. At the moment, he didn't know much, but one thing was for certain: this was not his bedroom. Because last time he checked, his bedroom wasn't this cold or had metal bars in front of him. 

He suddenly felt a sharp pain in his head. Everything was so overwhelming right now, especially for him, an eight year old boy. Bowie burst into tears, hoping somebody would hear and help him. But eventually, he just gave up all hope. 

Bowie was quick to assume something dark and terrible: he was a prisoner, and perhaps even a hostage, or a bargaining chip. The only questions he had now were who was holding him here and why? 

The stone floor of his cell was cold, but he didn't have the energy to get up and feel around to find somewhere more comfortable to lay his head, so he tried falling asleep as he was. 



He couldn't possibly sleep. 

He was a scared little boy. He felt hopeless. He wanted to have somebody there with him in the dark chill of the cell he was held in. 

See, it hadn't exactly been a prayer, but it was as if angels had heard him and answered. Two figures shoved a boy his age into the cell with him. This boy was covered in scars, as far as Bowie could tell. He shuddered, being able to see blood glistening on the silhouette in front of him. 

"I guess you're going to keep me company," Bowie sighed, wiping his face. 

The figure froze. "Bowie...?"

With a warm feeling of love, Bowie recognized the voice as his best friend Sebastian. 

"Yes! I'm Bowie! Oh, Sebby, what did they do to you?"

Sebastian shook his head. "Horrible things," he murmured. "And both of us are going to have to deal with that. We are hostages."

Bowie stared at the ground bitterly. He was right all alone. He was a captive! Bowie suddenly looked up. 

"Why?" he asked, hoping his friend would have heard. 

"I wish we could go back to before these evils came into the picture... Life was so much better then..."

Bowie staggered toward Sebastian and hugged him. He felt a lot less cold with the boy in his arms. They sat down on the floor of their cold cell and cried from all the fear and uncomfortability they felt. 

Was it ever going to get better? 

Bowie had heard Gradient ponder this before. He had overheard his older brother talking to his boyfriend and expressing his worries about what was happening. Unfortunately, a new enemy had come into the picture: Marcus. And his too priority... 

Was killing Crescent. 

See, this didn't make Gradient very happy. He didn't want to lose Crescent, because he deeply loved him. Bowie liked Crescent, too. He saw the silly guy as and older brother. It would be sad to lose Crescent. He meant a lot to a lot of people. 


Maybe that was the plan all along. To hurt so many people by taking away somebody they dearly loved. It made Bowie want to stand up and punch a wall. But he dared not do this because his eight year old fists would bruise and bleed too easily. 

He also just didn't want to move at that moment. Times were tough and confusing. It was too easy to lose track of somebody you loved. Bowie felt that if he moved, Sebastian would disappear. And losing Sebastian was the last thing Bowie wanted in this world. 

Bowie shut his eyes tight and tried to dwell on all sorts of happy memories. That always helped him fall asleep. He pretended he was could simply because it was winter, and that he and his best friend were sleeping together on Sebastian's bedroom floor, as normal kids do at sleepovers. 

Safe to say, this worked, and Bowie, like Sebastian, was fast asleep in a manner of minutes. For however long they would be held captive, they'd sleep like this. In each other's company. No matter the circumstance, Bowie couldn't think of anyone he'd rather have with him than Sebastian, his best friend. Despite the gravity of the situation, he was happy to be beside somebody he cared about. At least he could see that they were okay. 

(*Like I have said before: very slow updates on any stories at all. It is rare I get motivation so... Enjoy this and wait like two weeks or more for the next part.*)

(*Dang, shouldn't have said that, because now I feel pressured to write-*)

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