(A/N: sorry, I accidentally unpublished this chapter while editing)
"And.. thats done!" He said closing the last of the two remaining books, while these five books did educate him on the basics of teyvat, he couldn't help but feel he only scratched the surface of this world. It's history, it's culture, and it's people, there are still many more things he will discover moving forward,
The boy open the window right next to his bed to see what time is
"Hmm, judging by the sun's positioning I say it's around... 6 to 7 pm?" He said "darn! it's going to be a while until night falls"
With the Height of both the Building and his room, the boy was able to see civilians of mondstadt going on with their lives, the elderly watch the kids play reminiscing on their childhoods, the adults doing their jobs to sustain themselves and their families
The boy smiled at the happiness of this city people, there was really nothing that cheer him up more then seeing people achieve at their lives
He consider it his greatest strength... But from what lightning said it's also his weakness
He thought back to his conversation with him, about how his brother were force to watch as retak'ka destroy clusters of planets, and speaking retak'ka if what lightning telling was true then... Is it right to lend people his elements?... Sure it will help them strive but... Is it worth it?, Even if the second entities were there to prevent such effects, there's still the risk, a risk his conflicted on taking
Do they really need visions to live in the first place?, it seems like people like Sara have just excepted that this is the norm for them,
"Haaa~, I don't- I don't know anymore" the boy said. He thought of anything that possibly help him decide
"Wait... Isn't there like a small training ground next to HQ?" he thought "hmm maybe some training can help me think"
The boy stand up from bed and leaves his room to try some training in hopes of clearing his mind
[Favonius Training ground]
"HIYAA!" Yelled a girl with blonde as she swings at a humanoid wooden dummy with force, but due to her inexperience the sword was now bedded into the dummy's side
"Ah! Damn it!" She struggling to unstuck the blade "The knights made it look so easy!?"
With a deep breath she pulled the sword out of dummy, but the girl stumbled backwards as a result
The girl's name is ellin, The so called 'wannabe knight' she gained this moniker for wanting to be a knight but never actually having the skills or training to past the tryouts, she has been always look down by her peers but that didn't stop her from trying
"Man! I wish someone was willing to teach me" she thought still laying down "Oh! How can I ever be on her level"
"Honestly nice attack! Though your form needs work" a male voice said. Ellin jump in suprise, she then look to the left to see who it belonged to
"I-i-its you!" ellin said
"Oh.. even you know me?" He boy asked
"How wouldn't I! People won't shut up about you" she replied "Hell I even heard some even calling you the second coming of barbatos"
"Geez! I definitely made an impact" he thought
"I heard your name was atheer.. or boboiboy?"she said
"Atheer my real name while boboiboy is my nickname" he said
"Oh well thank you for clarifying" she said " So um... what are you doing?"
"To train, its helps me think about a decision" he replied
"Really... Then I'll... leave you alone then!" Ellin said, she was about to leave until the boy the grab her right hand
"Wait What?" She said confused by his actions
"You don't need to leave" he said
"Why?.. I'll only get in the way" she said
"I want to show you how that's done" he responded shocking the girl
"Y-you want to show me how it's done?" She said,
"Yes.." he said
"But we literally just met?" She said
"True, but I still insist" he said
"Wow... um thanks!" She said
"No problem and, oh! What's your name?" He asked
"My name's ellin, nice to meet you" she replied
"Ellin?... huh, I've actually heard of you before, from the average knight I mean" he said
"Really... Then you may know of.. my reputation" she said awkwardly
"Yes.. Ive heard you've quite determined" he said, getting a confuse look from her
"Um.. that's not what they usually say?" She said
"All I've heard from them is how unmoving you are even when people tell you to stop... you never do" he said "They may see it in a negative way, but I see it as a positive if you ask me"
"Really?..."Ellin said, he replied with a nod
"Yes really!" He replied "Now lend me the sword, let's me show how a trained warrior does it!"
Ellin gave him the sword, the boy told her to watch from the sides, she did
He told 2 meters Infront from the wooden dummy, the boy calm his breath as he change into a hanging right stance
With a huff the boy blitzes towards the dummy, he slashes vertically aiming for the dummy's left shoulder, when he made contact he drives the sword from its left shoulder to its right hip cutting it clean it half
"Woah..." That's all ellin could say from his display, his strike brutal yet precise, elegant yet powerful, it's very clear that an someone with vast amounts of experience even with very little to show "How?.."
"All it takes in the mind" he said
"Mind?" She said "Um, mind of what?"
"The mind as the will from ones being" he replied "A warrior greatest weapon, is not the physical weapon but rather the mental"
"I don't get it?" She said
"A warriors greatest arsenal is not the sword they world or the shield they block with... But rather what make them who they are" he explained
"Who they are?" She said
"Let me explain" he said "You've most definitely heard the phrase 'a weapon should be an extension of one body', right?"
"Yeah, it's pretty much fighting 101" she said
"Well they forgot mention is that not just an extension of ones form, but also ones spirit" he said
"Spirit?" she asked
"Yes spirit, the part of ones being that makes them who they are" he said "When a master wields a weapon, their not just expended their form, their extending their spirit, their will and drive, ambition, everything that makes them.. well them"
"really?!" she said
"Yes really, thats why each warrior fights differently even when their using the same fighting style" he said "which Makes me think.... Ellin?"
"Yes?.." she replied
"Have you ever tried using a different weapon?, Like something other then a sword" he asked
"Come to think of it... No infact" she replied
"Hmph... And why is that?" He asked
"Well.. because I want to be like jean" she replied "She'd always been a great inspiration for many people including me!"
"Oh, really But.. Doesn't jean use a rapier?" He said
"Yes she does, but they don't have one in here for some reason!" she said irradiated
"Well even if they did, I don't think it would matter" he said
"Why?..." She asked confused
"Simple, what made jean strong, won't be the same for you" he replied" like a said before a weapon is an extension of ones spirit, and there for should match the spirit, and from my observation I don't think a sword really fits your style"
"Then what does?" She asked
"Hmmm" he hummed looking at the array of weapons stored at the right, he then went towards one particular weapon
"How About this" he said grabbing a spear
"A spear?" She said
"Yeah.. now go give it a shot" he replied giving her the spear
Ellin was reluctant at first, she has been training with a sword for like a year now but it didn't mean anything since she never made any decent progress with it, so might as well try something new
She grabs the spear, when she did something felt right about it
The girl's then eyed of the dummy's, she breath in, and then with huff she rush towards the dummy
She swipes for its right rib area leaving a hole, she then did same to its left, she finishes it off a trust to its chest
Ellin felt amazing, the fact she was adapt to the spear almost instantly means this must be the right weapon for her, sure it probably help she did have prior knowledge with a sword but still
"Now that's more your style!" Boboiboy said clapping in amazement
"Yeah!.. you were right, this feel so right" she said Removing the spear from the dummy
"See!, you don't need to mimic jean inorder to be good" he said "Thought you will need alot of practice inorder to be somewhat leveled with her"
"Thanks for the encouragement... But" she said as her mood switches to one of disappointment "I don't think I'll ever match a fraction of what jean or the knights by her side can do... Including you"
"Why?.." he asked confused until it click with him" Oh... you don't a vision"
"Yup" she said breathing in, and then out "Like must people we all dreamed of being notice.. by anyone from our parents from our friends, to our allies, but being notice by celestia... By the gods, is considered to be highest that any human could ever archive, visions are not just a gift from the gods, but are a representative of their respect and gratitude"
She then sat on ground due to fatigue
"Yet people... Like me, are not respected, why haven't I gotten one!, Iv- I've trained so hard yet nothing ever came... I've dreamed.... I've prayed" she said as small tears started appearing, boboiboy felt a wave of empathy for ellin, so he decided to sit next to her for her comfort"
"I've lost count of how many times I've dreamnt of getting notice by the gods, to finally get a vision... To show my worth" she said "but I've also lost count of how many times my dream has been denied by them,
"Oh I'm so sorry for your misfortunes" he said
Both said nothing, not even whisper, as the two were in deep thought about reality
"Should I do it?..." He thought "Should i continue on.. with making my visions?, From what she said must want one, however must don't receive. Should I heve their prayers?, How do I dictate who is truly worthy or not?, How does celestia and the gods even choose users, is it by choice?, By promise?, By virtue?... I don't know"
"I'm sorry if making uncomfortable with my... Sadness" ellin said
"No no, don't be ridiculous!, You don't need to be ashamed for expressing your emotions to me" he replied
Another brief moment of silence then occurred...
"Say... Even though we just met... Can I tell you a story?" she said
"Sure.. go ahead" he replied
"Ok..." She breaths in "When I was young I had a friend, her name was Julia, she and her Family were from fontaine. We use to hang out alot, play hide and seek in the whispering woods, chase each other in the cathedral all the while trying to not anger the nuns, it was great!"
"Wow... Seems like you two were great friends.... But, what happened?" He said
"At the age 12 she gained a vision, a geo one more specifically" she answered "Now at first I didn't mind her having one, sure I was extremely jealous but what kid wouldn't be, but... Over time she distance herself from me, not because she hated me mind you!, But rather she was prioritising her vision over me"
"Wait what!, A 12 year old can get a vision? Then... What are the requirements?!" He thought "Really!.. who would prioritise their vision over friendship?"
"Yeah but remember she was just a kid, a kid with big dreams and the fact she now had the opportunity to reach those dreams... Well it's understandable" she said "Over the years she and i became even more distant, as if we were no more then strangers, until she and her family went back to fontaine inorder to finish her studies... After that I never saw her again"
"I see now..." He said "That's why you want a vision... To prove to her?
"Not just her but everyone, and I want to prove to my mom and dad aswell" she replied
"Your mom and dad too?, Really I thought that they would be more supportive" he said
"They don't actually look down on me like the other knights or even my peers" she said "But rather are scared"
"Their scared, So like, they don't want the risk of you getting hurt?" He asked
"Haa~ yup" she said slightly irritated" When I was young and even now to an extent, I'm prone to getting hurt either by picking fights with other kids, or just being overall super clumsy"
"So im guessing your parents became overprotective because of that?" He said
"Your dead on!" She answered
"Yet, they let you handle a sword?" He said
"Yeah! It took alot, and I do mean ALOT of convincing, but I managed to in time" he replied
"Speaking of them, Ive heard your father is the one who supplies you with these dummies," He said
"My father's name is Herman, he used to be an adventurer until he retired to settle in a humble life. and yes he is the one who gave me these dummies, albeit reluctantly as you may expect"
"Oh so, your father DOES want you achieve your dreams, yet he's still overprotective?" he asked
"Yeah it's a dump balancing act honestly, like why cant they just fully commit themselves to my dreams!" She said
Taking another deep breath, she look up at the blue sky, watching birds migrate to the south
"But someday... I will prove to them all...." She promise herself
Boboiboy did nothing but smile at her determination, with an idea he then stood up
"Then prove to them all, " he said looking down at her
"How?..." She asked looking up at him
"If you want to prove to your worth, then now is the chance" he said
"How can I prove myself to them?" She said
"Do what you've always done.. train" he replied "but now, since you've finally found a weapon that match who you are now.... You can progress" he said
His encouraging words lifted the girl off her sitting position, as a tiny spark of hope blooms within her
"Why... Are you... Why are you doing all of this for me?" She said unable to understand his determination for someone else's dream "I'm a no body.."
"No, NO your not!" He retorted "You are somebody!, Somebody with potential! Somebody who... I believe in, and.. if no-one else?, Well. Believe in yourself, your spirit"
The emotions inside of her finally exploded as she hugs him and cries into his chest
"Thank you!..." She sniffs "Thank you!..."
"Don't mention it" he said
When her tears finally ran dry she realised what she is doing and immediately push herself of him in pure embarrassment
"I-i-i am so sorry!" She said wiping her eyes and nose "oh god! I'm sorry for ruining your outfit!"
"Don't worry, I can just clean it off later" he said "And also I can tell you really need that, suppress emotions are not healthy"
The boy then walk past her...
"Wait! Where are you going?!" She exclaimed
"All this talking got super hungry" he replied"Say!, Wanna come eat too, at good hunters?"
"I appreciate the offer, but I think I want to continue Training" she replied
"Ok, suit yourself" boboiboy said, he was about to continue walking when
"Wait!" She called out gaining his attention
"What?" He said
"Well.. when the knights tryouts finally returns" she paused "w-will you come and watch me?"
"I'll be honoured" he replied
[Good hunters]
"hmmm ha he hmmm~" Sara hummed a tone while cleaning one of the tables
"Hey Sara!" A familiar voice called, the girl look to the location to the voice
"Oh, what's up boboiboy" She said hi "So, are you here to eat perhaps?"
"Yup!, And I was wondering if any new batches of bread have arrived?, Because I never got the try out the fishermen's toast" he said
"Well unfortunately, AGAIN!" She said with smite "New batches of bread were SUPPOSED to be delivered this early morning, but you can guess what happened!"
"Hilichurls?" He replied
"YES HILICHURLS!" She exclaimed "
Those grunts decided to steal the Food "AGAIN!!"
"Wow, in a span of two days?" He said
"EXACTLY, how unfair is that! And-....." Realising her outburst she started calming down "look... I'm sorry for the outburst, it's just... It's just-"
"No worries, it's understandable, hell infact I would Beat those churls up myself If I was in your place!" He replied
"Tell me about!.." she replied
"Hmmm, say where are the hilichurls taking the delivery anyway?" He asked
"I don't know honestly... But I presume it's somewhere in dadaupa gorge, since that place is considered hilichurls territory" she replied
"Then I may have to check it out" he replied,
"Alright, then good luck" she said
without a moment to lose the boy dashes towards the gates of mondstadt, exiting the city he quickly transformed into his wind form, with a jump he bolts across the sky like missile
[Dadaupa gorge]
"Oh god! Why does this keep happening to me!?" Lynn Thought, bolting out of the entrance of the gorge while six hilichurls were on her tail
She was getting tired of running, but she needed inorder to survive and so pulled through and ran
If karma wasn't enough, she trip on a stray branch allowing the churls to immediately catch up and encircle her
As per usual, Lynn lay in a fetal position in left defence, closing her eyes shut and hoping to god that someone might save her.
"Somebody!, Help!!" She cried as hard as she could
As if the winds granted her prayers, in a instant the six churls were each severed into two by shurikens of solid winds
The hilichurls were cut so swiftly they didn't even register the pain before they turned to dust drifting in the breeze
"You can get up, it's safe now" a male voice reasurred her.
Lynn hesitantly open her eyes, though she didn't recognise the males voice, his looks however...
"I-i-its you!!" She said, immediately recognised that dark chocolate hair with a single white strand, but he was wearing a dark blue outfit
"Ok why does everyone say when they first meet me?" He said
"No! No!, I mean it's you from the meteor, The one that i help lumine carry" she said
"Wait! Is your name Lynn perhaps?" He asked
"Yes! That's me" she replied
"Lumine told me about you" he then Crouch down extended his hand to help her up, Glady accepting his hand, the boy pulled her up" but we never to meet each other, also the name's atheer, or boboiboy for my nickname"
"Ok, nice you meet you atheer" she welcomed "Say, why are you here anyways?"
"Hmph, I should be asking you that, since this is hilichurls territory" he replied
"Well... I came here to get some specific flowers for some ingredients" she said
"Are these flowers exclusive to this place?" He asked
"No, not really. But the spots that they also grow haven't... Well grown yet" she said
"Can you tell what these flowers are exactly?" He asked
"Sure, let me- " She reach out at rear for her backpack and Realising.
"OH MY GOD MY BACKPACK!!" She started panicking "I completely forgot the hilichurls in the gorge stole my backpack!!"
"What should I do! What should I do!" She kept panicking, until boboiboy snap her out of it,
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