Chapter 10: The start of something grand

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[Boboiboy's room]

"Oh! what a day.... and night..." Boboiboy lay the triumph of dawn against side of the bookshelf, since he didn't have a proper place to put it, maybe he should ask lumine how she can store and summon her weapon. He slumped onto his bed, face first and tired. It has been one hell of a day, first was saving Lynn and clearing out dadaupa of its tribes, then there was that fiasco with Kaeya fake treasure hunt to lure in the hoarders. It was all a rush, but atleast he got a beautiful sword.

"Hmm, i should properly sketch out the designs for.... Ah, my visions?, What ever I'll end calling them" he turned around laying on his back, getting up his from bed, he then went to his bookshelf, grabbing a vacant book

Going back to his bed, he cross his legs and started drawing "Ok... What should they look like. Hmmm also, I should probably start with the original three first?"

He took alot of consideration in mind. He needed make distinct from one another, but he also needed a have a consistent motif, as a form of unity between them

The first concept designs were done. Wind's look like a traditional tornado, earth's was like a hybrid between his old symbol and a diamond at the bottom half, for lightning it look like identical to his old symbol, the only difference being they were two other lightning bolts.

Looking at them, he them to be... Disappointing. They were to simple, and sure simplicity is always a bad thing, as the saying goes 'sometimes less is more', but he know he could do way better. He wanted something that is the same ball park of beauty as a standard vision, all the while being completely unique.

So he flip to the next vacant page and started drawing, he decided to take considerable time on each. First was wind, three wavy gemstones that have a metal outer frame, like traditional visions along, the gems seem to spiral around a centre circular gem. Overall it resembled an over head view of a tornado

He smiled with pride, he was quite satisfied with the results, and so he moved on.

Next was earth. He draw draw thick lines, combining to form something the vaguely looks like a house, and inside a diamond shape gem that was segmented. He quickly dismissed this design due to how abstract it look, though he decided to keep the segmented diamond. He redraw again but this time it was more of a traditional mountain shape along with keeping the diamond in the bottom, he even added clouds to make it look a giant mountain piercing the sky.

In fact he loved the clouds so much that he decided to why not make the cloud or atleast a cloud like shape a consistent motif among them. He came back to wind, and gave it some three flowing clouds.

"Now on to lightning" He started to draw. It look like four bolts of lightning. Which were connected together by a triangle gem on the middle. Though he like the look, he think he could executed it alot better. And so he did.

He kept the diamond gemstone in the middle, but the four lightning bolts were more angular and sharp, along storm clouds up above. Making it look like a violent storm, he look at 3 side by side... And realised something

"Huh?, They kinda look... Some form of scenery. Hmmm maybe that could be another motif, along with clouds" he said. And with that he was finished...

With a tired signed he put the book to side of the bed, wrapping the blanket around him, he drifted off to sleep from a long day...


[Boboiboy's subconscious]

Boboiboy opened his eyes, only to see a pitch black smooth as clean marble floor "looks like Im back here"

He stands up and look around

"Lightning!?... Wind!?" He yelled into the void that his mind space.

"Do you call?" A cheerful voice ask, then a blue light of divine went appeared into thin air Infront of him. And then a ball of yellow lighting appeared, along side the blue one.

"So... Lightning, what do the others think about my... Idea?" He asked

"Idea?, What idea" wind curiously asked

"You really forgot about what we discussed like a couple hours ago!?" Lightning replied, in which wind finally remembered

"Ohhhhhhhh!. That idea" wind said

"So. What do the others think?" He asked

"The two of us can't really answer that, but he can" wind replied.

"Who?" Boboiboy raises an eyebrow. Then between light of wind of lightning, came a brown light, like other two blooming the space around it. The light pass to reveal a pure brown cubic cube, it's pieces and layers constantly shifting like it was solving it self. Its brown glow was still present however it's now internal and can be seen by the open seam lines and gabs of the individual smaller cubes the compose it's structure.

"Earth?" He said.

"Yes. Now the others right?" The cube replied with version of his voice, it was calm and collective,. A Sence of authority emitted for his voice, but it wasn't dominating, but rather mentor like, fatherly even "The others are still conflicted on Whether they should. On the one hand they want to help these people with their miss fortunes, give them a chance to prove their worth when Celeste never did, but they're also cautious about the prospect of one of them turning, even if our energy can somehow make a second entity that can act as a cure, as  countermeasures and anti-body to the maddening effects. they are still aren't confident, nor will they take that chance. Atleast, not now"

This response understandable made boboiboy disappointed. He wanted to help these people, but it wasn't worth it

"Oh don't be sad brother, I'm the one who should be blue" wind joked "And also, you can still make your visions, or what ever you want to call them"

He look at them in confusion "But.. earth sa-"

"I did.." he cut him off "However. I never said that we were apposed to it, in fact we actually made a bet of some kind. If we can manage to prove to them that the positive can overshadow the negative, then they'll happily agree. Well except for solar, he never approved of the bet, but he also never dismissed the chance he might agree, so maybe we'll try to convince him once we did the others"

"That's great!" Boboiboy cheered "So do we begin now?, I mean I do have designs for you three"

"Yes, and their quite beautiful, as well as fitting, you did a great job on them" earth replied, which made him feel flattered and scratch his right cheek.

"Yeah!. Especially mine" wind said

"Now I could be an edgelord and say 'Eh. It's fine I guess' lightning admitted "but it all honesty I do really like it"

"Glad you guys like it, but where do we begin?" He asked

"First off. We can really make them here, in your mind scape. We need to make them into the real world" lightning said.

"But... how do I project you three into the real world?" He said

"Oh don't worry, we'll guide you on how to do it, but first you need to wake up" to wind replied.


[Boboiboy's room]

He opened his eyes to feel of smooth bed below him, unwrapping the breath he look out the window, at the position of the moon and judging from it, it was the midst of midnight

"Huh. Its already midnight" He said.

"Ok brother, where here" wind told him

"Ok, how do I project you three?" He ask sitting on his bed.

"We'll tell you but first you need to in a more secluded area if we're going to do this" earth suggested "And from looking through memory from you tour with lumine, I'll recommend stormbearers point"

"Ok then, let do this. Strife of lightning" he then climbed down the open window and then existed the city in a blitz. Now the reason why he went with lightning is because it was his fastest form, and flying might draw suspicion onto him, also no one would be able to detect him since he was far faster then normal, maybe vision users can, but even then they have trouble.


[Stormbearers point]

A bolt of lightning came into the area, boboiboy detransforms and then started to find a proper place. Thankfully stormbearers point has alot of trees to hide. He look around to make sure not a single soul was near

"This place should enough. So guys now what?" He said

"Firstly, focus as per usual. Allow the elemental energy to flow out, more specifically ours" earth said. And so he did, breathing in and out he begun concentrate, it took a couple of minutes struggling, but now royal blue, brown and yellow energy flew out of them.

"Control yourself, and imagine opening a gate or a door from your soul, to the material realm" Earth instructed. Though confuse by what he meant, he didn't question it. He imagine what he said and from his chest appeared a small portal, boboiboy just look at this chest in awe and confusion, and then came out the trio, looking the exact same as In his subconscious, only this time they weren't in his mind

"Woah... That feels strange" he holds his chest

"Don't worry, you'll get use to it" wind said

"And just because you can summons us now, doesn't mean you should constantly!' lightning said.

"Ok lightning, I'll only summon you and the others IF its only necessary" he promised,

"Speaking of promises. Brother, can I promise you something?" Earth said.

"Sure earth, what is it?" He replied

"If this actually works, and only IF, I want you promise not reveal for a long while" he said.

"Why is that so?" He asked

"Brother... Because the consequences that will ripple is far to titanic. Think about it, we are essential making a new way for normal ungifted humans to manipulate elemental energy, not just any elemental energy, OUR elemental energy, forces that are the very definition of foreign and Highly potent" earth explained

"I... understand. but can I atleast tell the knights?, If not lumine and paimon since they're my closest friends in this world" he said

"Sure but only paimon and lumine, since I trust them well enough" earth said

"Ok with all that out of the way, can we do it now?" Wind asked

"Then we'll shall" earth said. Then in unison all three glowed bright, their elemental energy flowed out like a river. The three streams of energy were each forming a gemstone, earth was a diamond, wind was a circle and lightning was an upside down triangle. Boboiboy covered his eyes from the intense glow. Things were going smoothly until the gemstone started crack and then shattered, the fragments dropping to the ground and turning back into their pure forms.

"Shit!" Lightning was angered from the failed result.

"What went wrong?" Wind asked

"Yeah, what did went wrong?" Boboiboy said

"Hmmm, even with our vast knowledge and control over our respective energies, we are simply unable to properly stabilise them" earth answered. They begun to think of ways to stabilise the elemental particles in a condensed state. The group struggled to find a solution, then an idea pop into wind mind

"Hey! I think I have an idea" wind said. The others then turned their attention to him

"Really wind?" Boboiboy asked

"Ok this is going to sound a bit strange, but what if we used the watc- I mean chess piece" wind suggested,

"That's... actually not a bad idea" earth complimented "The watch or chess piece now was the container of the elements, and as so it had multiple systems to ensure  stability and proper function, one of them being us"

"Holy shit! Your right" lightning said

"But... About the watch, which is now a chess piece, which is also inside me. Does it still have those systems?" He asked

"I don't know, but it won't hurt to try right?" Wind replied

"But how do we even use the damn thing?" Lightning asked

"Hmmm, brother can you try tapping into the chess piece" earth said. He nodded and then sat down with his legs crossed inorder to concentrate Properly. He dived  into the depts of his mind, trying to find the piece but it wasn't there, he was frustrated

"I can't find anything?" He said.

"It is in there somewhere, try again but this time even deeper, right straight to your soul" wind said

He closed his eyes and started to meditate, he focus even harder then before. he went past his subconscious and onto the beyond



Boboiboy gasped awoken. Unlike his subconscious he was in a white void,

"Where... Am I? Is this my soul" he look around the unfamiliar space. With no idea where to go he just walk forward.

Wandering around a bit he found nothing

"Earth?!, Lightning!?... Wind!?" Yelled but to no avail, it seems like they cant hear him from outside of his body.

But then from a far distance, he saw a rainbow light that composed of all his element's colours.

"What is that?" He then bolted off towards the glow.

As he was running, from the ground grown pillars of marble white that were accented with gold

"What the!?" He look at the pillars but never stop running.

As if the pure white sky got washed away, it turned into a more traditional blue sky with clouds. The invisible path he was running turned into a elaborate bridge. The interior ground was now primary bridges and island, and below them were clouds also. From these clouds came erupting giant towers in the same vain as the pillars, marble with golden accents.

"What the hell is going on!?" He said. He arrived at the giant platform, which is connected to multiple bridges, in centre is the rainbow light.

He walk towards the light, it slowly deemed to reveal a chess piece, more specifically a king chess piece which was primarily white with gold accents just like the architecture of the realm's structure, along with small patch of orange plates segmented from each other. At the top of it was a crown, and each of its spikes were the symbols of his elements.

"Is... This it?" His hand slowly approach the piece,



"Jesus!, What's taking him so long" lightning look at boboiboy who was still in his meditated state for an hour straight now.

"Patience lightning patience" Earth told him 

"Earth, are certain we cant intervene in anyway?" Wind asked

"Intervening won't be needed wind, I know he can do it" earth replied

Then a blinding rainbow light appeared Infront the meditated boy, it cease to reveal the chess piece in its place, floating and spinning. Boboiboy opened his eyes to see the real world along with the chess piece he was about to grab.

His eyes widen "i-i did it!"

"Yes you did" earth said with a proud-ness in his voice.

"Now that we have it here, how do we use it?" Wind said

"Hmph?. Brother, perhaps you can control it?" Earth said.

"But how?, The bottoms that where present in the watch are no longer here" he replied

"Well since it's part of your soul, maybe you can telepathically control it or something?, I don't fucking know!" lightning said.

He agreed to his suggestion and focus hard on the floating king piece Infront of him, imagining it like a machine with moving parts and gears.

The piece started to glow, it's layers started spinning in opposite directions to each other.

"Does this mean it's activated?" He said

"Seems like it, ok brother we're going to do it again, but this time you'll need to participate by controlling the king piece" earth said

"Earth. that's seems a bit vague, how do I it?, Like do i guide the energy within piece to the gem" he said

"Precisely!, Now everyone... Focus" all three glowed again, streams of energy flowed out as they started to make the gemstone again. Boboiboy then expected his hands out, the king piece and glow brighter as a divine white light emitted from it, he guided  the stream of pale light to the gem, but as they make contact, a small shockwave accured, though the three elementals seemingly

"Errr!" He grunted from the shockwave causing him to slide back an a couple inch, but he keep his focus and posture.

"Stand your ground brother!, We can do this" lightning said

Each passing second the glow from the collision from the energy became more instance, as well as the continuous shock waves.

"Guys!.... I don't think.... I... Can.. t-take this.. mmm- much longer!" He said as he fights the force of energy that was sliding him back.

"Hang in there!, Were almost done" earth said.  Then three increase the flow of their energy then told.

"Hold on!" Lightning said as the frame of the gemstones were being made "HOLD ON!!....."

"DONE!!" All three said. But then a final explosion of white ignited, causing boboiboy to be flanged back 6 seven meters on his back.

After that a pillar of light shot up like beacon. 

Boboiboy still laying on the ground look at the piller of light with only one though "oh boy!, The barrage of questions I'm going to get from the knights are going to bury me alive"

On the other side. The three elemental look at the pillar of light

"Woahhhhhh~" wind awed at the beautiful display

"Well earth, I guess your plan to stay secretive backfired hard!" lightning said

"Don't worry. I already thought of multiple excuses for brother to use" earth responded

When the become of light finally dissipated, it left a four metre wide and a one metre deep crater

The four of them went towards the crater. They look down in shock at what was down there

"We did it!" He muttered. On the bottom of the crater laying in a ring, where three beautiful jewelleries that look exactly like the ones he drew.

The gem of wind was circular and had was gorgeous diamond blue colour. Earth had a diamond segmented diamond shape with beautiful earthly brown colour while lighting was an upside down triangle had a gleaming yellow.

All three of their frames were a enchanting platinum silver, contrasting beautifully with their respective gems colours

Boboiboy then jump down the crater and grab the three of them. he graces his fingers onto their surface, they were so divinely beautiful that he couldn't fathom that they created them

"Holy shit!... We did it" Lightning said.

"We did earth!, We did it!" Wind celebrated

"We did indeed" earth replied

Boboiboy climbed out the crater and showed the others the visions

"There beautiful" wind admired the visions beauty

"Can't disagree on that" lightning at his with pride.

"Also brother, what are you going to name them?" Earth asked.

"Hmmm, let me think" he begun to think hard on what name he should give them, he wanted something cool and simply, but he didn't any old cool name he wanted something that describe that they were, like how visions are called 'visions' because they represent the aspirations and ambition of their

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