sins of the elders

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As the sun rises angel wakes up to see ruri head on his chest and when he looks at her he doesn't look past her scars since he doesn't see them as a flaw cuz there could never be a flaw with her

Ruri: *yaws* huh where did he go



Ruri: what is going on

Angel: oh good morning ruri

Ruri: oh um good morning angel hey there Amaya

Amaya: okonomiyaki!

Ruri: oh is it good

Amaya: yea amazing

Ruri: can I have some

Amaya: NO! Mine

Angel: here i made some for you

Ruri: oh thank you

Angel: well enjoy them

Ruri: this is good

Angel: see

Ruri: you should open up a bakery or something

Angel: maybe but if I do am going need some help

Ruri: oh um I dont know

*knock knock*

Ruri: oh I'll get

Angel: so Amaya what do you think

Amaya: she likes you

Angel: oh I was talking about the pancakes

Amaya: great

Ruri: jason!

Angel: huh wait here Amaya

Amaya: more for me

Angel: jason what are you doing here

Jason: well since you weren't back last night Koharu asked me to find you

Angel: and you knew I was here

Jason: yea I used to live here

Ruri: so have you meet your sister yet

Jason yea

Angel: so what do you need

Jason: Koharu

Angel: alright... see you later

Ruri: alright bye

Jason: angel

Angel: yea

Jason: how long you been seeing ruri

Angel: a few months but recently see actual letting me see her

Jason: well i never seen her like that so don't fuck it up and be patient with her she has a hard time showing her love

Angel: thanks

Jason: so we found the entrance lair not far from here

Angel: you know where it leads to

Jason: we think it leads under this village or near it so I

Angel: I'll go for Akiko and for Ruri as well

Jason were geting read for tomorrow

Angel: Alright

Akiko: Koharu can you tell me why your here

Koharu: I told you I was set on a mission to eliminate rouge shinobi

Akiko: so you took angel with you

Koharu: okami asked me to take so he could figure out his problems and he did

Akiko: you left us for two years and you took a broken kid with you who didn't get a week or a proper few days to grieve the death of his girlfriend who he saw died and to top that off he fully believes it was his fault

Koharu: dam it akiko look how he turned out hes finally talking to a girl and he's expressing himself

Akiko: is he actually or is he just couping

Jason: hey we're back

Koharu: did you tell him

Jason: yea and he's on board

Angel: and after this am done

Akiko: with what

Angel: with being a shinobi i should of quite when I had the chance with Shinoa and now I have another chance with someone

Koharu: alright

Akiko: wait so you won't come back to the leef

Angel: no

Koharu: akiko let him be... come on we need to to prepare


Koharu: hey kid you awake

Angel: yea

Koharu: before we head out tomorrow you need to know something

Angel: about what

Koharu: the death of your father

Angel: huh

Koharu: danzo traded some people with orochimaru for exchange for a posion and that posion was used to kill your father

Angel: why him

Koharu: I dont know but him and the elders are going to pay for there crimes trust me leave it to me

Angel: why are you telling me this

Koharu: because you need to know that none of this is your fault

Angel: thank you

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