Captain x Mr Egg

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Everything I write will be correlated to how it works here in Britain, cuz idk how mailboxes outside your house work ;-;


Captain stood at the post box...

He was worried. Last year he sent out invitations to his friends, but none of them came...

He was annoying, and nobody wanted to come. Apparently it was too childish for his age.

They all ghosted him last year...

This year though...

He had planned a picnic at the park. But now... He was second guessing himself

"No." Captain whispered as he put the letters back into his bag. "They wouldn't come anyway... It's too childish."

He turned around and began to make his way back home.

"Why can't I just act my age for once..?" He whispered to himself.

He began to tear up

"For fucks sake Captain!" he hissed at himself.  "Stop being such a baby!"

He let out a defeated sigh. "I don't deserve friends. Or a birthday party anyway..."


Tem skip to 2 weeks later, Captain's birthday

Captain's POV-

*Knock knock*

Oh... That must be Chester. I invited him round for today, since I trust him well enough. He's been through a lot of what I have, so I feel like we connect on a personal level...

I may well have a small crush on him... But we don't talk about that.

Anyway, I haven't told him it's my birthday today. I don't deserve any presents or preferential treatment from anyone. I just thought that asking him to come round would be something nice to do, given that we're friends and all

I want the day to be a little better than others at least

*Knock knock*

Oh, uh, yeah!

He's still at the door. I should probably let him in-


"Hi Chester!"

"Hey Otto. Lovely to see you today!"

Captain quickly ushered Mr Egg into his house. "So how are you today Eggs?"

The two sat on the sofa and got comfortable.

"I've been doing pretty swell! I hope you have too. Wouldn't want a friend of mine to be upset on his birthday."

Captain gave a small gasp. "You know it's my birthday? How?!"

Mr Egg gave a short laugh. "I'd make a super long explanation, but in reality, I just remembered it from last year"

Captain gave a blush. "Wow... I can't believe you actually remembered something like that..."

"Otto, buddy. Are you implying that you think your birthday isn't important? Because, you are so wrong."

"Well..." Captain began to slink back into the sofa. "I didn't think any of you would want to come to my birthday since I'm too childish..."

"Childish?!" Captain flinched. "Sir, you being childish is the full reason why you are so damn loveable! You may be naive, but that means you are shielded from the absolutely shit person you could become! Otto, you are perfect, and you should never feel bad for being how you are."

Captain sat speechless. "Y-you think I'm loveable..?"

Mr Egg gave a small smile. "Yes. You're like a marshmallow child. Loveable and adorable, fluffy and cute"

Captain just sat there, processing what his friend had said. "Y-you really think so..?"

Mr Egg nodded, and pulled Captain into a hug.

"You're such a marshmallow..."

"You're a funny looking omelette..."

Me Egg chuckled at Captain's insult. "Well, I think we should do something nice for your birthday... Maybe a picnic?"

Captain gave a squeak of excitement, jumped up and ran to the kitchen, pulling Mr Egg along with him.

"Well then, let's get ready Chester!"



Wrote this in like, an hour

That's why it's a bit shit

Anyway, I made no art, but I do plan on making some soon

Also, on the topic of last chapter...

I'm going off what I know. Keep in mind that I am 14. I live in the UK, so that means Dum and Captain could may well be plausible to other people.

It is not for me, and in my opinion not okay for me as a Brit to ship it.

I legit have no idea how it works in other parts of the world, but that's how I know it as.

End of discussion.

Sorry if I really made you feel bad about shipping it, but I just won't have ships like this in my book

Have headcanons yeah, but sorry, Dum has been eradicated from this book, and she does not exist.

Sorry for being all serious and shit, but I just wanna make my point if view clear

Also, if Dum is in the upcoming episodes, and it's to do with the ship, it may well drive me out of the fandom...


Anyway, planning some headcanons soon!

-A sad JellieCatMC

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