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Idk, I feel like it should be a tradition that all headcanon chapter titles should be in caps-

Last time I was super frustrated cuz it wouldn't upload, that's why it went all loud and shouty

Anyway, I decided to do the Aul crew and their biggest achievements

Lez go my beautiful beans!



Well, he has that spot reserved for when he finally get an Among us win. But as of now, it would probably be doing the cinnamon challenge every day for a year


Getting all of the trophies on Fall Guys (Ps4, cus that what I play on, so Vet play on it.)


He has a few. Finishing flight school, moving out and getting his first A+ in college

Mr Cheese-

Becoming the favourite of the series- (Narcissistic much-)

Mr Egg-

Probably getting his house. That man fancy af


Probably going over a net worth of £1m. Idk, I just think he's hella rich


Trying 30 different drugs in a single week


Probably learning to understand Japanese


Probably learning to understand English


No damn clue.

Rose, Bday, Sheriff-

Dont know enough


Coming out as transgender ^w^


Idk, feeling like hes a complete nerd, so I guess passing his GCSE'S, A-levels and getting his dream job


Setting a deadly internet virus free on the web, and getting a heck of a load of money by 'finding out' a kill switch

Sir Clogsworth-

Idk, learning over 10 different musical instruments


I would say getting married, butttt it kinda ended with divorce. So I guess now it'd be going skydiving


Getting a world record of solving a Rubik's cube


I was thinking, but got stumped. So idk, getting a boyfriend-


Getting past the 13 year old plus feature on youtube, so she can watch more than YouTube kids




The one time on the last week of primary school when she made a fake poo out of mud and water, said she saw a fox did it and grabbed her three guy friends. She then proceeded to convince them it was a real shit.

Of course, they did not believe her, but one was cocky.

He said that it was clearly just a really muddy stick covered in mud, and would prove it by sticking his foot into it.

He screamed-

Then the other one decided to poke a stick into it for authentication.

He also screamed-

They then proceeded to tell the teachers about it, it was coned off, and they got the cleaners to get rid of it-

She and her friends called the first poor guy 'Poo-shoe' for the rest of the day


True story actually-

It's boody hillarious when I look back on it

If you poor people who were a part of that is actually reading this, I hope you think it was as funny as I did.

Anyway, small life update-

Built a car bed for my little bro, hope he likes it when we move back into the house-

Also getting ready to paint the small hallway. We're painting it tomorrow-

And, I also feel really shitty rn

I didn't complete any of my art, and I feel so terrible...

My iPad ended up dying, cuz I've been drawing for hours

And I'm still working on that piece from yesterday ughhhhhh-

So in a lazy ditch effort to make myself feel less shit, I compiled these headcanons in less than 2 hours!

I hope they're okay-

Sorry, I missed a headcanon-

One of JellieCat's most recent achievement is reaching 1,000 views!

It's only been a few days since it was at 500 views, and even then I was happy

But now? I'm so freaking ecstatic! (Minus the art part, but I have strange mood swings)

Anyway, I dont think I'll be making any thank you art, but take the next art piece as a thank you piece.

Took me more than two fucking days-

Anyway, Wattpad specific doodle-

My favourite Animal Crossing villager, Tabby!

Idk, I have weird taste-

Anyway, tanq my friends!

Cya tomorrow, hopefully with some kind of art!

-A happy JellieCatMC

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