🌹Part 4🌹

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Next Day....

Boris's POV

I woke up without getting disturbed by some alarm.  I yawn and sits up from my bed.  I rub my eye. "Mmm..."
I heard something and look beside me. I almost scream and fall down at my bed.  Causing some loud thud. 

"Oh my god!  Are you okay Boris?" I look up to see Mugman.  He seems worried.  I grab the edge of the bed and slowly gets up while holding my head. "Geez Mugs...  You surprised me.. " I look at him and he Chuckles.
"Its look like you really tired yesterday huh?" he said while getting off at the bed. "What exactly happen?" I asked. 

"you don't remember?  You make me sleep to your room" He smile. I still processing. After that I finally remember. 

. . . . . .
Last night

We got home now to our house and Dad wasn't here to tell about Mugman to stay.  It was kinda night now and I'm kinda tired plus I'm hungry.  So I decided to cook some Dinner for us.
After that we start to eat and left some foods for Dad. 

After that

We both go upstairs and grab some things for tommorow with him. And I have the map of our old mansion. The edge of it was ripped off.  Great.  The piece of the map...  I sigh. 

Mugman asked me if I'm okay.  I shrugged and show him the map.  He saw the ripped part of it. Its been many years I didn't explore that mansion. I possibly can't remember the places anymore. 

I circle the possible place that Dad might bring the hostage or stuff.  And thinking what's in it. I yawn while lining the map.  Mugman came back holding a coffee.  He give it to me and smiles.  I look at the coffee and at him and smile at him.  Thanking him after that.  I drink the coffee and continue what I'm doing again. He go out at the room for a while.

After about 20 minutes I finally done the plan.  I folded it and put it on my sling bag.  I stretch and get up from my sit. 

I start to remove my shirt and start to grab some comfortable clothes from closet. Meanwhile I heard someone came in.  I quickly look at the door and saw Mugman. 

He look.... Frozed.  What's wrong with him? I tilt my head and ears twitched a bit.  "You okay Mugs?  You seems Frozed there" I asked him with worried tone while looking at him. 
He smile in nervous way I guess  en he start to scratch his head. 
"Y-yeah..." He said still look nervous or what so ever....

I chuckled and start to wear the shirt.  I grab one from the closet again and give it to him. He give me a confuse look.  "Here, change clothes... " I smile at him while not noticing my tail was wagging.

He take the shirt and he start to stare on it.  He blinked twice and look up to me and smiles. "T-thanks" He said. "No problem bro" I smiled again.
I stare at him and he stare back to me. Now we both just doing some staring contest right now. I chuckled.
"Wear it now" he chuckled nervously.
I raised my eye brow.  "Can you....  Turn around for a while?" he said. 
I chuckled.  "Dude,  were both boys" I said then I crossed my arms while my tail keep wagging around.

"J-just turn around!  Im not comfortable when someone is watching me changing clothes okay?" he said and his eye twitched once.  I chuckled again and rolled my eyes and turn around.  "Gay" I mumbled.  "W-what did you say?" he said it kinda loud.  "Nothing" I said and waiting him to finish. 

"Done!" I sigh and turn around. Seeing the cute Mug wearing my clothes. He smile cutely to me.  I felt my face heated up.  I look away and tries to be calm a bit.

"You okay Boris?" I look back to Mugman. Did I make him worried?  I guess I really make him worried. I smile.  "Y-yeah,  its just that I'm glad the clothes suits to you" I chuckled nervously.  "Oh! Yeah. Its comfortable to wear it anyway" He said and Giggled. 

I sit on the edge of the bed and look at him.  He was going out at the room. "Where are you going? " I asked.  He stopped and turn around.  "Living room?" My ear twitched and tilt my head in confusion.  "Why?" I asked. 
"I'm going sleep there" he said and was about to go but I quickly get up and grab his hand.  He jumped a little and look behind to see me. 

"Your not going to sleep at the Couch.  Besides,  dad may surprised if he saw you there and thought your Intruder" I said and rub my neck.  "Y-your going to sleep here... " I blushed a little after I said that.  "A-are you sure about that?" He asked.  I pull him inside the room again and closed the door.  "Yes" I go back at the bed and Lay there.

"U-Uhm okay" He walk to the bed and Lays next to me.  We both share blankets. I closed my eyes and was about to fall asleep when I felt something hugging me from behind.  I blushed hard and know who is it but I guess his already sleeping.  I dont want him to wake up so I tried to ignore the hug.  I tried to fall asleep.

Damn you Mugs....

. . . . .


I go out at the room with Mugs and some good smell hit our nose. We both look each other and check the kitchen.  My dad was there cooking and humming at the same time.  I smile and go in at the kitchen while Mugman was behind me.  "Hey dad" He look behind and smiles to me.  "Oh,  hey Boris. How's your sleep?" "Pretty good" I said.  He move a little and saw Mugs.  His expression turns in confused one.  I know it.  "When did he came here?" Dad asked and still confuse.  "Well since yesterday" I said.  He was a bit shocked but confused at the same time. 

I explain to dad what happened but not mentioning about something.  Like what's really going on.  He sigh and smiles to him. "What's your name? " Dad asked with a warm smile from him.  "Mugman"  Mugman said while smiling.  "Mugman, that's a nice name,  my name is Henry Stein.  Boris's Step Dad" why he need to say Step dad instead only father. 

Mugman look at me.  "Long. Story. Mugs." I said and sits at the chair.  I don't want to talk about why or whatever he gonna asked about it. "The breakfast will be ready,  you can sit there.  I'll just put it on the plate" Henry said and Mugman noded then sit next to me.  

. . .

During Eating

"Dad" Henry looked at me while chewing the food. "We will gonna go somewhere today,  just some 'Hangout'" I said trying not to get slide at the truth.  "Oh,  Okay. Your a big boy now. Just be safe" He said and pet my head.  My tail start to wag happily and I smile.  "Thanks" I look at Mugman and he was smiling.

"So what time?" he asked.

"After lunch... "

. . . .  


Sorry if this is kinda little bit confusing....  And maybe short---


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