I Need A Hero

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~Lucifer's pov~

"Lucifer." I woke up to someone shaking me awake, but me being hungover, I did not want to get up.

"What Maze? Can't you see that I'm drinking my feelings?" I rolled over, expecting to be in my bed, but found out it was the couch after I landed on the cold floor.

"Lucifer get up, you can't just be sad over a stupid human girl."

"She's not just some stupid human girl Maze!" I stood up to yell at her, which made my head spin.

"Well, your little girlfriend called this morning, I let her go to voicemail." Maize threw my phone at me and left the penthouse. I was rather curious to see what (Y/n) had left me and so I pushed play on the message even if my head was pounding.

~(Y/N)'s pov~

I groaned as I started to come to. I was sitting in a chair, tied up and could definitely feel the long lasting back pain this was going to cause.

"Looks like someone's awake." Max's bodyguard said with his big dumb sounding voice. "You really are such a pretty girl, too bad the boss won't give me a turn." He caressed my face with his nasty fingers and I winced both from the smell and the pain in my face. "What wrong pretty girl? Are you a little sore?" He talked in a sickening baby voice that caused rage inside of me.

"No, but the smell of you makes me hurt even worse." He looked shocked that I spoke back, "Like goddamn take a shower, you smell like someone blended rotten sausage and dead cats." And in a split second, I felt the sting of a punch on my cheek.

"Woah, don't damage my merchandise too much." Max emerged from the shadows, his nice guy act didn't exist anymore.

"Merchandise?" I asked.

"I see your memory isn't quite back yet my dear." Max chuckled. "You don't seem to recall the fact that most of my money comes from selling pretty dumb girls, just like you."

"You're a monster!" I screamed as I fought back the tears.

"I may be a monster, but you're just another pay check for me hun." He looked at his goon and pointed toward me, "Put her with the others."

"No! I won't let you go through with this! My family will come looking for me!" I shouted everything I could to try and get that guard to stop from knocking me out again, but I lost that bet. At this point, I was getting really tired of being knocked out. When I woke up, I had to blink a few times to clear my vision. I looked up and noticed that time had slowed as I looked around at the other girls, some looked worse than me.

"You're in quite a pickle huh?" I snapped my head forward to see Amenadiel standing in front of me.

"Can you get me out of here? Someone needs to save these girls." My voice was hoarse and my head hurt.

"I can't do that, this is a part of getting you home."

"You know that I'm not from around here, don't you?"

"I've known since you arrived and there is only one way to make things right (Y/N)." I flinched in pain as my memories began to slowly come back.

"And what is that Amenadiel?" I groaned as the pain began to subside.

"You died in your world, you must die in this one." And in a split second, Amenadiel was gone.

"Shit." I didn't want to die, I didn't want to lose Lucifer and for the first time in this horrible experience I started to cry.

( Sorry this update took so long! Since I last updated, I got a job, school started back up, and I turned 18 so my life has been pretty crazy!)

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