Chapter Ten

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Will stood dumb founded as Leo stood up with the help of the girl in the toga. How was he alive? Nico had said that he was dead, he looked up at Nico who was standing there with such a dumbfounded expression that he decided Nico had really thought he was dead. Or was it possible that he'd come back from the dead? Weirder things had happened. Piper walked over to Leo and punched him square in the face. Then hugged him and started crying. The rest of the seven proceeded to do the same thing. Will looked away amazed and bored at the performance. He turned back towards Nico and saw that he was walking back towards the woods. He looked towards Leo and Calypso and then towards Nico and followed Nico. He caught up with him quickly and swung an arm around his shoulders. Nico looked up startled and tensed up but then slowly relaxed into his arms. They entered the woods and sat down leaning against a tree by the creek. 

"How are you doing?" Will asked kissing Nico's forehead. He smelled like his shampoo, thick and herbal and dark. 

"Great, Never been better," he said in a very clearly sarcastic voice. "It's just like great town over here nothing could be-" Will cut off his short rant with a kiss right on his lips. Nico wrapped his arms around  Wills neck and they kept kissing for a while. 

"No seriously how are you doing?" Will asked. 


"That's what I thought. But it's okay to not be doing good it's just better to be doing good. Just don't do anything you'll regret and tell me if you need anything. I swear it won't make you seem weak or anything." Will stared straight into Nico's eyes and he couldn't help but blush. 

"It's just, I don't know how I could have gotten it wrong. I said he was dead and he wasn't and it's just I was wrong and I've never been wrong before and now no one will trust me if I say someones dead or with anything really," A few tears gently streamed down his cheeks and Will gently leaned forward and wiped them off. He pulled Nico onto his lap and wrapped his arms around him so that he and Nico were both facing the same direction. 

"I trust you." 

"So as the son of Apollo are you as bad at singing as him?" Nico asked he looked up at Will leaning his head against Will's collarbone. Will smiled and started singing. His voice enveloped Nico in a comforting shell going into him from all his exposed surfaces. The noise of Will's singing sent shivers down is back and down his spine, through his fingers. Will wasn't even sining words just sounds. Sounds of beautiful laughter and love and sadness and grief and darkness and light all mixed together into a sound. A sound pushed out of Wills mouth and into Nico through all of him and settling there, calming him. 

And then he stopped and raised an eyebrow at Nico "So was it good or bad?" 

"Holy shit, that was the best song I've ever heard in my life and it wasn't even a song it was just a noise!" Nico exclaimed and he didn't even care that he sounded like will and unlike himself. 

"You really think so? I hate singing in front of people because I feel like I sing really bad," Will looked down in embarrassment and was shocked when Nico's lips met his at the statement. 

"You sing better then anyone I've ever heard and though I'm mentally and physically a teenager I'm actually eighty eight or maybe eighty nine. And shit, it makes me like you like thirty million times more which I thought was impossible." 

"And I thought it was impossible to like you more than I like you now. I've only sung in front of two people, you and my mom." Will ran his hands through Nico's hair. "And I need to ask you a question." 


"Will you be my boyfriend?" 

"Of course you idiotic dumby!" Nico turned and kissed Will straight on the mouth pressing his lips against him. It was a soft kiss, gentle and caring, and Will pushed Nico closer towards him. He ran his tongue against the entrance of Will's mouth and will opened his mouth. They stayed like that for a while pushing their tongues against each other. Will moved his lips over Nico's jawline up towards his ear. He gently pressed kisses against the spot were his jaw met his ear. It made Nico gasp. Will moved his lips back to Nico's mouth and they kept kissing harder that time. Will pressed Nico against the tree straddling his legs. Nico moved his lips from his mouth to Wills collarbone trailing small kisses along it. Will moaned a tiny bit as Nico found his soft spot. Nico smiled as Will moaned and he kissed higher up along the curve of Will's perfect and beautiful neck. 

"What the fuck?" A voice erupted from behind them. It was Leo staring at them with his jaw open the same girl standing beside him.

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