The smell of his cologne is making me dizzy, an intoxicating scent that's neither masculine nor feminine but alluring and intriguing. There are notes that are so familiar but muddled with others and it's driving me crazy trying to figure out what it smells like.
"How'd you get into real-estate?" I ask him uncharacteristically, after about half an hour of going through different aspects of the site he has for sale.
I hate when people ask me personal questions but I'm curious about him and I can't help myself.
There's something about Harry, I can't for the life of me put my finger on it, but he has something, the 'x factor' some people call it, but he is truly captivating in every way.
He's been talking about details of a sale contract and for some reason he has me hanging on every word.
He exudes confidence but also a little mystery, enough for you to have to delve in a little deeper as he gives you a little, speaking in a way that makes you feel like you are long lost friends, when really, he's not said much about himself at all.
"Ah, why not I guess?" he smiles warmly but dances around the question.
"When did you start working for SWB?" I ask another.
"Ages, God, feels like a lifetime, really! You must feel the same?"
"Kind of, I started when I was eighteen, part-time while I went to university and never really left since." I don't know why the fuck I'm telling him this shit but I'm hoping if I open up, he will do the same in return.
"Is it a family business?" I try to get some information back.
"You could say that. Nothing like you guys, must be a challenge working with your family this closely every day?"
I find myself getting frustrated, telling him things in order to make him comfortable, opening up the two way street but he never really delves into anything.
I don't even know why I'm asking, I don't care.
A knock at the door breaks me from my internal debate and the door opens, displaying a nervous Liam who is holding a bunch of flowers.
My eyes and mouth both widen and he looks mortified to see he has interrupted a meeting.
"Shit, sorry Lexi, I'll come back!" he fumbles and I wonder where the fuck Katie is and why she wasn't at her desk to stop him entering.
"No! Please! Come in!" The smirk on Harry's face is sickening and I want to crawl into a hole and die when he gets up and ushers a humiliated Liam inside.
"Umm, I, erhh," Liam stutters, looking a little terrified as he knows I'm going to absolutely lose my shit at him after Harry leaves, or maybe sooner.
"Spit it out, Liam!" I bark and Harry opens his mouth in shock but there's a smile that is creeping up his lips and causes him to cover it with a closed fist.
"I just wanted to say sorry again about yesterday, I should have said something to Mr Patterson, to everyone," he blubbers and instead of handing me the flowers he shifts awkwardly from foot to foot, glancing between me and Harry.
I'm about to speak but to my horror, Harry says something first, his brow creased and although I don't know him at all, I can tell he is being anything but sincere.
"Wait a second, you didn't bring her those flowers because of something that happened at work, did you?" he pushes and I'm standing shell shocked as Liam runs a nervous hand up his cheek and blushes.
Oh god.
"Well, ah, no actually I, uhh, I wanted to know if I could take you out for dinner tonight, you know.. umm.." his eyes dart from my shocked ones to Harry's that are dancing with amusement, before finishing, "to apologise."
"I don't date," I say firmly at the men who are looking at each other for some reason and their eyes snap back to me.
"Ever?" they say in unison, the eyes of both men in front of me wide, one full of humour, one of disappointment.
"Liam, we are colleagues, it was an issue about work," for some reason I feel like I need to make it clear to Harry I'm not having an inter-office relationship, "flowers are not necessary and I'm too busy to date. Can everyone just get on with their fucking job without letting emotion get in the way!"
I'm yelling now, and I know I sound like a bitch but can't stop it.
"M'sorry Lex, thought you'd like them, s'all," he mumbles, his ego shattered and he slinks out of the office with his tail between his legs.
"Wow," Harry breathes, as he sits back down, despite the fact I want him to get the fuck out too.
"What Styles! It's funny to you, is it?" I ask sternly and he holds his hands up in surrender, the smug smirk that I want to smack off his face, still firmly planted there.
"Are you always this angry?" he questions and I stop for a moment.
"Maybe I am!" I retort, pushing my palm into the ache in my chest as he licks his lips before running his ring clad index finger and thumb around the edges.
"Come on," he says standing up abruptly. "Let's go."
"What? Where?" I ask distastefully, just pissed off in general now.
"To see the site, obviously. Too hard to explain things on a plan. C'mon... Lexi." He smirks and I have no idea why, but I find myself getting out of my chair.
"Don't call me, Lexi," I jab unnecessarily.
"You prefer Ally?" he says seriously but he's definitely mocking me.
"No, anything but Ally," I grumble.
"Mmm, okay, Ally it is then."
"I swear to God," I warn as we walk out of my office towards the lift while Katie comes towards us, making her way back to her desk with a coffee.
"I'm kidding! Sexy Lexi." He jokes and I don't know what the hell comes over me but I don't think before I scoff and playfully slap his chest causing him to laugh.
Katie may as well have popcorn in her hand.
"Katie, get back to your desk and don't let Liam go back in there!" I tell her sternly as she approaches and her lips form an "o" when she realises she's fucked up.
"Sorry, Lex- uh, Alexa," she corrects herself and Harry laughs again.
"She'll be back soon, Katie! Nice to meet you!"
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