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"Twist, Robin Twist."

The name echoes around in my head as if I have just been pulled into a dark tunnel, cold and isolated as the sounds bounce off the walls. 

Twist, Robin Twist. 

Of course, I know who Robin Twist was. The owner and sole CEO of RT Property, one of the most respected in our industry and his company was known not only for their incredible work but their generous philanthropic efforts as well. 

From all the news articles I read at the time, they had wrapped up every project they had when his death was announced and the company had become dormant since, rumours were that his son was set to take over, but was too devastated to continue.

How could I not have put the pieces together? I feel like an idiot but my father was obviously too egotistical to realise Robin's stepson was in front of him as well; too swept up in Harry adoring him.

The reaction to Harry at the Property Gala suddenly makes perfect sense, the reason he was sitting at that table, the shock on Adam's face and how he knew who Harry was.

"Shit," the whispered curse slips out of my mouth and my mind is trying to flashback to any and every interaction I had with people that night.

"Niall," Harry's voice breaks my thoughts. "Is a friend of mine, that's the truth. When I heard he was leading an investigation into the dealings of Patterson & Sons, I jumped at the chance to help. The plan was to get your dad to buy a block of land from me, SWB Realtors doesn't even exist. I hoped I'd be lucky enough to get him to invite me into the office, mentor me a bit so I could snoop around, and it worked! But then..."

"Then you realised you could get to him through me instead," I finish for him and Harry's face winces in pain.

"I didn't know he had a daughter, Lexi. I really didn't. You're never mentioned in articles or in the public records of board members, Alan never speaks about you in the press."

I cringe with the blow of the harsh truth, my father never wanted me in the business, he wasn't proud to call me his own.

"It didn't take me long to realise you were nothing like him, or your slimy brothers. You were honest and hard working, busting your arse day in and day out for that company only to be lead down a dark path simply by association."

"Everyone knew he was dodgy but me, I was too busy trying to get him to love me," I admit to myself and Harry tries to reach across the table for my hand but I pull it away and watch his bottom lip pout when he remembers he can no longer do that.

"Lexi, you're a good person.  No one wants to believe their father is like that."

"No one wants to believe the man they have feelings for would do this either, Harry!" I accuse, rising out of my chair and starting to pace as the explanation fades and the poison of betrayal seeps back in.

Harry is on his feet the moment I am, his hand ruffling through his hair as he starts to beg, "Please, let me finish."

I take a deep breath and cross my arms in impatience, fresh tears starting to pool in my eyes and I want him to leave so that I can sob into my pillow for the next year or so.

"I didn't-" Harry growls in frustration at his inability to gather his thoughts, his hands shaking as he attempts his statement again. "I didn't expect to get along with you so well, to have so much fun with you, to care for you!  At the start, the first couple of meetings it was about getting to your dad, Niall insisted I get to know you better."

I can't help but interrupt him with a scoff, remembering my dad telling me to do the same with Harry.  

"But it turned from business to personal really quickly Lex, too quickly. I didn't know what to do anymore. I couldn't get out, but I didn't want to continue either. I tried to deny it, Lexi. I fucking tried to keep you at arm's length but I couldn't! It was selfish I know, but I wanted to be around you all the time."

It's Harry's turn to pace as my heart beats so hard in my chest I'm sure he can hear it.

"Niall and the team started to get suspicious. They could tell we were getting too close. Niall accused me of leaking information, assuming that I had confessed everything to you. He threatened to charge us both with collusion and thought that you had told your dad what was going on. He thought you were guilty with the rest of your family and dragging me in as well."

He stops and rubs his fingers into his eye sockets. "I would hide a microphone in a concealed pocket in my jacket, one that fed back to Niall and the team," Harry confesses and my first tear drips down my cheek.

It was all a trap to catch me.

"You set me up?" I choke but Harry is closing the distance in two long strides.

"No! Alexa, the opposite. I wanted to prove to them that you were innocent, that you had that fuckers name and none of his moral standards."

"So, the whole time we were together people were listening? Did they hear us having- oh god!" I shriek, my hands briefly covering my mouth before I push past Harry to gain some space, my hand palming into that spot in my chest.

"No, they weren't listening all the time. The devices were in my suits. I always changed before I got here, or put them my gym bag. I haven't had to wear them for weeks."

My mind flickers back to the kiss in the elevator, his jacket thrown on the floor, the alarm, the whispering. They were listening.   

"The Gala was the evidence they needed to charge us. They knew we kissed, people saw Lexi, and even though I tried to play it off as a facade for Adam, Niall didn't believe me. I begged them to give you a chance, I'd disappear, they could put someone else in at Patterson & Sons and they could see for themselves that you were innocent. We were innocent."

"So you left," I whisper as the tears fall.

Harry's green eyes meet mine, and he nods softly.

"I went to New York. I couldn't contact you, Lexi, I couldn't risk it."

I can't believe what I'm hearing, there are too many things that are spinning around in my mind at the moment and I can't fully grasp a single one.

"Tony took my place and-"

"TONY! Tony from accounts?" I yell. "Oh, this is too much," I laugh through my tears, not knowing how else to react but Harry is watching me like a ticking time bomb that is about to explode.

"Well, he was confident you had no part to play in any illegal transactions and had no insider knowledge of the dodgy business practises. He told Niall without my knowledge, that you had taken most of the year off due to illness and that you were working in a non-managerial role, far too removed to be involved in any wrongdoing, or at least, no proof that you were."

I take a seat on the arm of the couch, exhausted from the flood of information and the conflicting emotions coursing through me.

"They were so close to having enough proof to charge Alan, but Tony had pissed everyone off, so I was called to return to London. I jumped at the chance to come back to England. Back to you."

Harry cautiously sits down next me, my cheeks wet and my breathing haggard. He speaks in a soft, low voice. "I should never have agreed to help with the investigation, but once I was in, that was it. There was no getting out of it without it looking like foul play. I had to keep us a secret, that's why I always came here or to your office. I was trying to protect you. Us."

My face falls into my hands and I can't help the sob that escapes.

I feel Harry's hand soothing circles into my back and I allow him to hold me for a moment before I'm jumping up and away, the anger of deception surging forward and the stubbornness in me decides it needs to have one more final stab.

"You know what? I don't need you to save me, or fight for me! I'm fine alone, I don't need you, Harry!" I scream, trying to catch my breath

"Well, I need you!" he pauses, his words sinking in and our heavy breaths are the only sound in the room. 

Harry swallows hard, his face buried in a frown and his eyes boring holes into my soul.

"I need you, Lexi. And that doesn't make me weak, or dependant, or less of a man. I just know that when I'm with you, I'm stronger."

He takes a step forward but I don't budge.

"I gave up my work, my friends, my family and I left to go to New York for a year with 24 hours notice. I left everything behind to keep you safe and out of trouble, not because you needed me to, but because I needed to know I had done everything I could."

His hands cup either side of my face, his eyes locked on mine as he speaks slower, deliberately, demanding me to hear each and every word perfectly.

"You may never want to see me again, but the nights here on that couch, laughing, watching movies, just know that every kiss, every touch was real. And you may hate me forever but I don't regret hurting you to keep you safe."

Our faces are damp with tears, our noses almost touching and I can't breathe from both his confessions and his proximity.  

"Every single cell in my body has spent the last two years screaming at you to see how much I love you. I'm in love with you, Lexi. I was then, I still am and I always will be."

My eyes close as his words wash over me and I'm taken by surprise when he takes a step back, his gaze focused and his face drawn.

"I'm so sorry I hurt you. I love you so much," he whispers. His voice is shaky and he licks his lips before leaning forward and pressing a kiss to my forehead.

Despite everything that has happened, I know one thing for certain — he is my happiness.

I am a calmer, stronger, happier version of myself with Harry in my life and that doesn't mean I'm weak.

It means I'm in love.

"I love you, too." 

His face is pained as he pulls me to him, his lips crashing into mine, our hands grasping with frantic touches and impatient fingertips as we clamber to be as close as possible.

Harry's fingers twist into the hair at the base of my neck as a whimper breaks from his throat and I kiss him with all that I have left to give.



Amazing news - hitgirl2431 made a god damn Fan Book for me! And I want to cry it's so beautiful! Go check it out!

THANK YOU FOR ALL YOUR SUPPORT- IVE LOVED THIS STORY (lots more Harry stories to come so make sure you follow me for updates)

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Love Ruby


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