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'Ah shit..', I curse as I feel a tiny shock travelling through my body. I electrocuted myself, again.
My coworker Garrett gives a small chuckle and asks me if I'm okay. Today was my first day on set, you see, I'm a mechanical engineer, and I got the job to build -and maintain- some stuff on set for the TV show Shadow And Bone.

I take a sip from my glass of water and get back to the finishing touches of the last smoking machine. I connect the last wires, check the circuit board again and check the on-and-off switch thrice (I may have a teeny little problem where I have to make sure everything works perfectly).

I walk to the director to ask where I should place the machine, and Gavin gives me directions of where exactly to put my creation. I turn it on and immediately smoke rises from it. Proud of my work I walk away from the set and go sit down for a while. I hear a 'quiet on set!' in the background, while I take out my book to start reading.

After hearing a lot of muffled talking and laughing, I hear a 'cut!' and a 'let's wrap it up for now people! Lunch time!', followed by some happy remarks, which is basically my cue to get up and turn off my machines. It wasn't that much work, so I finished rather early. Seeing that it was lunch time, I happily walked to the table and picked up some stuff to eat -a sandwich, a bottle of water and some grapes, if you must know-. I sat down in my office, which was away from Garrett, thank God, and started eating my lunch with my book opened back up.

Halfway during lunch I felt a pair of eyes burning in the back of my head, at first I thought it was nothing, but then I decided to turn around to see if anyone was staring. I turned around to see no one looking in my direction. 'Strange' I thought while going back to my lunch.
When another twenty minutes flew by when it was already time to get back to work. So I put away my red tray on the stack, threw my plastic bottle out and sat back down to fix a bug in one of my machines.

I was so focused I almost didn't hear the gentle 'Hello.', which almost knocks me out of my chair. I turn around to see a tall, charming man with raven black hair and a pretty smile on his face looking at me. I was, maybe... perhaps, unintentionally, staring at the gorgeous man before me. After a few seconds I managed to get a 'Hi' out of myself to him.

- Ben-
It is the second week of filming, and I am honestly having the time of my life. The cast is nice, the people are nice, and the new engineer certainly looks nice. She first caught my eye at lunch, with a strange grin on her face while grabbing some stuff to eat. Her brown hair came to her shoulder blades and her blue eyes looked very happy.

She ate her lunch alone in her office, which I found quite curious. She was reading a book, what seemed to be 'The Illustrated Man'. It was almost mesmerising just seeing her sit there.
I felt a thump against my shoulder, and when I finally ripped my eyes off the pretty woman on the other side of the set I saw Jessie sitting there with a smug grin on her face.

'What?' I asked
'You've got the hots for the new engineer, huh?' She asked me in a mocking voice.
'No, what are you talking about?' 'Well it's not weird at all when you're staring at a woman with those eyes.' 'What eyes?'
'Your 'woah-she's-pretty-I-wonder-if-she's-single-eyes' eyes.'

Jessie laughed and said I should go up to her after lunch. At first I was a bit reluctant, even though I was quite intrigued by the woman before me. Plus, she was alone, so it'd be easier to talk to her, right? I finally agreed to the idea and decided to make some conversation with her.

A few moments afterwards she gets up and puts her tray away. She walks back to her office and immediately starts working on the thing before her. I get up from the table, shoot one more look at Jessie -who, of course, still has her smug grin on- and walk to her office. She seemed quite focused and I decided to start with a simple 'hello'.

I saw her twitch a bit, but she quickly turned around and saw me, after a few moments I heard a 'hi' back. She was a bit shocked at first, but she quickly got it together and put on a flashy smile. It was charming.

'Hi! Nice to meet you, my name's Nyx!', she told me. She stood up and put her hand out for me to shake.
I shook her hand and told her my name was Ben.
'Care to explain why a part of the people at the table are looking at me?' She asked.
God this is embarrassing.
I turn around to see some people at the table looking at us like something huge is going to happen. 'I honestly couldn't tell you', I just said. She just chuckled and started working again while talking to me.

After a while it turned out that she's very easy to talk with, her name's Nyx, she's a mechanical engineer, she lives close by and she's 32. We talked for a while before I got called back again on set.
'Can I have your number?' I asked as I was about to walk away.
'Sure!' She grabbed a piece of paper and wrote a number on it. She handed the piece of paper to me, while I was called for the second time to get back out there. I quickly thanked her and told her I really had to get going.

She smiled once more before I walked away, back to work.

- 1034 words -
A/N (please read)
Hi guys! Chapter 1!

Idk if it's any good, but I certainly hope so. The story will probs get more interesting with time, so don't worry about that!

And I hope for the life of me that no one from the S&B cast will read this, because that is currently my biggest fear lol :]

I hope you guys enjoyed it and I'll see u in the next chapter? I hope?

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