Hi Guys,
What did u think of the last chapter? It was a lead up filler to this one this shows something new...
After mum moves our beds together we quickly fall asleep and happen to be holding hands.
Ari P.O.V.
I feel myself go into the dream again and I am again next to the body this time I can tell it's a boy. Huh.. I think it must be Ron because of the age we seem to be. I hear Ron sobbing next to me and I feel tears running down my cheeks.Again I hear someone scream and see red hair the exact color as mine swish through the air. I hear her scream. I see her fall. Is this my future? I think to myself. No, It can't be. It seems like the baby is me. Does You-Know-Who come back and kill my family? Or did this already happen, No Ginny's alive and all my brothers are and so is mum so what am I seeing? And now I see the black cloak walking towards me. The long white fingers raising the wand I hear "CRUCIO" I feel that pain that I fell every time I fall asleep. I fall back to the bed barely awake but am able to hear his cloak brush the floor to get a good angle to kill me and Ron next to me. I feel a burn on my wrist. Then I hear the last thing I will ever hear Though I have heard it alot now "AVADA KEDAVERA!" it hits the burn on my arm creating more pain then it all goes black.
Ginny P.O.V.
What's happening? I feel almost ghost like and I'm watching a very scary scene. There is two children in a bed one looks like Ari and the other like, I draw a breath Harry! Then I see what looks like Lily Potter say "Not Harry! No Please Not Ari!" "Stand aside silly girl!" says who I think is You-Know-Who. Then he kills her. He points a wand at my sister and says "CRUCIO" I see her writh in pain then fall to the bed barely concious. He moves around then shouts "AVADA KEDAVERA" Then it all goes black.
I wake up to something hot burning into my hand. I happen to be holding her wrist the one with the scar...
SO now do you think she is a Weasley? I based Ginny seeing the dream on the power that Hazel Levesque from Percy Jackson has that she can take people into memories or dreams. I changed it up though so she needs to hold hands and both be asleep and they need to be related to her or have spent alot of time with her. Oh and the riddle is the same cause no one got it yet!
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