Chapter 5

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I do not own the anime called Demon slayer/Kimetsu no Yaiba.
This is only a fanfiction.
It belongs to the rightful owner.

For gods sake, I warned that there will be spoilers so forgive me for not putting them in the middle of each chapter- ✌︎( ᐛ )✌︎

"Alright, I'll join."

If you definitely expected that lol.

Ubuyashiki smiled before standing up, nodding at some members before he left, (Y/n) blinked before lying back down, all she can think of was what type of breath style she would want to learn and what her future plan would be.

Her first priority is to survive and train the best she can.

Second, make sure none of her friends or teammates would die, that would definitely be possible and impossible at the same time, (Y/n) paused at that part and bit down on her lips at the thought of letting Kanae die.

'Damn, if she does survive, would the future change?' Y/n stopped thinking for a moment and grinned.

"Why not get out of bed and explore this place?"

Bad idea, it was totally a bad idea but an awesome one at the same time. (Y/n) was lost and she was now asking around aimlessly, shrinking into the shadows here and there whenever she would see a demon slayer or some other members walking past her.

(Y/n) decided soon that, heading up into the mountains for some unknown reason was kinda a bad idea but then again, she just did so there's really no turning back, coming upon several training grounds, (Y/n) knew that she has seen this place.

She walked further until she came upon a training place with bamboo trees surrounding the place, (Y/n) recognised this place as where Giyuu and Sanemi ended up 'training' and when Tanjirou came in to stop them fighting.

Spotting a wooden stick lying on the ground and went to pick it up, should she do it? (Y/n) looked around and knowing that no one's here besides her so why not?

Before raising her bokken, she checked around once more very carefully just to make sure that there is no pillar around here or any other member, she relaxed and grinned.

Instantly getting into a familiar stance that she had learned from her martial art classes, she began swinging it around, side stepping, raising it above her head and bringing it down with power.

'Alright, remember what you learned at your lessons (Y/n), take it slowly, bring the power with each movement and strikes.' She thought to herself and shifted her stance again, taking in every movement of the leaves, the breeze, her surroundings, movements, and how the sun is setting down—


Setting down, (Y/n) whirled around and gulped, she was sooooo dead if they found her missing l o l. But hey the view is...

"Wow." She whispered as she watched the colours form in the sky, the colours swirled around and became darker as the sun slowly disappeared from sight, what's left was only the dark blue sky and its icy air. The wind blew and she shivered, rubbing her arms, she slowly made her way back down the hill and found her way back, it wasn't quite hard actually since she saw the estates nice and clearly from the mountain.

(Y/n) sneaked through the hallways silently and as soon as she slid the door opened. There, standing in front of her, was none other than the stone pillar. (Y/n) turned around and was ready to close the door.

"Sorry, wrong room—."

"Where were you?" He asked, staring down at her into the eye, (Y/n) knew for a fact that he was blind but that doesn't mean he doesn't good senses, he knew exactly where his opponent is and when and how they do their breath style, their tricks or how they even manage to create it. Well not exactly for how they create it but still works.

"Up in the mountains." (Y/n) answered, he looked down at her. "Training?" He asked shifting a bit.

(Y/n) shook her head, "No....?"

The stone pillar gazed down at her, well aware that she just lied, (Y/n) gave him a big fat smile as shifted uncomfortably.
"Don't do that again please, make sure next time you do leave this place, tell someone where your going." He said, (Y/n) frantically nodded, not wanting to be scolded anymore and watched as the stone pillar relaxed. He soon left and (Y/n) headed back towards the room where she woke up in. She sat down and gazed at the sky, wondering if all of this is actually a dream.

Or is it real?

But considering she already woke up several times in this world, yeah it's got to be real.

The next morning, she wondered around the estate, again.

(Y/n) decided to head up to the mountain once again but then remembered what Himejima-san said.

Himejima is the stone pillar just in case you don't know

Y/n headed through the hall ways and found a kakushi. "Umm, hello?" She said, the kakushi turned around, nodded at her to continue.
"I'm planning on heading up to the mountain so I came to tell you in case anybody was wondering where I went." (Y/n) said, hopefully the kakushi ain't that scared of the pillars.

The kakushi nodded, and (Y/n) instantly brightened up, sighing in relief and waved goodbye to the female kakushi. Heading up to the mountain like last time, she once again, hoped that no one will be there.



The girl turned around and Y/n glanced at her carefully, her was black but it faded to blue and her one of her eye was a lighter colour than her other eye.

The girl smiled.

"Heya! My name is Evelyn Mayumi, I'm also know as the Water pillar!" This made (Y/n) confused but at the same time, it did make sense. What other pillars would there be any ways?

"(Y/n) (L/n)," Y/n said Mayumi-san beamed. "So whatcha doing here?" Mayumi asked, Y/n shuffled nervously and explained that she wanted to train but ended up finding her here.

"Then how about I train you a little bit?" Asked Mayumi, she walked to the side, picked up a bokken and tossed it to her, (Y/n) caught it with no problem and she got into one of her stances that she learnt back then.

Mayumi-san looked impressed.

For there was no openings to be seen.

"Okay! I'll grab this little stone, toss it into the air and when it hits the ground we start Kay?" She asked and didn't even wait for an answer as she tossed it high up into the air, instantly shifting into a very familiar stance for. The style 'Breath of Water'.

Then it was silent, as the stone landed the ground, both girl knew it was time to strike.

I wanna brag, but at the same time I don't wanna. Lol.

Your breath style is called Breath of Nirvana flames.

And many thx to everyone who read, comment and voted on this story!

See you on the next chapter, and don't forget to vote! Cause it'll help this story UwU.

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