The wedding

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"There you look beautiful"Isabelle had just finished the final touches to my hair and gave me a proud smile,her eyes moved over my curled updo with wavy strands at the sides.I had to admit she had done a good job my hair and makeup looked great.I was just about to thank her when Penelope came into the room with a big velvet blue box.Upon her handing it to me I opened it and my jaw dropped at the sight,inside lay glamorous emerald earrings and necklace that I had thought I would only ever dream of wearing.

"They are a present from Tom,he asked for you to wear them today"Penelope exclaimed smiling happily,she was wearing a strapless sky blue flowing dress with her hair curled at the ends as was Isabelle,I had asked them both to be my bridesmaids and was pleased with my choice in colour of dress for them both,naturally,at first they did not want to wear them,Isabelle especially,but once on the girls adored them.I put the earrings in and clasped the necklace around my neck securely.With everything ready I got help from the girls who put on my see through lace veil which matched my dress and was placed into my bun with a silver hair pin.Without saying a word I made for the door but Penelope grabbed my wrist causing me to look over my shoulder as she gestured to the full length mirror,with an appreciative smile I wandered over and smiled at my reflection I cleaned up well,if only my parents could see me now.I swallowed hard it had been years since their death and I thought that with my uncle now dead it would fill the hole in my heart,it hadn't and it seemed no matter what I did that I was going to always feel like a part of me was empty without them.

"Shall we go down?"Isabelle prompted standing impatiently by the door with an eyebrow cocked at me.

"I think we shall"I replied and took a deep breath,this was the moment I had dreamed of since I was little and now it was finally happening it didn't feel real.Together we walked to the front door where Charlus stood in a grey suit pacing.When he heard our footsteps his head shot up and he tapped his watch.

"You are late!"He snapped causing Penelope to let out a laugh.

"Oh sweetie,its fashionable for the bride to be late,but you have to admit Clara looks stunning!"I blushed and looked anywhere but at them,gosh she really knew how to embarrass.

"Yes,she does"It sounded as though Charlus were almost talking in a dream and when I looked to Penelope I saw traces of hurt on her delicate features.

"Thank you,all of you,it means a lot to have true friends around"At that they smiled and Penelope pulled me into a hug claiming that I shouldn't say such things or she would end up crying and smudge her makeup.

"We better get a move on"Charlus exclaimed ruining the moment and causing us all to take our places.I stood beside Charlus taking his arm and feeling butterfly's in my stomach,I really hoped I didn't trip or something not only was I wearing a long dress but I was wearing high heels and I was pregnant,really not a good mix.We began down the stone steps and stepped outside when the music started playing.We turned turned the corner and my breath was taken away,it looked amazing out here!Sure I had seen it when it was being done up but to see it now finished and looking as exquisite as this was something else and with everyone sat at little white round tables with flowers perfectly placed I had to think how much time this must of taken.The purple and pink tulips were placed nicely on the tables and the wedding arch at the end was covered in ruby red roses.Everyone's head turned as we reached the aisle and I suddenly felt extremely self conscious,what would they think of my dress,or my shoes,or my hair?I must have gripped tightly onto Charlus' arm because he looked up surprised and when I looked back at him in shock he simply smiled,happy that the normally strong girl showed some form of weakness...I would get him back for that just you wait.

My eyes wandered over to Tom who stood smartly at the end of the aisle wearing a black suit and tie looking as handsome as every might I add.I smiled at him which for the first time in years he looked happier than I had ever seen him since the day I first met him.At last from what seemed like forever we reached the end of the aisle and I stood side by side with Tom as Charlus stood off to the side.

"You look beautiful"He muttered and I smiled at my soon to be husband,the wedding had begun.

Vows ,rings and a kiss had been exchanged,pleasing the audience who were mostly death eaters,death eaters kids,their parents and their parents...yeah,I don't think Tom had meant for quite so many guests to come but there was plenty of food for all,the cake had been cut and now everyone was sat eating round the tables and chatting merrily.I had been feeling fine until Charlus stood up and used his napkin to dab his mouth,grabbed his champagne and made his way to the front.

"Charlus?What are you doing?"I called out just quickly enough for him to hear to which he turned around and gave me a quick smirk and continued to the front.

"What is he doing?Don't tell me hes going to-"I began but was cut off by Charlus silencing the crowd.

"I would like to make a toast,to the happy couple..."Everyone at that point got their glasses at the ready while I discreetly glared at Charlus,he had been planning this all along and by Penelope's smug look she was in on it too.

"Now I believe that if it were not for marriage men would go around thinking they had no faults at all so on this fine day I am pleased to announce that we are blessed to witness such a fine couple be brought together for eternity"I smiled and sat back in my chair in embarrassment feeling my face heat up,did he really have to give such a speech?It was only a few moments later when everyone was toasting to me and Tom that I had fully taken in what he had said,for eternity,little did he know how real that would be.This made me look around at the people around me,how could Tom feel so chilled about this?Everyone he knew now,everyone I knew now would sure enough die at some point and that would be the end of it,I would never see them again.I was brought out of my trance when a spell hit the ground beside me only just missing my head.Everyone began to panic,aurors were here and in large numbers.

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