The Department of Ministries

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The last words I had heard Tom utter were that I was to be escorted back to my room, however this didn't mean I had not felt a chill go down my spine when he had mentioned we would be continuing the conversation later. Feeling a hand latch onto my arm I remained in a trance like state until the bedroom door I had bored holes into with my eyes many a time, came into view. It was then that I sprang into action, elbowing Yaxley in the gut and grabbing his wand, making a break for the thankfully unlocked window and jumping out before I could be stopped. 

The Order must be warned that Harry was in danger. Landing as quietly as possible I sprinted through the gardens before apparating into Grimmauld Place, just as Tonks, Remus and Sirus all came outside onto the steps for their evening patrol around the block. Apparently it was rude to stand in the darkness watching people like I did (According to Moody who stepped out of the door moments later, followed by Kingsley and a few other members of the order who I did not know). 

"Where the devil have you been anyway?" Sirus piped up after Moody's rant was over. I couldn't help but send him a faltering smile, it was good to be back, I had known these people for such little time and yet I already knew I could trust them. 

"I had a few...implications, but that is not what we need to worry about right now, Death eaters are at the Ministry, Harry is there by the sounds of it"Sirus's eyes seemed to darken scarily at the mention of his Godson, and it was obvious that in the time they had known each other, they had grown close.

"Remus gather the others, we have some asses to kick, Harry has most likely gone after his Prophecy." Remus ran back into number 12 and not long afterwards he re-emerged with several other loyal members of the Order following close behind him.

"How many Death eaters will be there I do not know, but know this, be on your guard, and for those of you who have not been unfortunate enough to cross paths with them in a duel before, show them no mercy for you shall receive none"  And then we apparated, some landed in the Department of Ministries while others ended up in other random alternate places in the Ministry. I was one of them, but unlike some of the others I was on my own. Letting out a squeal I realized I was falling and close to hitting the ground, muttering a quick "Arresto Momentum" I managed to break my fall and land on the ground uninjured to say the least. Looking around wildly, I realized I was in the main hall of the Ministry before a high pitch yell began to echo off the murky black tiled Walls.

"I KILLED SIRUS BLACK!" Scrambling off the ground I made straight for closest darkened corridor and watched as Bellatrix Lestrange was knocked to the floor with Harry Potter's Cruciatus curse. I had been so caught up in watching the boy pursue Bellatrix that I hadn't even heard the light tread of footsteps behind me, it was only when a hand went over my mouth did I let out a muffled scream. There stood before me was Tom, his black orbs boring into mine and an angry expression on his face.

"I thought I told you to stay at the Manor"He hissed darkly, slowly, I removed his hand from my mouth, my eyes not moving from his, almost daring him to be the first to look away.

"Well, its not like I always obey the rules is it?" And knowing perfectly well it would annoy him, I moved my attention away from him and back to Potter, whose wand was pointed at a now helpless Bellatrix, with her lips pouted and her puppy eyes aimed at the boy who was a spitting image of his father. Tom then moved to come to a stand still behind me, the light dancing in his eyes as he gazed hungrily at Potter, this was his chance, and that was the moment I knew, there was nothing anyone could do to stop Tom from killing the boy, after all, if I tried there was more Death eaters than me no matter how many members of the Order where in the Ministry itself. My head began to ache as he sent a message to Harry, patronizing him. 

"You've got to mean it Harry, She killed him, she deserves it-" As he continued, my eyes moved over to Bellatrix, after all the things she had done, it was the truth she did deserve it. If only Harry would work up the courage, but then of course he would not have the mercy of his grandmother, Penelope. The very fact that he was beginning to lower his wand meant he was contemplating whether or not to go through with it, and if I knew him at all it was that he wouldn't. 

"-You know the spell Harry" And I felt the head ache leave me as Bellatrix began to laugh manically with a devilish grin on her face as Tom emerged from the dimly lit corridor. 

"Do it!" He had muttered with a sense of urgency, only for Harry to turn on him and try to attack him instead. However, his attempt failed as Tom quickly unarmed him by sending his wand flying with a simple flick of his hand. 

"So weak" Green flames erupted from the fireplace and Dumbledore stepped out from it, I must admit it took me aback, I had not seen him in years.

"It was foolish of you to come here tonight Tom, the aurors are on there way" 

"By which time I will be gone, and you, shall be dead" A swipe of his Dumbledore's wand sent both Bellatrix and Harry into the fireplaces, except Harry managed to scramble out whereas Bellatrix ended up being taken to safety. And then the fight began. 

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