Death eaters

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Toms hand went out signalling for me to take it,I merely crossed my arms over chest and cocked an eyebrow at the boy stood before me.

"If you want to know what I have been keeping from you,you have to take my hand"He sounded a little agitated so I complied without saying a word,but having plenty to say.

"Oh I know you have plenty to say,you never stop!"Smirking over his shoulder at me he took my hand and we apparated to the Riddle house where prisoners stood around chatting and laughing like normal people,except they weren't far from it,they were the most wanted people in Britain.The chatter died down as me and Tom arrived and I held my breath I didn't like the way these people were looking at me.

"Its ok shes one of us,lay a finger on her and you shall be punished."Wow Tom had gotten touchy,I let out my breath in a sigh of relief and for a split second the ghost of a smile appeared on Toms lips before he left my side to walk to the middle of the circle formed by the newly released prisoners.

"From now on you respond to me,anyone not wishing to comply will be cast out back to Azkaban,I have no patience for time wasters.You all will from now on will be known as death eaters,you will call me My Lord when addressing me and anyone who does not do so will be punished.I expect you all to follow and carry out my commands,in return I will offer you a safe place to stay,food and drink and protection from those who seek to bring you down"There was a low murmur among the 'death eaters' and eventually they all either kneeled or bowed.I spotted a few familiar faces among the prisoners such as Malfoy and his wife,as well as Black and Lestrange.

"Good,now go get yourselves cleaned up"Tom commanded and as they all hurried off inside the house to get cleaned up I walked up beside Tom,he showed he had acknowledged my presence by giving me a quick glance but he couldn't take his eyes off of his new followers.

"Does this mean I will have to bow to you and call you My Lord?"I hid a smirk as Tom cocked an eyebrow at me and shook his head.

"Not unless you want to"He muttered and kissed my forehead.

"Yeah I think I will pass"I replied causing him to scoff.A few moments went by before the death eaters began to make their way out of the house and gather around Tom once more.I walked as far away from them as possible I know they were under Toms command but still I didn't trust these people.They murdered without mercy and stole without remorse there was a reason they were in Azkaban but I suppose I wasn't that far behind them. 

"Now,the first task that I am going to set for you is to bring to me as many mudbloods as possible,whoever has the most will be rewarded well"Within seconds of giving the command the death eaters flew up as black blobs in the sky and soon they were gone.I stood frozen to the spot whatever Tom was doing it was nothing good and my heart wished I was oblivious to this,but my brain wished that I was where I was at now,at least if things got too bad I would be able to help people.Tom wouldn't hurt me,even he was incapable of that.

2 hours later
Me and Tom had gone back inside the house and I had claimed to be tired but secretly I had sneaked off to the library and so had full view of the death eaters appearing with struggling mudbloods in their arms.I put the book down on the coffee table and made for the window.I scanned the crowd for Penelope and luckily saw she was not among the unlucky mudbloods who were brought here.I wanted to help them but there was nothing I could do.Tom had changed so much it felt like I didn't know him anymore,he was nothing like the boy I met as Wools orphanage and because of that I didn't want to get in his bad books.

"Clara!"Tom exclaimed as he burst into the library just as I had moved away the window back near the arm chair which I had been comfortable in for two hours straight. 

"Yes"I tried to keep my voice the same but it ended up breaking.I was worried for those people and Tom picked up on it,damn it! Why was he so good at reading people?!

"Are you alright?"He frowned and moved a stray hair out of my eyes,I forced a small smile and nodded.

"Course I am"Tom looked curious to ask more and went to speak but  Malfoy came into the room.

"My Lord the death eaters are awaiting your arrival"

"Of course,I will be there right away"Malfoy nodded and walked back outside leaving us alone once more.

"Go to your room,get some sleep,I don't want you to see this"Tom murmured giving me a quick peck on the lips before heading for the door,but to my surprise he stopped and turned back around with a smile on his face.

"And Clara?"


"No sneaking off"  

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