Chapter 06

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Louis and Harry both went to school. Louis had a meeting at six o’clock and Harry picked up Darcy again after school.

“Look what I dwew!” she smiled and handed Harry her drawing. At the drawing were three people, a little girl with brown curly hair, a boy with curly hair and a slightly taller person with feathery hair. The boys were holding the hands of the girls and there was a little heart drawing in between the head of the boys.

Above the girl was written ‘me’ and above the other two persons was written ‘daddy’.

Darcy reckoned him as her dad and it made his heart beat faster.

“Darcy, princess this is beautiful.” He smiled. “Will you be my second daddy?”

“Princess, I’d love to, but I don’t know if your dad is okay with it.” Harry smiled, mentally shaking his head. The little girl was so innocent.

Harry was exhausted. He felt like he’d run the marathon, at least three times.

The bruises on his face were slowly fading, but still visible.

Harry lay down on the couch and Darcy lay down next to him, cuddling up to his side. “Can we watch spidewman?” she asked softly. “Hmm…” Harry hummed and closed his eyes for what felt like a second.

He fell asleep and soon Louis came home.

Darcy ran up to him and smiled, “Daddy fell asleep on the couch.”

Louis picked his daughter up and walked to the living room. When he saw Harry peacefully asleep on the couch, it hit him Darcy just called Harry daddy.

“Shall I bring you to bed then?” Louis asked. Darcy nodded and kissed Harry’s cheek softly. Louis brought Darcy to bed and when he came back in the living room again, he saw Harry had woken up.

“Hey,” Louis said. “Hi,” Harry swallowed, “I-I’m sorry, I-I shouldn’t have fallen asleep, I-I’m so sorry…” he stuttered, his face going a bit red.

“Haz, it’s okay. I know you’re tired.” Harry smiled apologetically.

“Eh, did you hear me coming home?” Louis bit his lip. Harry nodded, “she called me daddy again, didn’t she?”


Harry stood up and got Darcy’s drawing form the kitchen table. He gave it to Louis.

“I-This is complicated.” Louis spoke softly. Harry nodded.

“I-I mean I’m okay with her calling you daddy but you can decide whether you’re okay with it or not because I mean well…”

“Lou, she asked me something today…”

“What did she ask you?”

“Will you be my second daddy?”


“I know right…” A blush spread on Harry’s cheeks. “I mean, if she’s confortable enough to call me daddy, then I’m honored.”

Louis smiled, “you’re amazing, love.” Harry smiled and cuddled up to Louis’ side without thinking.  “Oh, I-I’m sorry.” He said as he started to move away but Louis stopped him and wrapped his arm around him, “It’s okay love, it’s okay.”

Half way through the movie they decided to watch, Louis started playing with Harry’s curls, twisting them around his fingers gently. Harry just closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep.

Louis watched the younger boy cuddled up against him, resting his head on his chest. He was pretty cute. Louis turned off the television and carried Harry to his bed. He laid the boy down and tucked him in. He kissed his forehead and whispered; “you mean so much to me Haz, sometimes I’m thinking we’re supposed to be more than the way we are now.”

Louis softly closed the door of his bedroom and went to sleep on the couch once again.

At three o’clock, Harry woke up because of Darcy crying softly, standing next to his bed. “Hey princess, what’s wrong?” he asked softly, sitting up and rubbing his eyes. Darcy sniffled and whispered, “I-I wet my bed.” She sobbed quietly. “Oh, princess, shall I change your covers?”

Darcy nodded and walked with Harry to her bedroom. “Shall we change your pajamas first?” Harry asked and took Darcy to the bathroom. He helped her taking a quick shower and then put on some clean pajamas.

Then Harry went to change the covers of Darcy’s bed and after thirty minutes he could put Darcy in bed again. “I-I’m sowwy daddy.” Darcy said sadly, Harry smiled as she called him daddy. “It’s okay princess.”

“But I woke you up.”

“I don’t care. You can always wake me up if there’s something wrong princess.” He smiled. Darcy nodded and yawned. Harry tucked her in and whispered, “Goodnight princess.” but Darcy had already fallen asleep again.

Harry quietly went to the kitchen and drunk a glass water. When he turned around, he jumped because Louis stood behind him. “Wow you scared me.” Harry chuckled. Louis smiled and shrugged, “sorry.”

“So why are you awake?” Louis asked.

“Darcy had a little accident and I gave her a quick shower and changed her bed covers.”

“Oh my god! I’m so sorry Haz! You could’ve woken me up!”

Harry shook his head, “You were asleep.”


“You’re tired.”

“And you aren’t?”

“I’m not as tired as you are Lou, you work the whole day.”

“So? You go to school the whole day and take care of Darcy.”


“What do you mean so? You’re a sixteen years old boy for god’s sake; you shouldn’t even be doing this for me. You’re taking so much responsibility Harry, you’re busy all day with my family. I don’t understand… Why aren’t you tired of doing this yet?”

“Because- because I feel loved here. It feels like I finally have a family who cares about me and doesn’t judge me for who I am. You don’t care whether I’m gay or straight, you don’t care if I put on a green sweater or a pink one. You just- accept me.”

Louis knew Harry was gay, but never really thought about it. Maybe Harry felt this connection too. Louis felt this connection where he and Harry were more than just teacher and student, more than babysitter and busy dad.  Though he wasn’t really sure of what their roles were currently, but definitely none of these.

“I’ll always accept you.” Louis whispered back.

“Thank you for that.”

Louis pulled Harry in for a hug. “You know, you’re a dad now too.”

Harry nodded, “I know.”

“And how does it feel?” a smile crept up Louis’ lips.

“Well, it’s a whole new experience but it’s great so far.” He smiled. Louis smiled back and got lost in Harry’s eyes.

“You know, your eyes are really green.”

“Yeah I know…”

Louis chuckled awkwardly and hugged Harry again, “you’re just so amazing.”

“Thanks Lou, but can I go back to sleep now though? I’m kind of tired now…”

“Of course!”

“I’ll sleep on the couch!” Harry smiled.

“No way.”

“Yes way.”

Louis smiled and said, “if you’re gonna sleep on the couch, I’ll sleep on the couch too.”

Harry glared, “if I sleep in your bed, you’re gonna sleep there too, okay?”

Louis chuckled, “Okay then, now hurry up ‘cause I’m cold.”

Harry smiled and they both went to Louis’ bedroom and lay down in his bed. They lay as far away from each other as possible until Louis whispered: “I’m still cold you know.”

Harry looked at Louis and hesitated, “but- you’re still my teacher. Do you have any idea of how wrong this is?” Harry asked. Louis nodded, “but to me it feels so right.”

“Same for me.” Harry admitted.

Louis smiled and Harry cuddled up to his teacher’s chest. “Goodnight Haz.”

“Goodnight Lou.”

“Oh and Harry?”


 “ I-eh… never mind.” Louis trailed off.

He wanted to tell Harry that he loved him but then thought of how it might freak Harry out.

“What’s wrong Lou?” Harry asked sleepily. “Nothing Haz, don’t worry, just go to sleep.”

Louis wrapped his arms around Harry’s waist and buried his face in his neck, pressing a little kiss to his soft skin. “Goodnight love.”

Harry was glad it was dark in the room because he was sure his face was as red as a tomato.

“Goodnight Lou.”

Author's note:
A slightly longer chapter because I didn't update last Sunday! 
I hope you liked it :)

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