4. Liam and Calc

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'Just breathe,' I told myself before having to enter this lesson.

It wasn't so much the maths that scared, but rather the fact that I had to share this class with Liam.

I wasn't some lovesick fool that couldn't contain my feelings or anything, but then sometimes I felt this weird kind of 'heart racing and palms sweating' sensation around Liam.

However, luckily this time, I have Julie with me in this lesson, someone to distract me from his presence in the room.

Julie and I stood by the doorway of the classroom, and as if on instinct, my eyes wandered over to the back of the room, where Liam and his friends usually sat.

My breath hitched slightly, and I mentally scold myself for once again having this kind of reaction when I saw him.

Julie nudges me slightly and gave me a questioning look.

I just smiled and shook my head at her.

I really can't tell her about my pathetic crush on my neighbour.

It's bad enough that I think I'm stupid for feeling this way, I don't want her to think the same.

We then walked into the classroom, and I began walking to my usual seat, with Julie walking along right beside me.

I thought it would be nice if we sat together. Plus, it's her first Calc lesson at this school, I'm sure Mr Lewis won't mind me helping the new girl and having her sitting next to me.

Or at least I hope so.

As we were approaching our seats, I felt eyes on me, and not from Julie.

I looked up and saw Liam looking at me, but it was a weird look, something that I can't seem to decipher. He's never looked at me like that before, and even his friends were looking towards me.

"Hey, are you okay? You have this confused look on your face," Julie asked to me, as we sat down.

I blinked out of my confused state.

"Oh what? No, I'm good," I said, and then paused. "Quick question. I don't have anything on my face do I?" I asked Julie.

The way Liam was looking at me right now, had me a little paranoid. There had to be a reason, right? I mean, he's not just looking at me, to look at me.

Julie looked over my face for a second, and shook her head. "No, you're good,"
She said and smiled.

Well if there's nothing on my face, then what the hell is that look he was giving me? It's weird.

Even as I saw down, I could still feel eyes on the back of my head, and I know that they belong to Liam and the boys.

Doesn't help that I sit directly in front of them as well.

The universe likes my suffering, so I happened to be assigned the seat in front of them.

Liam, Holden, Andre and Chris. They're the main boys from the popular clique. Or more accurately, they are the clique.

Liam, Andre and Chris are on the football team and Holden's on the basketball team with Danny and Max.

Surprisingly, Danny and Max actually think Holden's alright, despite him being part of that group.

Being part of that popular clique, naturally it meant that they were all pretty good looking. It's all quite cliche in that sense.

They all stand so freaking tall, it hurts my neck to look up at them for too long.

Before I could get lost within my own thoughts, I feel something tap against my head, and then heard something fall.

Looking down to my side, I saw a crumpled piece of paper.

Bending down from my seat, I picked it up and opened it to read.

Who's your friend?

A frown made its way onto my face, as I read the note. The hell was this?

I knew it came from one of the boys who threw it, since I felt it hit me from behind. I just don't want to start thinking on which one of them it was.

That would be a slippery slope.

"What happened?" Julie asked me.

"Nothing," I smiled, putting the note at the back of my Calc book. I'll deal with that later, or hopefully never.

Luckily for me, I didn't have to think of it much, since Mr Lewis walked into the and started the lesson.

Can't believe I'm actually thankful for Mr Lewis and Calc right now.

I also really hope Julie really is as good Calc as she says she is.


Finally, the loud ringing of the bell signalled the end of this draining class, that just sucked out my soul.

However, we couldn't just leave yet. Not before Mr Lewis, also the bearer of bad news, held true to his title.

"Before you all rush out to lunch there will be a test next week" he, unfortunately, informed us all, causing a loud groan to resonate throughout the classroom.

We all felt the same way about his test, that our groans just sounded as a collective one.

However, luckily I had Julie in this lesson and I realised she wasn't exaggerating about her skills in Calc. She really is a pro, and thankfully I have her to help me pass.

"Finally, it's lunch!" Julie cheered happily.

I smiled at her enthusiasm.

"You say that now, just wait till we get to the cafeteria," I offered her a friendly heads up.

Julie and I packed up all our stuff, and was just beginning to get ready to walk out, when I heard someone clear their throat from behind me.

'Please don't be Liam', I internally begged in my mind repeatedly, as I turned around.

I was pretty sure that I wouldn't be able to actually get words out of my mouth, like a sane person, if it were him.

Turning around, to my surprise, it was Holden who was stood in front of me.

I looked at him and smiled.

Despite my slightly biased opinion of popular people, I thought that Holden was actually quite nice.

Holden was the kind of guy that would just do these kind acts, every now and then, without reason.

For example, he would always hold the door open for you, whoever you are. Even if he's well ahead of me and I have to do that weird, speed-walk, run-up thing, so I don't keep him waiting at the door too long.

"Hi," I smiled up to him.

Damn him and his monstrous height.

"Hi Rena and Rena's friend," he smiled, looking between Julie and I.

He was probably the one who threw the note.

Since he plays basketball with my boys, Holden was quite aware of who I was. I always go to their matches and of course we have classes together. Although, we've never really had a proper conversation between us.

Sometimes, I think that he's afraid to talk to me. Which is totally absurd.

Julie was looking down shyly, and I wondered if she had been introduced to him. I got the feeling that didn't happen, since Julie was quite shy.

I then decided to be the one to introduce them.

"Oh, this is Julie. My new friend. She's just joined the school today," I told him.

I then turned to her. "Julie, this is Holden."

Julie looked to him, and smiled. "Hi," she said so quietly, I was wondering if the word reached Holden's ears.

I'm pretty sure her neck must be aching too.

Holden smiled at. "Welcome to the School. I haven't see you around so thought I should say hi and introduce myself."

He didn't exactly introduce himself, since I just did that.

But he's so sweet to just...wait a minute.

"Didn't you see her in History?" I questioned Holden.

Julie and I had that class together as well, and Holden sits right behind me. Did he just not see her then?

I could see Holden's eyes widen a little, and he opened his mouth to talk, only to close it again.

"Umm, I was going to ask, b-but I didn't want to stop you, and then make you rush to the next class after," he said, scratching the back of his neck.

Why does he look so nervous?

Right now Holden just looked all kinds of guilty, and I didn't understand why, but when along with it anyway.

"Okay then," I said, stretching out my words.

I'm honestly not sure what's going on, but he's a sweet guy, so I'll just let it go.

"Anyways, I should get back to the guys. See you around," Holden then said, giving us a nod and then walking back to the guys.

My eyes followed Holden's movement and ended up locking onto Liam's browns eyes, one which were now looking towards my direction with that same weird expression.

Before I end up questioning his look out loud, I turned around and looked at Julie.

"So lunch?" I asked her. All this weirdness just made me more hungry.

"Yes, please," she said.

I laughed at her eagerness and we left the classroom, heading towards the cafeteria for some much needed food.

However, I couldn't help but think about that look on Liam's face, that weird expression that I just couldn't seem to decipher.

What was that? I questioned myself, despite not having the answer.

It all started with that look, I just didn't know at the time...

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