Prologue 2 - Black Sun

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Author: I do not own anything.


The question that lay in the mind of mankind since the rise of scientific knowledge - are we truly alone in this vast and expansive universe, this dark and cold yet beautiful ocean of stars?

To this date, such questions remain a wonder in the mind of children as their imagination and dreams of afar spark even the interest of the most brilliant mind of a grown scientist as they spend time in their lab to study the movement of the stars, the nature of celestial bodies, the shooting star that tears through the night.

Needless to say, the universe is truly full of breathtaking wonder. It has become a mission of the stargazing scientists to see and unveil the mysteries of the stars and search for the same mind somewhere out there so far out of reach.


It is also true that we are concerned with such probabilities, that we have yet to understand the mystery surrounding us. Do those same minds from afar share the same interest and want the understatement as we do? Or if they wanted something more…? Something more malicious in nature…

The more we are eagediveving into the mysteries of the star-filled ocean of space, the more our wary of the unknown grows and the consequences of unwise curiosity. It is a double-edged curiosity that offers both wonder and uncertainty of the unknown.

Are we truly alone? The question may reveal to those of great determination to unveil it, ones that prepared for the kind of revelation they would receive.

But it appears, we do not need to look too far for such an answer, as the night comes and the platinum moon appears above the vast sky when the light of the sun comes to rest…

1976, Moonlight Revelation.

For reasons that are still unclear, It has been a year since the unexpected halt to all space launches operation, with the race to the stars in full swing, the abrupt halt to space exploration has raised suspicions that there may be much more at play than meets the eye and questions the true reason behind the sudden shutdown have been circulating.

Some believe that this may be a sign that the arms race is finally drawing to an end, that the government has finally lent its ears to the cry for peace of the people, while others suspect that there is more to it, that there is something the government may be trying to hide from the public. The truth remains shrouded in ambiguity, and many have become disillusioned and cynical about the motivations of those in power. As the year passed without a clear explanation, the doubts and fears of the citizenry continue to grow. the government must take swift and decisive action to address these concerns and quell the unrest that is growing among the population.

Yet, the advancement of technology proved to be the ultimate game-changer. A tool so widely used and accessible, containing reams of information that can spread with blinding speed and incredible reach, it changed the course of human history. With information a mere click away, we have all the knowledge at our fingertips that was once known only to the wise and powerful.

The digital sphere became rife with speculation and outlandish humor, as the government's efforts to suppress the spread of information on the internet proved futile in the face of the technological advances that facilitated its swift propagation, much like the path of a fierce wildfire that quickly consumes anything and everything in its path.

The humorous yet ominous disappearance of the final Apollo launch from the lunar surface, and the subsequent search party sent to look for the crew, quickly became a point of discussion among the online community, with wild theories and speculation spreading like wildfire across the internet. The humor was not just limited to the event itself but also the absurd and often macabre theories surrounding it, some of which were so outlandish that they bordered on the impossible.

Amid the flurry of speculation and humor that followed the mysterious disappearance of the final Apollo launch, one individual on the internet, known only as "E," sparked a new round of discussion when they brought up the possibility of a survivor from the search party, Captain John Rico.

The report shared by Internet user "E" mentioned that Captain Rico had sustained significant injuries during his return from the lunar surface, which required immediate medical attention. During his time in the hospital, the US government allegedly requested that he maintain discretion on the matter, leading to further speculation and questions regarding the fate of his fellow members of the search party. Whether he was the only survivor or whether there were others who returned to Earth is still a matter of conjecture and remains a hot topic of discussion among the online community. Despite the government's attempts to control the flow of information, the rumors and theories surrounding the events continue to spread like wildfire, eliciting a great deal of intrigue and mystification.

However, the information provided by "E" regarding the fate of Captain John Rico following his discharge from the hospital remains a mystery. The report suggests that he made himself disappear and subsequently initiated contact with friends from the military in order to prepare for a perceived threat from the lunar surface. The details surrounding his presumed encounter with other survivors and the possibility of a danger emanating from the moon are unclear, as they have yet to be verified or corroborated.

Nonetheless, the information shared by "E" piqued the interest of both the public and those within the military community, sparking a flurry of discussions and speculation regarding the potential dangers of space exploration and the possibility of extraterrestrial presence on the lunar surface.

The question of who or what Captain Rico and his men had encountered on the lunar surface has sparked great interest and debate among the online community.

While some believe that it may have been the Soviets, others suggest that it may have been the remnants of the Nazi party that had fled to the Moon. Another theory claims that the encounter may have been with beings from outer space entirely, a notion that has gained traction in recent years as technology advances and the possibility of extraterrestrial life becomes seemingly more plausible.

Despite the lack of concrete evidence to support any of these theories, the community continues to speculate and discuss the potential implications of such a discovery.

The online community has been eagerly awaiting the next update from "E," hoping to gain more information regarding Captain John Rico and the mystery surrounding the moon.

However, since the last mention of the topic, "E" has remained silent, leaving individuals and groups alike to engage in fervent discussion and speculation regarding the events without any additional information to fuel their inquiries.

Despite the silence from "E," the community remains interested and invested in the outcome of the story, with many expressing their desire to learn more and gain insight into the potential dangers posed by outer space and the possibilities of extraterrestrial life.

[25th of February, 1979. Newport News, Virginia.]

It's almost time. Men, I'm so excited…!

Those are the thoughts in my head as I race down the street with the wind whipping past me as I pedal my bicycle as fast as I can. The adrenaline rushes through me as I know that it is only half an hour or two, and I'll be able to see the eclipse for the first time.

I can barely contain my excitement as I pedal faster, the road stretching out before me. I want to soak up every moment of this spectacular phenomenon. I can't help but let out a loud yell, my happiness and eagerness bubbling over, as I race towards my desired vantage point. This is going to be one of the most memorable experiences of my life, and I'm eager to see it all unfold before me!

I hopped on my bike just after school, eager to catch the first glimpse of the upcoming solar eclipse. I wanted to experience it alone and in peace, without all the noise and distractions that would come with catching a ride with my classmates on the bus. I grabbed my camera and pedaled as fast as I could to my favorite viewing spot, eager to capture the eclipse on film. The excitement was building inside me, and I could barely contain my enthusiasm. This was the moment I had been waiting for all week!

"Phew… I managed."

I collapse onto the cool grass under the tree, a sigh of relief escaping my lips. The day is perfect, the sun shining down, the sky clear and blue. I can see the faded silhouette of the moon in broad daylight, and in just about fifteen or so, it will all be covered in darkness and turn the golden sun to black.

I take out my camera and prepare to capture the moment, my heart racing with excitement. This is going to be amazing, I can feel it in my bones. I've got my camera, my favorite spot, and now all I need is the eclipse. I can't wait!

[Norfolk Naval Station, Virginia. 15 minutes before total eclipses.]

I got a bad feeling about this…

Those were my thoughts as my non-existence arm, which had been replaced by a cold metal prosthetic limb, ached with phantom pain as I waited to witness the platinum moon in broad daylight make its way between the sun and the earth, isolating and consuming us in the darkness…

If life had turned out differently, I may share the same interests and excitement as a normal man, but I'm not… I know all too well what's hidden under that white surface…

"John? Is everything okay? Aren't you excited about this moment of truth?"

A voice spoke to me as I turned to address him.

"You know for goddamn sake it's the opposite, Commander. If I could, I would blow that rock to bits by now."

The words that spit out of my mouth make it clear that I am not amused by this, not since that day…

"Take a deep breath and relax, my friend," Commander Paul Walker said, his hand on my shoulder.

"I understand your fear, and I assure you that the government has taken your warning seriously. They have intensified the military power of the nation, arming our soldiers with some of the most advanced weapons and machinery known to man. I have no doubt that the US has the manpower and resources to defeat any moon-man-eating rabbits that dare to set foot on our soil."

Walker had been an old friend from our time in the armed forces, and his words ease me for a little, but I knew that we and the rest of humanity still faced an unknown threat.

"And let's just hope that'll be enough…" I say as I turn back to continue glazing at the cursed moon.

They told me to keep my mouth shut about the matter, for god sake! My men were killed up there and I barely managed to get back alive with the others when those monsters bit off my arm and my leg. If it's not for Lieutenant Sala, I'd be in those monsters' stomachs and have long digested by now…

"Care for a drink? On me," Walker says with his voice tinged with amusement. I looked at him skeptically, wondering if we had time to be enjoying a drink when we had duties to address.

"Aren't we still on duty?" I asked, raising my eyebrows at him.

Without hesitation, Walker retorted, "And yet, we have the time standing here and talking while gazing at the moon and sun, when we should be attending to those very same duties. Come, it'll just help warm the throat." he turned his back and motioned me to follow without waiting for any refuse I may have.

I let out a sigh but relented and followed nonetheless. Maybe he's right though, I need a drink or two…

[NASA International Space Station. 5 minutes before the total eclipse.]

As the crew member stood outside of the International Space Station, he couldn't help but let out a whistle of awe as he gazed at the sight before him.

"Damn," he said, his words barely audible over the static-filled comms. "Look at the moon. It's right in between the sun and the earth. This is a once-in-a-lifetime moment, man."

The other crew members joined him, taking a moment to silently bask in the rare spectacle that was unfolding in front of their eyes. For a few precious moments, they were able to forget about their duties and just enjoy the beauty of the natural world. It was a moment of wonder and awe that they would never forget, and they knew that they were lucky to have been in the right place at the right time to witness such a unique celestial event, with the only thing missing here is their love one, but they're sure them also seeing this back on the ground.

Meanwhile, As another member is working on maintenance inside the control room, he couldn't help but take a quick glance at the monitors, watching the total eclipse from the station's cameras. His eyes were drawn to the sight, and for a moment, he was captivated by the beautiful and rare celestial event unfolding before him.

*Beep! Beep! Beep!*

But suddenly, the screens and computers around him began to beep with warnings, and the signal jammed heavily, putting him on high alert. He tried to contact the others, but the jamming was too intense, and he couldn't get through. His heart rate spiked as he wondered what was going on, and he quickly scanned the monitors for any indication of what might be causing the problem.

As the team continued with their maintenance tasks outside the station, their communication devices suddenly began emitting a harsh, crackling noise, hurting their ears. They looked at each other in confusion, unsure of what was causing the interference, and quickly turned down the volume on their devices in an effort to lessen the crackling and try to contact the inside, but to no avail.

Suddenly, one of the crew members caught a glimpse of something in the corner of his eye. As he turned to face it, his expression changed from one of confusion to one of horror.

"Oh, god…"


He only has a second to say a prayer before the impact hits the station, causing the entire structure to break apart and sending everything gliding into the mercy of gravity.

And in an instant, everything was replaced by silence and darkness…

[Newport News, Virginia. 11:00 AM]

"What the hell…? Shooting Star…?"

I can't help but say the question out loud as the camera in my hand still pays attention to the black sun now that the moon has got into position.

I can't believe what's happening. This has to be the most bizarre thing I've ever seen. The moon is completely blocking out the sun, making it dark as night, and now there are shooting stars everywhere! I've never heard of anything like this happening before during an eclipse. I'm recording the whole thing on my camera, trying to capture this once-in-a-lifetime event. I wonder if anyone else is seeing this too…

[NASA's Johnson Space Center, Houston. 11:05 AM]

Everything is in absolute chaos, as the entirety of NASA continues to receive reports of the untimely destruction of the International Space Station. They had tried all they could to connect with the station. The crew, the controllers, everyone is scrambling to find out what's happening. The radio chatter is full of static and panicked voices as they try to make sense of the situation.

But no one can get a hold of the space station or anyone on board. The only thing that comes through the comms is the sound of crackling and chilling silence, adding more to the chaos. The tension in the air is palpable, and the situation only seems to be getting worse by the minute…

"Mr. Administrator, what should we do!?"

The administrator is surrounded by a flurry of activity as his personnel is giving him reports of the situation. He is clearly shocked by the sudden and unexpected events unfolding

before him, but he manages to stay calm and collected, directing the situation as best he can.

"What should we do, Administrator…?" one of his personnel exclaims, the panic evident in his voice.

But the administrator is a seasoned professional who knows how to handle high-pressure situations, and he responds with a steady voice.

"We need to stay focused and continue to assess the situation, take it one step at a time, and do everything we can to get a handle on what's happening," he says.

The scene is tense and chaotic. Members of the control team are scurrying around, trying to make sense of the situation. The administrator remains calm, knowing that in times like this, a steady hand is necessary.

"Now, what was likely to hit the station?" he asks, his tone firm but gentle.

"Was it an attack? Or did meteors strike?" he probes, seeking a better understanding of the situation at hand. His eyes scan the room, seeking answers from the team members as they continue to gather information on the sudden destruction of the space station.

"We don't know for certain, sir," the chief begins, his voice betraying the dread and uncertainty he feels.

"All of a sudden, we started losing all contact with the station. No signals managed to come through them as if something with strong interfacing just outright cut off our connection in an instant. And the next thing we know, the station is lost," he states, his words heavy with finality.

The administrator nods, a grave expression on his face as he absorbs the information.

"We need to keep a level head and continue to assess the situation," he says, his voice calm and commanding.

"We'll do everything we can to find out what happened and what we can do to minimize the damage," he vows, his words meant to reassure his team and the wider public as much as they are to direct the situation.

Deep down in his thoughts, the administrator couldn't help but feel a sense of unease. Four years ago, the tragic event of Apollo 18 and the search team that was sent to investigate their whereabouts had weighed heavily on the minds of many at NASA, including the former administrator. At the time, he wasn't appointed to his current position, but as the story goes, the search team that was sent to investigate Apollo 18's whereabouts had come back with a distinct lack of men and injuries. The incident had shaken many to their core, and the former administrator claimed it was only an accident.

The current administrator can't help but wonder, what exactly are they hiding? He vows that he would get to the bottom of it, determined to uncover the truth behind the tragic and mysterious Apollo 18 incident.

He knows that he must remain focused on the current situation at hand, but the thought of the events that transpired four years ago can't seem to escape his mind, and this new tragedy only adds to the question. He wonders what the former administrator and the US government have been trying to keep hidden from them all these years.

Suddenly, another man burst through the door of his office with sweat dripping down his face.

"Sir, big news!"

The administrator's attention snaps toward the man, who is clearly in a state of panic.

"What is it?" he asks with a sense of urgency in his tone.

"What's the big news?" The administrator is prepared to handle whatever information is coming, ready to face it head-on, and do whatever is necessary to ensure the safety of everyone involved. He knows that with the unexpected turn of events, anything is possible.

"Met-Meteors! Several of them! And some are heading for the state!"

The administrator's eyes widen with shock as he immediately stands

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