you're gonna go far, kid || cute

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[ i think i'm being affected by baby fever but i don't wanna push a kid out you know?? // song is by the offspring

warnings: language

concept: if lewis' kid was born while logan was still alive

honestly this would fit within the timeline??
if the kid was born in early 2014, he would've been fourteen when logan died and that fits my timeline cool

not gonna make that what happened but it's kinda cool ig?? idk i might write something based on that bc it would've meant while lewis and logan were having their affair or whatever, lewis was sleeping with someone else too

stay safe,
lew. ]


"Tyler, you need to be good for Logan, okay?" Lewis told his son gently, crouching down to make eye contact. "Be nice, use your manners, and listen to him. If you're good, we'll go get ice cream or something when I come back."

"Okay." The five year old didn't sound too happy, but he still gave his dad a quick hug, which Lewis obviously returned. "Come back soon, please."

"You and Logan are gonna have so much fun, you won't miss me, buddy." Lewis kisses his forehead, then stood up, handing his backpack off to Logan, who was waiting patiently. "Text me if you have a question or something. Thank you so much, Logan. I owe you."

"It's not a big deal, Lew. Get going before you're late," Logan laughed, gently shoving his friend's shoulder.

Lewis started towards the car, but paused halfway there to wave at Tyler. "Bye, Ty. I'll see you in a few hours."


"Hey, Uncle Logan?" Tyler mumbled, digging a crayon out of his backpack.

"Yeah, Ty?" He responded, not looking up from the piano keys.

"Is it weird that my dad doesn't have a boyfriend or a girlfriend?" He asked, concentrating on the piece of paper he was coloring on. He was laying on the floor next to the piano while Logan played.

"It's not weird, little guy. Lots of people aren't dating anyone," Logan told him.

"Being a grownup sounds confusing," the child sighed, got up, grabbed his paper, and walked over the the piano bench to climb up next to Logan. "And boring. I don't wanna be a grownup."

Logan ruffled the kid's hair, earning himself a pissed off glare that quickly faded. "No one wants to grow up. But there's some really cool stuff you have to grow up to do."

"If you think it's cool, then it must be really cool," Tyler decided, nodding mostly to himself. "Because you're the coolest. My dad isn't that cool."

Logan had to keep himself from laughing as he closed the lid on his piano. "Buddy, your dad can be cool, but you're right. I'm cooler."

"That's why I drew you a picture." Tyler nodded again and handed Logan the piece of paper.

It was crudely drawn, but you could definitely tell it was supposed to be Logan at his piano. It was endearing, in a way, because at that age, kids drew things that captured their attention.

"Thanks, Ty. It means a lot."

Tyler didn't reply, but he rested his head on Logan's arm. Just like his father, the kid seemed to enjoy laying on people.

Logan took a deep breath and cleared his throat after a moment or two. "You getting sleepy, kiddo?"

"No." And of course, he yawned. He seemed to take after his father, at least from what Logan saw.

He chuckled. "If you pick up your crayons and stuff, we'll go hang up your picture and then you can take a nap on the couch. Deal?"

"Where you gonna hang it up?" Tyler asked, slowly getting off the bench and heading for his backpack.

Logan shrugged. "Maybe in the kitchen. Or we might hang it up in here. What do you think?"

Tyler scooped all of his crayons into the bag, then zipped it up. "I think it should go right there," he replied, pointing at a spot on the wall beside the piano.

"Then that's where we'll put it. While you're taking your nap, I'll find some tape."

"Thank you, Uncle Logan. You're the best."


"Fuck you, Dad!" Tyler spat, heading for the door.

They'd gotten into an argument over what Tyler would be doing during summer break: Tyler wanted to spend it going with his mother to photoshoots and Lewis wanted him to stay at home. The pair hardly argued, Lewis being a complete pushover and Tyler being content with whatever was thrown his way, but the fourteen year old was having a rebellious streak that rivaled his father's.

"Ty, where are you going?!" Lewis shouted, a hysteric tone in his voice.

"I'm going anywhere but here!"

Lewis just watched as his only son started running down the road. He did the only thing that he could think to do: call Logan.

"I'm a horrible parent, but if you happen to see Ty walking along the road, please pick him up for me. He just stormed off and I don't wanna piss him off any more than he already is by following him," Lewis murmured into the phone, obviously trying not to cry.

"Luckily enough for you, I'm already out. I'll head towards your house, and if I see him, I'll pick him up and try to talk him into coming home," Logan told the older man, keeping his tone light.

"Thank you so much, Logan. Be careful. See ya-"

"Hey, just remember that you aren't a bad parent. Overbearing and protective? Yes. But not bad. See you soon, Lew."


"Wanna tell me what's going on?" Logan asked as Tyler fastened his seatbelt.

"Absolutely not."

"Is there anything you need, Ty?"

"I need Dad to stop being a prick. I just wanna go with Mom this summer, and he doesn't want me to," Tyler mumbled, picking at a loose thread on his hoodie.

Logan sighed and put the car in drive. "He just wants you to be safe. He's cracking down on you because when he was your age, he made some fucked up decisions."

"I'm not gonna be like him."

"He's just scared, buddy."

"He's scared of everything, Logan. Someone could say 'hi' and he'd almost jump outta his own skin."

It made him wonder. When had it stopped being 'Uncle Logan'?

Even then, he laughed a bit. "You're not wrong. Once, in high school, I snuck up on him and he almost fell off the bleachers."

Tyler was silent for a while, twisting his hands together before he asked, "What do you mean by 'fucked up decisions'?"

Logan thought it over for a moment or two. "I can't tell you, Ty. It's up to him. If we head back to your house, I might be able to convince him to tell you. Wanna go back?

"I guess. Thank you for picking me up."


[ idk what this was but the guy who played young newt scamander in the new fantastic beasts was really cute tbh ]

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