[ ngl i'm still semi-proud of the different attempts at this au // song is by nicole dollanganger
warnings: language, guns, monsters, character death, injury, blood
the concept is being reworked and changed!! wow!!
stay safe,
lew. ]
Chase hates this.
She's careful as she cleans the wound, softly shushing the boy as he cries out. It hurts, she knows it does, but there's nothing she can really do other than hurry up and finish cleaning it.
By the time she's securing the bandage around his forearm, the other member of their group is storming into the shitty hotel room. He's pissed, it's so easy to tell.
They've been working this case for over a week, and Bailey getting hurt only sets them back. Ezra's always angry when things like this happen, but they'd be less common if he'd just stick to the damn plan.
Ezra's the muscle of the group. He's got the experience and knowledge on how to pull things off. Bailey's the artist, memorized sigils and traps and incantations flowing easily and accurately. Chase herself functions as the middleman. She's okay at the fighting aspect, decent at the lore, but most of all, she'd classify her job as "making sure Ezra doesn't kill Bailey".
Bailey holds his bandaged arm against his chest, involuntarily whimpering at the pressure. The gash in his arm normally would've warranted a trip to the Emergency Room, but- they can't deal with all the hassle, considering they've got a meeting set up tomorrow.
Ezra practically throws himself down on the other bed, staring up at the ceiling as he spits out, "We should've never picked you up. We should've let you make that dumb fucking deal with the crossroads demon-"
Chase has had it at this point. Ezra's always attacking Bailey when things go wrong, and it's not fair. "Knock it off. Bailey's a part of our team, whether you like it or not. If you'd be nicer-"
She stops talking when Bailey gets up and leaves the room. Only a second or two passes before she's out of her seat, only pausing to smack Ezra before she's following the youngest of their group.
Bailey only goes as far as the vending machines in the lounge area partway down the corridor. He digs in his pocket with his left hand, still cradling the right against his chest.
Chase wants to let him be independent, but with the way he's struggling, she walks up behind him and clears her throat. "Let me help you, buddy."
She digs her own change out of her jeans pocket, buying him a candy bar and a can of his favorite pop. He thanks her softly, sinking into one of the armchairs.
"Does Ezra ever get nicer?" He finds himself asking as he opens the can. "Because right now, he's meaner than my mom."
"He's just frustrated. He's been tracking down this 'angel' since before I met him, and every time he thinks he's gonna find it, it gets away from him," she explains, wedging herself beside him. "Look at it this way, you get to meet the others tomorrow. They're gonna love you."
"Tell me about them?"
"Logan's the demon expert. Survived like three different possessions and exorcisms. He seems like an arrogant ass when you first meet him, but he's nice. Harry's the angel dude. Married Logan and... he's like a mom figure, honestly. Lewis is the werewolf guy, really shy but I think you'll get along well. "I dunno if his wife and baby will be there or not."
He remains quiet as he breaks the candy bar in half and offers some to her. Finally, he says what's on his mind. "Why is Ezra after an angel?"
"He wants answers. He's got a handprint on 'em and he's missing a few months of memories. Harry says those are classic signs of having been to hell and an angel saving your ass."
She genuinely answers his questions, and rarely talks down to him. He enjoys it, basks in the normalcy of it before clearing his throat. "We should probably get back to the room 'fore Ezra blows a gasket."
As they both get to their feet, Chase's phone beeps in her back pocket. She rolls her eyes, but checks it anyway. The text on her screen makes her face drain of color. "We gotta get ready and leave. Now."
"What's wrong?"
"Harry might have the angel Ezra's been looking for."
[ same vague concept, different way of getting there.
in the originals, chase and ezra worked together; bailey was a demon helping them; our dumbass destructive duo shot the angel.
if i continue this, part two will be: ezra interrogating the angel; bailey meeting the rest of them for the first time; some other vaguely cool plot points i haven't came up with yet ]
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