picture book || idea post

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[ i'm home and i've got a bunch of ideas, now to find the motivation to actually write them // song is by the kinks

warnings: language

stay safe,
lew. ]

follow your arrow | kacey musgraves
( aka the country au )

this is the one where they live in the middle of fuckin' nowhere, and it'll have like two parts: teen and current

the teen segment will include:
- probably logan and ezra on the football team bc hey that's what happens
- bailey's in the very very small group of computer nerds
- chase would be the the very populated category of "girls who get knocked up" bc hey when i was fourteen, there was a girl in my science class who was pregnant
- lewis would in the the goddamn ffa. fucking "future farmers of america".
- surprisingly the local high school has gotten exchange students, so maybe that's where ronnie could fit in?? or he and harry are from the rival high school or some shit.

the 'current' part would include:
- nightly bullshitting get-togethers at the garage
- lewis inviting whoever to come out and go hiking/mushroom hunting with him (or what my grandpa does: digging for ramps/ginseng/yellow root; and it's actually illegal to dig for ginseng and yellow root on public land)
- just dumb shit like getting those children's battery powered four wheelers and bikes and shit and racing them down the hill as grown ass adults

idk man we do enough stupid shit around here to fuel an entire episode of america's funniest home videos


the good side | troye sivan
(the good place au)

so,,, logan told me to watch this and i really love the show so here we are.

i feel like ezra would be a good choice for michael??

jianyu - bailey
tahani - ronnie?? possibly logan??
eleanor - possibly chase bc wow what a bitch
chidi - idk?? maybe lewis??
janet -

i'd need help finishing organizing this au tbh


she keeps me warm | mary lambert

idk if anyone remembers the "homesick at church camp" thing from forever ago, but a girl was mentioned in that named cat, and like i'm seriously considering making her a full character to give chase a girlfriend for at least a while.

so this would just be stuff about chase and her girlfriend bc ?? i never write about chase being happy in a relationship anymore


blood like lemonade | morcheeba

another vampire thing!

this would probably be the vampire coven idea i started not too long ago and gave up on. just a bunch of vampires doing their thing and trying not to stake each other

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