[ dope // song is by north folk
warnings: should be just language!!
concept: lighthearted fluff things bc yes
somehow this ended up with exactly 666 words what the fuck
stay safe,
lew. ]
"What do you want, Chase?" He sighed softly, looking down at the girl he'd found a very unlikely friend in. She was high off of pain medication for her broken wrist, and he was just keeping an eye on her until her roommate could get home.
"I just wanna tell you that you mean a lot to me," she replied, reaching up with her uninjured arm to carefully touch his face. "Like, you're so fucking nice? Even when you have every reason not to be? And you help me out even though I'm a piece of shit person. You're a fuckin' angel. You're prettier than an angel."
His lips curled upward at that, gently pushing her hand back down. "You're acting loopy. You need to sleep."
"Don't tell me what to do. I'm not gonna sleep 'til I hear you say that you're the best person in this shitty town," she mumbled, staring up at the ceiling rather than at him.
He ran his fingers through her short hair, thinking it over for a moment. "What about Bailey?"
"Ha! Technically he isn't in town right now, he's just outside of city limits getting his stuff from his ex. So you are the best person here."
"It's nice that you think I'm the best person in town," he told her with a light chuckle. "Technically I said what you wanted me to, now sleep."
"Yo, Logan! Does this look stupid?" Lewis shouted, staring into the mirror. His bag of eyeliner was dumped out on the bathroom counter beside where he was sitting. He held an eyeshadow palette and a brush.
Across his eyes was a slash of deep purple, a black and white drawn design falling over the left side of his face. It was done in a surprisingly steady hand, given how much the teen's hands normally shook.
Logan froze in the doorway, hands on the last button on his shirt. All he could really do was stare, because damn, out of all the things he was expecting, this hadn't even made the list. "Did you do that yourself?"
Lewis made eye contact with him in the mirror, giving him a look. "Does it look like anyone else is in here? Oh course I did it myself." He sighed and picked up the package of makeup wipes. "I'm just gonna take it off, it was a stupid idea anyway-"
"Leave it, Lew. It's- it suits you. You look cute."
[ all my friends au ]
"Hey, baby? Can you come here, please?"
Lewis set aside his controller, giving Logan, Ezra, and Bailey an apologetic look. "Go ahead and play, guys. I'll join up when I get back."
He started up the stairs, asking, "Is everything okay, honey?"
His response came in the form of Chase snapping, "Hurry your ass up, plant fucker! This is important!"
Lewis took a deep breath before opening the bedroom door. Ronnie was hugging Z, while Chase just dully stared at the wall and Harry presumably texted Logan and let him know what was going on.
"Z, honey, what's wrong? Are you sick?"
"I... um- somebody else tell him," Z stammered out, resting her head on Ronnie's shoulder.
"I'm not doing it," Harry and Ronnie immediately called out.
Chase groaned and picked up a box from the tangle of blankets on the bed, then tossed it to Lewis. "Congrats, dumbass, you fucked up."
It took Lewis a few moments to register what was going on, between the nervous look on his fiancée's face and the two words emblazoned on the side of the box. But once he had it, all he could do was softly ask, "Really?"
When Z nodded, Lewis' face broke into a wide grin, going over and giving her a loving kiss. "We're gonna have a baby. Holy shit."
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