[ let's just jump right in
warnings: language, tears, finally some shit happens in the city, etc
stay safe,
lew. ]
"That solar panel in your back should be enough to keep you powered up outside of the city, and I took out a tracking device," Ronnie told Chase as he brought her inside the apartment he shared with Ezra. "I have to confess, though, I'm not doing this just to do it."
"I figured you had another motive. I'm used to being used."
"I think you'd be able to help me a lot in transporting messages to a contact in the Zones. You'd be free, and I'd be able to help out a lot more-"
Just then, the apartment door burst open. Ezra stood there, an almost panicked look in his dark eyes. He began throwing clothes and other belongings into a bag, not even paying attention to the literal robotic prostitute in the room. "You need to leave the city. You're not safe— I can't lose you."
"What's going on?" Ronnie asked, almost dropping the bag when it was passed to him.
"The head of Better Living knows something's up— They killed the last person a SCARECROW was in a relationship with— You need to run, baby." Ezra gave him one last kiss, then pushed him and the robot girl out the door, despite the tears filling his eyes.
"Thanks for showing up!" Cell greeted the four of them, their brown eyes lighting up like they'd just been given the best present ever. "And— you've got shit to trade?"
"Yeah, I'm gonna need to get actual food, hair dye, and some meds for King's shoulder," Lewis told them, setting a few of the items Bailey and Logan had scavenged down.
A pile of batteries, a couple cans of 'Power-Pup' (aka literal vegetarian dog food), and a blaster got enough food to last the four around a week. A decent jacket was payment for a tube of antibiotic ointment, and a weather worn mask bought Bailey's hair dye.
"What color?" Cell asked, rifling around in a cabinet.
Bailey slipped his arm around Lewis' waist and leaned on the guy, shrugging his shoulders. "I dunno. What color do you think?"
"Not my hair, not my choice," Lewis told him with a slight smile.
"Well, what's your favorite color?"
"Green. But it's not about me, it's whatever you want, Kid."
"Then... blue. So everything will match," he decided, putting his free hand in his pocket.
Cell gave them both a smile as they handed over the dye. "Y'all are cute. Just sayin'."
"Zip it, please."
Just as our protagonists were loading their things into the car, a dust cloud rose up along the horizon.
They, along with most of the other people at the Nest, drew their blasters. This was never a good sign, especially when the clouds came from the direction of Battery City. Everyone figured it was SCARECROWS and Draculoids, and this might be the day they die.
As the cloud got closer, it was apparent that it was only two people. Most of the Killjoys relaxed, but the four still had their guns ready.
Bailey's heartbeat pounded in his ears, and soon, he put away his blaster in favor of hiding his face in Lewis' shoulder. Lewis kissed his head, then focused back on the people with his blaster raised.
Soon, Harry gasped and told them, "Put your blasters down! I know him!" Then, he took off running towards the bike.
Logan, of course, followed him, then Lewis and Bailey joined in. The bike came to a stop a little ways from the Nest, a sparking body nearly falling from the vehicle. Logan caught the girl, while Harry pulled the guy in for a hug. Bailey and Lewis stood back, until the youngest realized that he could probably help the android.
Harry busied himself with guiding the man towards the Nest, while Bailey shyly asked Logan to carry the robot so he could fix it.
Thankfully, Cell had made themselves useful and dispersed the crowd. "I'll make sure you get some privacy," they promised. "Well, as much privacy as you get in a place like this."
As soon as they were alone, the robot was laid on the floor, and the man was crying softly into Harry's uninjured shoulder. "Ezra made me leave. He gave me enough warning so I could get away. BL/ind was going to kill me."
While they were talking, Bailey kneeled and pulled a small set of tools from his inner vest pocket. He looked up at Lewis and asked, "Can you help me? I need you to hold her down incase she's still active."
Lewis held her shoulders down, and Bailey carefully pried open her heavy plastic skull. "There's a short in her 'brain'. I need some electrical tape or duct tape for now."
"We'll just take a lil bit from Cell's stuff. It'll be fine," Logan told the two, giving Bailey a strip of the material.
It wasn't long before Bailey had it fixed, and was rebooting the system. "Tell that guy he did a really good job with the solar panel and rewiring. Her battery was completely charged and I think she's not completely reset."
Harry was holding tightly to the man, who looked up and gave Bailey a teary smile. "That's Chase. She was pretty much a plaything for any creep who had fifty carbons to spare. She agreed almost immediately to help me."
"What's your name? They call me Bulletproof Kid out here, but my real name's Bailey," he offered up with a smile, wiping his hands on his jeans before he sat down.
"Ronnie. I- I don't have a codename or anything."
"That's okay. If you want one, we can help you out on that. Obviously you know Killer King, this is Neon Suns and Chaos Vines, and the one with pink and blue hair is Cell," Bailey told him kindly. "Harry and Logan are cool, but Lewis is a giant dork," he said teasingly, sticking out his tongue at the older man.
As a reflex, Lewis gave him the finger, but he apologized immediately after, earning a laugh from Ronnie.
By then, the android girl had rebooted completely, and was just sitting there on the floor. Though, she did smile when she caught sight of Ronnie. She opened her mouth, but no sound came out.
"Maybe a wire got crossed. When we get back to our place, I'll fix it right for you. I promise," Bailey told the girl, giving her his almost trademark smile.
She returned it hesitantly, but only after glancing at Ronnie to confirm that was indeed a good thing.
"Let's go home."
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