[ okay the last part of this was just shitposting but i had ideas to actually write so yeah
warnings: language and again, sibling bullshit and mentioned death
this takes place close to and after their father's death!!
stay safe,
lew. ]
Lewis seemed incredibly nervous as he sat down across from Ronnie, pushing a mug of tea to his brother. "I feel like I'm gonna get in trouble for talking to you," he admitted, his eyes trained down at his own cup.
Ronnie frowned. "Why? I asked for your address so I could visit you. If anything, I'd be the one in trouble."
"Years of being told shit like, 'don't distract the others' and all. I dunno," Lewis sighed, but his posture didn't relax at all. "Why did you choose now to visit me?"
"Am I not allowed to visit my brother?" He replied, arching a brow.
He shrugged, taking a small sip of his coffee before responding. "Just... it's been years, you're the only one—"
"Don't talk like that, Lewis. I can assure you, none of us really knew what to do with you playing your violin all the time." He offered the other man a smile. "And of course, you know none of us are that good at expressing our emotions other than anger."
"Remember that time Logan got pissed and punched a wall?"
"You'll have to be more specific."
"Before Five disappeared, and he almost hit her, but she dodged at the last second." Lewis smiled fondly, but soon the smile faded. "That wasn't too long before I got sent off to school. I... I missed you guys a lot, even if you did drive me crazy."
"We don't have to be strangers, you know," Ronnie told him. "I heard a rumor—"
"Don't you dare. If I let myself get dragged back into this bullshit, it's gonna be by my own choice."
After not seeing your sister for a decade or more, it's bound to be a shock when she shows up.
If your sister still looks like she's thirteen, while the rest of you are in your mid-twenties, then you've definitely got a problem.
Ezra was the first one to find her, and his only reaction was rubbing his eyes violently then dismissing her appearance as an 'LSD induced hallucination'.
Of course, Five didn't take that well, snatching the drink from his hand. "I didn't spend like forty five years figuring how to get back here for you to call me a fuckin' hallucination. Where's everyone else?"
"We're getting ready to bury our dear father. Looks like there'll be at least two ghosts here today."
Bailey was busy helping their mom (a robot, really, but human pack bonding instincts were something else), when Five and Ezra walked into the room. Already, he sighed and mumbled, "No, Ezra, you've already asked me, but I'm still saying fuck no, I don't think you should piss on his grave."
"Jesus Christ, Bailey cusses now? What else did I miss?"
"Am I just so stressed I'm imagining things?"
"I see her too," Ezra said cheerfully, grabbing a bottle of scotch from the cabinet.
"She's really here," their mom murmured. "It's so wonderful to see you again, Cassie—"
"Wow, not even back for an hour and you're already treating me like I've never left."
"To be fair... You still look like a kid."
"I'll let that slide if you tell me where everyone else is."
"Well, let's see. Logan's on his way home from the moon, and Ronnie should be on his way with Lewis."
"Hold up. The old man sent Spaceboy to the fucking moon?"
[ i just realized if i made this storyline follow the comics i'm going to Bawl My Eyes Out bc of what happens in issue six of apocalypse suite fUCK ]
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