baby || that one rlly sketchy au

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[ by that one really sketchy au i mean it's obviously one of many but— // song is by helena deland

warnings: uh language, pregnancy, mentions of scars, etc

this is only bits and pieces of this bc that's all i've had ideas for oops

concept: literally this concept came to me ages ago in a fit of sleep deprivation but it's "what if chase agreed to be ronnie and ezra's surrogate"

wattpad fuckin deleted half of this earlier, good thing i remembered what dumb jokes i had in that bit

stay safe,
lew. ]


"Hey, Ronnie?" Chase called out, mostly just to get his attention. She refused to get up off the couch for anything other than an end of the world scenario, which really wasn't a problem yet since Ezra had yet to come home.

Ronnie held up a finger, telling her to give him a minute, as he saved the picture he'd been editing on his laptop. Finally, he focused on her and asked, "Is everything all right?"

"Yeah, uh, I was just wondering something. It's probably pathetic and I'm totally blaming hormones but... are you and Ezra gonna let me be in the baby's life? 'Cuz if not, I don't wanna even vaguely get attached."

"You're one of our friends, Chase. Even if Ezra wanted to cut you out, I wouldn't let it happen. You're the obnoxious younger sister I never had," he teased, smiling at the way she just suddenly relaxed with a little smile on her face.

"That means a lot," she mumbled, splaying her hands out over her still-flat stomach. "Bailey's already talking about making the kid a blanket or stuffed animal or something. I told him to just leave it because hell, the kid's never gonna be in need of anything, but... you know how B can get."

"I think it's sweet," he replied, finally closing the laptop. "You're lucky to have him."

She didn't say anything for a few long moments, instead waiting until he sat down beside her to carefully rest her head on his shoulder. "I'm scared, man. Absolutely fuckin' terrified," she whispered, voice just barely audible.

"Isn't that normal, though?" He rested his head against hers, breathing out a soft sigh. From what Bailey told him, Chase had been going between petrified and almost manic, neither of which were ideal mindsets.

"Ronnie... This kid is half Ezra, half me. It's gonna be a goddamn nightmare, man."

"Please don't take offense in this, but the way you both were raised played a major part in how you turned out. We're not going to be like your parents. I promise."

"If I cry... it's definitely the hormones, okay?"


"What's been the hardest part so far?" Bailey asked, his back to Chase as he checked on whatever it was he'd been baking.

Chase groaned, putting her head down on the table. "Definitely the lack of booze. I gave it up like a month before the procedure, and it's been three months since the thing tomorrow. And sleep. God, I miss being able to sleep comfortably."

"I'm proud of you. Really, really proud," he murmured as he walked by, ruffling up her hair. "Ronnie is, too."

"Well, yeah. The fact that I'm not out getting drunk means there's less of a chance his kid is gonna be fucked up."

"I'm being serious." He pulled his chair close and sat down, mimicking her posture so he could look her in the eyes. "We love you, even though you're an emotionally stunted idiot."


"Ronnie's running late. He'll be here in ten minutes or so," Ezra muttered, shoving his phone back in his pocket. He had just closed his eyes when Chase's jacket was thrown across his lap.

"Hold that for me, I'll be right back," she said, sliding towards the edge of the seat so she could get up.

His hand on her knee stopped her. "Where are you going?"

"Dude, I gotta piss, your demon child is pressing on my bladder. I'll be right back. Chill." She shoved his hand off, then stormed out of the doctor's office.

Just to spite Ezra, she lingered out in the hallway for a few long moments, until one of the receptionists timidly came up to her.

"Excuse me, ma'am, but... are you all right?" The lady asked, gently resting her hand on Chase's arm.

She was a bit shocked by that, but nodded. "Oh, yeah. I'm golden. Ezra's just an asshole."

The receptionist's eyebrows rose. "Is he the father?"

"Yeah, but like... he's not my boyfriend or anything. Don't worry. We're waiting for his husband to get here."

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