[ god i'm having too much fun with this // song is by panic! at the disco
warnings: language, probably some cringey shit bc it's fan account admin bailey
concept: chase did what she had to do to get tickets for bailey's favorite band's concert // and an additional two things: ronnie gets chase and bailey backstage passes, and logan finds bailey's dumb fan account
stay safe,
lew. ]
November 21, 2013
"Chase, ohmygosh, can you believe it? We're gonna get to see With Love in person! Pinch me, it doesn't feel real!"
"Bailey, I'm gonna do more than pinch you if you don't shut up," she snapped. "Of all the ways to spend my birthday, this has to be the worst."
Bailey frowned, then leaned close enough to rest his head on her shoulder. "I really appreciate you spending your birthday like this," he mumbled, kissing her cheek before retreating back to his side of the backseat.
The driver of the car wasn't paying any attention to the teens in the backseat. He was just a guy from school that Chase manipulated into driving them to the concert.
During the time they were just waiting outside the venue, they'd been approached by multiple other fans, that seemed to know Bailey pretty well. Chase always asked how they knew him after they'd left, but Bailey never told her.
That is, until a woman wearing a shirt marked 'staff' came up to them. "Do either of you have a fan account, by any chance?" she asked with a smile.
Bailey's grin only widened as he fumbled for his phone. "I do! I'm on Instagram and Twitter as 'loganwithlovee' with two Es. See?"
He showed the lady the screen, and she nodded. "Do you have the band's album on your phone?"
Again, he showed her the screen after a moment. "I bought it with my birthday money!"
"Last question, kiddo, who's your favorite member of the band?"
"All of them are awesome in their own way, but I like Logan because it seems like he ain't afraid to be himself."
"Looks like today is your lucky day! You two get to meet the band before the show!" The lady told them. "So come on!"
"Hey, glad you decided to come to the show tonight," Logan greeted the teens, his arm around Lewis' shoulders. "What's your names?"
"I'm Bailey, this is Chase, and she's the best friend in the universe," Bailey blurted out.
Lewis gave Logan a half smile before telling Bailey, "I dunno, I think my best friend might be a good contender for that title, too."
"He's just saying that because I'm spending my birthday doing this with him." Chase rolled her eyes.
"Happy birthday!" Lewis told her geniunely. "Give me a second, I gotta ask Zack something, then we can take a picture or something."
Bailey used the little extra time to chatter about something with Jon and Spencer, looking like he was having the time of his life. Lewis came back a few seconds later, looking kind of apologetic. "Zack said I can't really give you a shirt or hoodie, but I can give you a poster and we could sign it."
"Give it to Bailey. Even though it's my birthday, this is more of a present for him," Chase said dismissively, crossing her arms over her chest.
"Oh. Okay, then. Cool." Lewis seemed flustered, but in turn, all four bandmates signed the poster on the table in front of them, and then the six of them posed for a picture.
Afterwards, Bailey quickly asked, "Could I have a hug, Logan? Please?"
Logan gave the kid a hug, and then he ran off to catch up with his friend. As he was leaving, Lewis squinted to read the back of his shirt.
"Does that say 'follow loganwithlovee' on it?"
Logan made a note of the username.
"So, Bailey, your birthday is coming up soon, isn't it?" Ronnie asked, in an attempt to get rid of the awkward silence between the two of them.
Bailey nodded, eyes not leaving his laptop screen. "April 24th."
"What do you want for your birthday, since Chase won't let me get her anything?" At that point, Ronnie got up and was wandering around the living room. He spotted a picture of the roommates as teens on the wall, from what looked to be a meet and greet with— was that Logan?
"I dunno. I don't really have anything that I need."
"I'm guessing you're a fan of With Love, though, right? What would you say if I could get you a backstage pass?"
"Please don't be joking about that, oh my gosh." He shut his laptop, his eyes wide. "That would be the best present ever."
"I'll keep that in mind."
"Happy birthday, Bailey." Ronnie was back over at Chase's apartment, holding out an envelope to the younger man.
Bailey cautiously took it and opened it up, not noticing the fact that Chase was getting video of the situation. It took him a moment to read the contents, and then another to process what he'd just been given. "Backstage passes for With Love? Oh my gosh, thank you so much!"
He attached himself to Ronnie, pulling him in for a hug while his head rested on the older man's shoulder. Ronnie hugged back a little hesitantly, but there was a smile on his face. "My cousin is Logan's husband, so I pulled a few strings."
"I'm so happy I would kiss you right now if I wasn't afraid of Ezra."
Logan looked up that fan account as he was waiting for Lewis to get changed out of his stage clothes. "Gods, Lew, that kid has a crush on me or something."
"I don't blame him," came Lewis' soft reply.
"Listen— one of his posts is literally captioned 'please step on me, I'll pay you'."
"Please don't step on the kid, that's horrible."
"And there's screenshots of tweets, too- one of them says 'reasons to listen to with love' and all of the reasons are me."
"You're making that up," Lewis mumbled, pulling a clean T-shirt over his head. He pulled the phone out of Logan's hand. "You're- not... making it up."
"I wonder what he'd do if I commented on it."
"He'd probably have a heart attack, leave the poor kid alone."
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