1 minute remaining.
"Feel the wrath of the undead!" Venomshank shouts; multiple glowing zombies appear from the ground, attacking the phighters.
The medic ends up getting chased down by 3 of the zombies, forcing him off the point. They start hastily shooting their revolver at the zombies in an attempt to kill them off.
"You have to be fucking jokiNG-"
Medkit felt himself being pulled back to Katana again, he saw that the samurai had already finished off some of the zombies, he quietly waits for an attack from Katana but was let go.
despite his confusion, he teleports away and went back to check up on his teammates, some of them have died; while the rest are still somehow standing.
"Oh, that's really close.." he hurriedly got off the point for a brief second as he used his phinisher once more.
As he avoided Rocket's explosives while they wait for their other teammates to revive, Sword threw his blade; it explodes and knocks back a few of the enemies off the point.
Medkit's revived teammates scrambled to get on the point, the medic shot their revolver at them to try and heal them.
"My greatest invention!"
'You have to be fucking kidding.'
Subspace's vortex pulled in the other phighters and ends up killing off Medkit's lower teammates; tying the two teams together again before the red team took control once more.
67-85 and counting..
Medkit's teammates rush back to the point, the sounds of Rocket's explosives, Sword and Katana's blades clanging together and the ear-piercing sound of Hyperlaser charging up his gun.
but even through that; they were still winning.. somehow.
The teams get tied briefly once more, before the red team ended up taking control of the capture point. Medkit was getting very impatient at this point.
"A little help would be nice." Medkit says, gesturing Slingshot to come over to the capture point.
"On it, Med!" Slingshot shouted, dashing mid-air over to the point
The round ends up in a 72-91 much to Medkit's relief.
"And Victory goes to the blue team!" Dom announces in a cheerful manner.
"We did it!" Sword cheered as the round ended.
"Be more careful next time." Medkit sighed, healing the other phighter back up.
As everyone was congratulating eachother and taking a break, Medkit sat onto the bench, trying to calm himself down from the last round. a tall shadow loomed over them, he ends up turns around to see who it was.
"Subspace I don't have time for your-"
"Congratulations on that win, doctor."
Katana sat beside the medic, offering them a cup of tea.
Medkit stood silent, they're somewhat relieved but still felt just a little embarrassed.
"..Thanks, but don't call me that"
he says, taking the cup from Katana's hands.
"Ah, Apologies then."
"..Where did you find this?" Medkit asks.
"The idols can offer refreshments to us after phights, very generous of them, is it not?" the samurai responded.
"Hm, I guess it is.."
Medkit blew on the cup, taking a small sip of it.
"..You know, you could've used this for yourself or gave it to someone else.. I wasn't even on your team that round, why me of all people.."
Katana gave a light chuckle from behind his mask. "You did say you were stressed, weren't you?"
Medkit paused, "..Yes."
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