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Coming back home after what happened was strange, but deep inside it was good. The night before the party Amy couldn't sleep. Being in her old room was completely weird after all what happened, even being on her house felt weird.

When she woke up she had nothing to do or to go, so she walked to the place she knew best in town, her tree in Thrall Park. The place was exactly the same she left years ago and never put a foot on again because it hurt. Sitting there after all that time was like coming back home but with something missing.

Amy was there until she decides that it was enough and she went home again to start to prepare herself to the class reunion with her former classmates. Everybody knew that those parties are just to see how the others are doing, see how ruined the others are, see their husbands and their wives and see who was still single. Amy was right in that category. The party was going to be in a Gold club near the town, because like she read on internet, the director of the club was one of her classmates.

During afternoon Ian called a lot of times, checking how Amy was. She thought that maybe he was checking if she was still alive or if she'd gone crazy or even if she didn't jump from the window on her room in the first floor of the house. She wasn't going to jump after finally go back to Middletown, but Amy couldn't say that she wasn't going to go crazy at any time soon. More specifically she didn't know if she wouldn't go crazy at the moment that Amy get to the reunion.

In her old room she look at herself in the mirror dozen times, with the speech of 'You can do this' and 'You look fine'. She was wearing a little black cocktail dress with sweetheart top and tulip skirt, a pair of black laser cut leather pointy toe pumps and a red clutch; and probably in another moment she would have felt great with her outfit. In that moment it was just a little black red with some expensive shoes and bag.

After fifteen minutes in a taxi she finally arrived to the damn party. She didn't remember that the place was so big, but there she was in the middle of that ballroom with a lot of people that she didn't knew or saw in the last ten years. The place was really beautiful: it was a big room with large windows in one of the sides of the room, overlooking the golf course and the balcony. In that same part of the room were a couple couches and coffee tables and in the opposite side was the bar. As Ian told her, one of her ex classmates was now the director of the golf club, that was the reason why the party was there and free. And more than a class reunion that was a fucking classy party with blue and purple light and people in their late twenties drinking.

Half an hour later she was by the bar with two of her old friends talking about life, Karen and Penny husbands and other stupid things in any girl talk. The girls asked about Aaron and her, but she never told them the true. There was no way that she was going to say what just happened between them, so Amy changed the subject and start to ask Penny about her six months pregnancy and how wonderful she was looking.

Amy didn't understand how all that people could be acting as lifelong friends, when the last time that they saw they were talking bullshit about each other. People change and everything, but that was too much. And everything was fine until Amy saw Marshall walking towards Karen, Penny and her. Marshall aka the douchebag from the basketball team. The one that always try to hit on her, but she was too busy looking at Aaron. "Carter, Chandler and Cooper. Look at the C girls, together again" Marshall exclaimed with a glass in his hand. Amy was sure it was alcohol, because he smelled like alcohol when he talked. He and a couple more of people used to call them 'the C girls' because they were Amelia Carter, Penny Chandler and Karen Cooper. It was the most stupid thing ever. "Oh, look Marshall. Glad to know that you are alive, dude" Amy laughed ironically, taking a sip from his glass of champagne.

Penny and Karen started to laugh, because it was obvious that Marshall was there to try to hit on Amy again. "How are you doing after so long girls?" he asked, trying to put her arms around Amy shoulders, be she took them off before he could do anything. "What do you want, Marshall? Don't you have to go and get drunk?" Karen joked in a sassy voice. "Glad to see you too, Cooper. But I'm here to talk with Carter. I found out that you that you are still single and you are totally hot. I'm single too and you know... We can try to do what we never did..." the drunken man suggested and Amy couldn't believe it. "Dude, you are the same idiot that you were ten years ago. Get out of here, come on" Amy demanded, trying to ignore the man at her side.

Amy tried to keep talking with the other two women who were with her, but Penny could just say that the dude was a bastard before Marshall interrupted them again. "Oh come on Amy!" he yelled, sounding like a little baby boy trying to take the attention from people. Even he made a couple of people turn to look what was happening. "I know that Tveit is here, but I don't think that he'll matter after all this years! I know that he's famous now, but you are not his girl anymore, sweetheart!" Marshall shouted, trying to put his arm now around her waist. "Aaron is here?" Amy asked looking at him dead in the eyes, and pushing his arm away from her body.

Suddenly it was like the air was dense and unbreathable and she wanted to run from there, but she needed to know if he was really there. "Yes, he arrived ten minutes ago. He is talking to his friends or something. That doesn't matter" Marshall smiled, like If wasn't big deal that Aaron was there. For Amy was like the end of the damn party. "Fuck" she murmured closing her eyes and leaving her glass in a table as she walked to the balcony.

Amy opened and closed the door and the fresh air hit her body. The view of the golf course and the rest of the park were beautiful, but in that moment she couldn't really enjoy it. Amy just wanted to get out of there, but if she was going to the cloakroom to take her coat he'll probably see her. That if he still hadn't seen her already. She was with her hands on the balcony railing when Amy heard the door behind her open and close, but she heard the sound of heels. "Amy, you are ok?" Karen asked in a whisper, with a soft voice. Amy was sure that they could see in her face that everything was wrong with her. "It's something about Aaron, right?" Penny questioned too. Maybe it was obvious, because he was her problem ten years ago, so why wouldn't he be her problem now? "He and I have too many things unsolved and I thought he was not coming tonight..." Amy explained, looking first at Penny, then at Karen and finally at the green park again.

Then she heard the door opening and closing behind them, but this time Amy hadn't heard woman heels and Penny murmured the only name that Amy didn't want to hear. She wished she had more alcohol in her body to be prepared for that moment.

Amy didn't turn back, even when she wanted to run away. But if she takes the decision of running probably wouldn't have done it, because her body was totally shaking and her legs were like stone. She kept looking at the trees, the lights from the field and the sky, but she was listening Penny and Karen talking with him. It was a short talk, he saying how amazing they were looking and congratulating for her pregnancy. He was charming as always, even when he asked the two women if they could give him a minute alone to talk with Amy.

When Amy heard the door closing for the last time she knew that they were alone and it was too late to run and hide from him and the world. When the sound of his footsteps approached, she shut her eyes to hold back the tears even for a few more minutes. "What are you doing here? I told you that I didn't..." she murmured without thinking. "Yes, you don't wanna see me, I know" Aaron interrupted her, finally standing beside Amy. "How did you found me?" she asked, again in a whisper. It was like if her voice wasn't working, just like her legs. "Ian is a really good little brother, but everybody has a price. But be happy and proud of the kiddo, it costs me a lot. Besides, I was also invited to the party. You know, if you don't remember we went to highschool together ..." Aaron responded, and Amy knew that he was trying to get her to put the walls down and get to talk with her. All that Amy could think was going to kill that little bastard of her brother as soon as she saw him. "What do you want, Aaron?" Amy breathed. The answer was obvious, but part of her wanted to hear it anyway. "All I want is to talk with you, even if I know you don't want to talk to me again" Aaron explained. Amy was sure that he was looking at her because she could feel his gaze on her.

Amy felt a shot of adrenalin hit her body. Perhaps was because she didn't wanted to hear what he was going to say, but without thinking she started to walk away from him. She heard him yelling at her to stop, but she kept walking until she felt a hand on her forearm. "Let me go" she cried once she was standing, with Aaron a step behind her. "No" he murmured, still with his hand on her arm, almost taking her wrist. Aaron wasn't grabbing her arm tightly, just holding it so she couldn't escape again. "Aaron I said let me go" she exclaimed, finally turning in her heels and looking at him in the eyes. His eyes were soft and loving as he gazed down into her eyes. That was the reason why she didn't wanted to look at him, the second she did it, Amy know she was lost. No matter what he was going to say, she was lost in that blue gaze and the warm hand in her arm. "And I say no. So we can be fighting like this all night or we can talk like two grown up people. It's your choice, Amy" Aaron added, in a really calm voice. Amy was surprised that he was so calm. He thought that if they would see again he would be mad after all calls and messages she never answered. "Fine, go ahead" she whispered, looking away from him.

When she said that Aaron finally let her go, but she wished he wouldn't take his hand out from her wrist. And when he did, Amy took a sit in one of the metal chairs that were there in the balcony. "Look, I screw it. I know, I did everything wrong. I promised you something, I didn't fulfill what I promised and I shouldn't have lied. So, yeah, I probably deserve everything that you put in me. But hey, it's over. I'm trying to do the things right and I'm really sorry, Amy" Aaron said in a kind of explanation.

Amy listen each of the words he said and damn she wanted to forgive him but it was hard. Even when Amy was sure that she was still in love with him. He was standing in front of her, but she was looking at the floor and her shoes, because a part of her still screamed her not to forgive him. And then was the other part which wanted to jump into his arms if she looked at those blue eyes again. It was an internal battle that Amy wanted to solve as soon as possible. "Sorry about what of all the things?" Amy asked sounding a little bitchy. It was bad counting the fact that he was there apologizing, but she couldn't help it. "Oh we are playing that game, right" Aaron smiled, knowing that she was still mad. In that moment Amy thought that Aaron's patience was made of iron or something like that. "I'm sorry about everything. For ruin what we had. For breaking every one of the promises I made you. For disappearing all these years and making you think that I didn't care about you. For letting us become almost two strangers. And specially for breaking your heart. I'm sorry for what I did to you Amy, but I'm sorry for what I did to us. I know we had everything and we could have had more" Aaron continued, but before doing so, he knelt in front of her to look into her eyes. "I wish I could go back and change everything. I broke your heart, but I want to fix it, I want to fix everything that we had. I want us to be something better than we were, but I can't do it alone. Give me a chance. Just one. I deserve it after all these years, don't I?" he asked smiling sadly.

Amy didn't say anything. She wanted to kiss him, really kiss him and forget everything, leave everything in the past. But it was something still in the back of her mind screaming that if Aaron had hurt her before, he could do it again for third time. And she knew that she couldn't handle to lose him, not again. Amy wanted to tell him that she wanted to forgive him more than anything in the world, but she couldn't talk. The words were stucked in her throat, even when Aaron got up and she thought he was going to leave. But for Amy's luck Aaron didn't leave, he just went to take another chair and he placed it in front of her to sit there. Amy was shaking and she didn't know if it was for the cold air or because she was scared to dead that Aaron would leave her there. "Ok, while you think if you are going to give me another chance or no I'm going to tell you a story" Aaron started looking at her.

He looked so calmed and handsome and Amy was ashamed that she was a mess of nerves and tears. And it would have been worse if she hadn't been wearing waterproof mascara and eyeliner. "You know that I spend two years trying to find you. I did it because I wanted to know how you were doing and if you were in Manhattan. In that moment I was single, but I wanted to know if you were happy, even with someone else. I knew that it was a chance that you will be married, maybe with kids. I just wanted to know if you were doing fine, but then I found you after a long time and someone give me this" he explained, taking his wallet of from his suit jacket.

Aaron looked inside and he found a little white card and Aaron showed it to Amy. In the other side was her name because it was one of the personal cards that she used for her job. She looked at it for a second and then he put it everything in its place again. "At first I thought that it was a joke, but then I realize that it wasn't, the girl from that card was you. When I saw you in the park that day I thought that it wasn't you, but I looked at those emerald green eyes and you were my Amy, even when you don't looked like her" Amy looked at him, eyes with tears and a tiny and silly smile on her face, making Aaron smile too, because it was obvious that he needed to say something about the way that she look. "It was everything fine until one day I realize that I was falling for you again. I push that thought out of my head until I couldn't fight it anymore and all the beach thing happened..." Aaron murmured looking at the floor.

Amy looked at him, with his hand on his knees, moving nervously one of his legs. It was like if he was nervous about saying the rights words to try to convince her to forgive him, forget everything and finally give him another chance. "It was supposed to be just one kiss. I told myself it would be just a kiss, after that I would know what and how I felt for you. I told myself that nothing would happen until everything was fixed in my life, but when I kissed you... You were all I could think about. It was you and just you and I loosed my mind. After all this time I just wanted you with me. I was so selfish that I acted without thinking about the consequences" Aaron explained, finally looking at Amy again, with a sad smile on his face and his eyes making him look like a lost, sad puppy. "And now what about..." Amy murmured, finally founding the voice to talk. Maybe it was because she couldn't stand to see him sad and she needed to do something to change that. "Totally over. I earned a slap in the face, but it was totally worth it if you can forgive me. If you want a short explanation I told her she is not you. And I explained that at first I thought it could be because the stupid quirk of seeing you and found you again, but it wasn't. I tell her that I laughed more in the time with you that in those months with her. And I thought that was probably falling in love with you again" he explained, as he wiped the tears from her cheeks with his hand and then put a lock of hair behind her ear. "Well, yes I think you deserved that slap, shame it was not me the one that slap you" Amy joked, taking his right hand with hers. "Yes, I know" Aaron murmured laughing, taking her free hand in his free one.

That was it: Amy looked at his eyes for one last time and with his warm hands on her right inside of her head, her heart and her body was over. All her walls fell at once and she knew that all that she wanted was to look at those blue perfect shining eyes and that smile for the rest of her life, even when she was scared as hell. "Aaron, I wanna forgive you. I really want to, but I swear to God that if you..." she threatened him, squeezing his hands enough to make clear that she was not joking about it. Not anymore. "Yes, if I break your heart again you are going to try to kill me. It's fine. I know you. It's not going to happen, not again" Aaron promised, releasing her right hand to stroking her cheek. Amy put her hand on his and closed her green eyes for a moment, trying to get used again to the feeling of his hand on her skin.

Suddenly Aaron took his hand off from her check, and get up from the chair. "Come here" he told her, making her stand too. They didn't went too far, just stayed looking at the illuminated field, but with Amy hugging him by the waist and Aaron's around her back. But before it he took of his suit jacket and places it around Amy's shoulders because she was still trembling, though less than before. "I think that a part of me was waiting that for you to come. If you hadn't come it would have been a waste of time" she murmured against his chest, looking up at him. "Don't tell me that because I'm already dying to kiss you. And if you say you've been waiting for me to come, you make me have more eager to kiss you, but I know you will probably kick my ass if I do it here" Aaron exclaimed, holding her more against him if that was possible and kissing her forehead. Amy could feel him smiling when he kisses her and she could swear that her heart was melting. "I'm not going to lie you, Tveit. I don't give a shit about this party, but you are the famous here and I'm sure that big parts of the people inside are looking at us. So yes, if you try to do something I'll kick your ass" she confessed shrugging and trying to not laugh. "You want to get out of here? I can drive you home if you want" Aaron offered, looking at her. "Please, can you do that for me?" Amy asked with a sweet smile. "Everything for you. Let's go" Aaron said, letting her go from his arms, but taking her hand as they went back inside of the party, but just to take her coat.

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