Chapter 8 - Consequences

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A Lie told guised as truth

Is truth to the one who is told

Even if the truth be revealed

The trust is lost

He reeked of blood as he lay sprawled across the side of the lake. I could see the rising and falling of his chest as he struggled to breathe. Death was only moments away.

My ears rang due to the insistent screaming. Not far off, Katherine was wailing "somebody please help" she screamed, her watery eyes clouded over at times. I felt vibrations under my paws, they were coming.

Soon enough, wolves emerged out of the forest. A large black wolf appeared, growling as it walked towards me. I snarled, standing in front of my prey, snapping at the Alpha wolf daring him to come close. The ferocious side of me did not care, relishing in the challenge even if he was my father.

"Son let him go. He needs help!" he commanded once he changed back to human. He knew that his commands never worked on me. My growl was my response "take her away" he said looking towards my mate.

"It's all my fault. I am so sorry. I am so sorry" she cried as the warriors led her away. I felt pain that I cannot describe, a pain that was temporarily engulfed by my anger but still it remained, and it hurt. In truth I was no virgin, the years I spent waiting for Katherine were not always spent in solitude, seldom I wandered to the nearby town to seek comfort and company from other women. All that ended over a year ago vowing to be faithful to my mate.

"Enough now son. Let him go. he will die if we don't take him to the clinic". A battle raged within me, a part of me did not want him to die, the other part of me wanted his blood in order to feel sated.

More screams spread through the forest as more pack members came to witness.

"Oh my grandson. My grandson!" Florence screamed "he has killed him!" Phillip tried to run to his son but the warriors held him back "my son! he has killed my son!" other pack members looked on helpless.

"Look at what you have done. Your own pack is afraid of you" father bellowed. My eyes roamed through the crowd feeling a sense of Déjà vu. The anguished look in the eyes of my mother was enough to tame my feral side.

Looking into the eyes of my father I saw disappointment and in the eyes of my pack I saw hatred. Staring back at Dexter, I saw a man whose life was slowly slipping away, it was all my fault. I felt ashamed and I ran.

I ran as fast as my legs could carry me. I could still taste his blood in my mouth. To the west, through the thick forests, down the mountain I descended, losing my step I fell and rolled to the ground hitting my head on a rock losing consciousness.

I could hear over a dozen voices whispering as I blinked my eyes open staring at a wooden roof

"I don't know what happened Matt I found him unconscious at the base of the mountain" Mario said.

I groaned as I changed back, my head throbbed with pain.

"Alpha. Alpha are you okay" Mario rushed to hand me some clothes "I am fine Mario" I replied standing up to put on some shorts and a t-shirt. Walking outside, familiar faces quickly gathered around me.

In their eyes I saw worry and concern for me. Hidden from the rest of the world lived the pack which apart from my parents I considered to be family. Nestled amid a picturesque landscape, stone houses with wooden roofs spread across a valley through which poured a mountain stream. With a population of about 100 shifters was a pack of rogues led by Mario.

I met Mario four years ago, wandering the cold dark forest through what was once known as No man's land one late evening, I came across three wolves. I had every intension of killing them like I had been doing for years. Rogues had caused my parents much pain and I executed any who dared to cross my path.

Mario fought with all he had, I can admit he is the strongest Beta I have come across though I will never tell him that. Transforming mid fight, he pleaded for mercy "Kill me Alpha but please show mercy to my family. Please we mean no harm to anyone". I couldn't do it instead I chose to save them leading them through the valleys and slopes down the mountain to the land they now inhabit. Since then, I have been saving rogues. Well not all of them, only the ones I deem worthy to be saved, others are cruel and blood thirsty rogues, death I gift to them.

"He had it coming, what did he think was going to happen? and those ungrateful basta...people, always against you" Lydia, Mario's mate ranted after I finished explaining to them what had happened.

"No Lydia I went too far I shouldn't have reacted like that"

"no it is justified Alpha, Dexter should not have talked to you like that"

"I don't think they will ever accept me as Alpha now"

"and that's a good thing, it means you get to stay here with us" Lydia smiled "you know he can't do that Lydia" Mario argued "he is not meant to be with us, the Bloodhowlers pack needs him more" Mario and Lydia sat down beside me on chairs hand crafted by pack members "look at everyone here, they have a home and a family and its only because of you. we are thriving. We will be fine. Go back home Alpha" Mario was right, no matter the anger or resentment they showed towards me, they were still my people.

Saying goodbye always left me feeling downhearted, they did not treat me different. I felt like I belonged. But I had to go back.

I thought of ways to assimilate them into my pack yet I feared no one would agree.

Walking through the border after I had washed in the river, the gathered warriors looked at me with contempt though none uttered a word to me. I decided to head to my father's house, I needed to talk to him and mother.

I found a crowd gathered at their house with raised voices and hostile glares.

"we do not want him as Alpha" one voice yelled

"he nearly killed my grandson today"

"he is nothing but a bloodthirsty beast. He will doom us all!"

Father tried to calm them down, mother looked on not knowing what to do. Father exhibited patience by not using his Alpha voice to disperse them "I know my son. He didn't mean to ..."

"stop defending him" Florence interrupted "first Mason now Dexter. This has to stop"

"we will all leave if he becomes Alpha" another voice shouted

Father looked. Defeated.

"so you say you will all leave when I become Alpha" Pin drop silence rippled through the crowd as I approached heading straight to the front to stand next to my father "you can leave right now I mean why wait till then?" none moved an inch "why wait for the inevitable?" still, no one replied "I SAID LEAVE!" my voice boomed throughout the forest. Pack members bowed their heads in submission, some placing their hands on their ears cowering silently in their places.


"no father let me speak! I have tried goddess knows I have tried everything to be accepted. I admit my wrongs yet you all think I am heartless, a monster. A beast" my eyes roamed through the crowd yet again all I could see is loathing in their eyes "so, to all those who wish to leave. I will not stop you"

"we are not not go-ing anywhere" Florence replied in a quavering voice "we want a new Alpha" it seemed her hatred for me had surpassed logical thinking. I gave out a loud boisterous laugh.

"and who will be the new Alpha. Your son?"

"No. our Beta Ethan. He is more than capable" she said. Truly like Lydia said they were ungrateful bastards. 

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