Chapter 6 - Reina

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She ruled my heart

I was at her feet

The pan seared as I flipped the bacon, donned in an apron, standing over the stove preparing breakfast. Waking at dawn, I decided to make a meal for Katherine, I wanted her to feel comfortable and hopefully break the ice between us. On a tray, I placed the pancakes, bacon, eggs, coffee and juice only I was stumped, I did not know whether to knock on her bedroom door or wait for her even though the food was going to get cold. Luckily, her bedroom door opened and I could hear the sound of her footsteps, her scent overriding my senses.

"Good morning Katherine"

"Good morning Alpha" she replied with a bewildered look on her face, her eyes looking over the food I placed on the counter. Wearing a baggy shirt and loose pants, she still was the most beautiful woman I had laid my eyes on.

"Please Katherine call me Vincent" I did not want her to be formal with me, she was the only one I wished to be free with. "Come. Sit" pulling a chair for her, she walked cautiously and sat down.

"You cooked this?" she asked while I served her food.

"Yes I did"

"you can cook!?"

"yes I can" I chuckled serving myself a plate, I sat next to her "now let's eat before the food gets cold".

"Wow this is amazing" she gushed after taking a bite.

"I am glad you like it"

"Alph- Vincent. I was wondering if I could go and see my family and friends at the pack house today"

"of course you can Katherine. You don't need to ask for permission from me if you want to do something just let me know so that I know that you are safe. You are my mate and not my prisoner, do not be afraid of me "I always hated the fact she thought that I owned her, or controlled her life. All I wanted from her was love, affection and truth.

"I know and I am sorry for the way I acted yesterday it's just ..."

"No. there is no need to apologize I understand. I know I am not the mate you wanted but I promise I will prove to you that I am not the monster or beast people make me out to be" and it was a promise I intended to keep only the truth was submerged in a sea of lies and she chose to drown in it.

Once we were done eating, Katherine went to her room to get dressed while I waited for her in the living room. She emerged from her room looking absolutely breathtaking wearing a beautiful blue dress with her hair tied in a loose bun.

"are you ready?" I asked, she nodded her head. Walking towards her, I placed a hair strand behind her ear "Beautiful" I whispered staring into her green eyes and her lips curved upwards offering me a radiant smile.

I leaned in and she closed her eyes, I could feel her breath on my chin, her pink lips looked so succulent waiting to be devoured yet I placed my kiss on her forehead. I decided not to rush into our relationship. I wanted her to fall in love with me first not be with me out of obligation. I tamed the hungry beast within.

"let's go"

Walking through the forest, the silence called to me, side by side with my mate, a dream come true. I desired for a life where it could be just us two. But reality beckoned to me, the voices became louder and louder as we walked closer to the pack house then a silence covered the air as pack members stared at us. Then the whispers began. It was becoming routine.

'oh such a pity the poor girl'

'it's so sad'

'he is going to eat her'

"oh goddess not again, first our Alpha and now this" Florence commented never bothering to lower her tone of voice. Seeing me without a mate for nearly 10 years to some felt just, the goddess punishing me for all I had done wrong.

I felt a bolt of electricity course through my hand, when I looked down, our hands were intertwined. Katherine held my hand firmly, tilting her head up she smiled nervously, the voices were getting to her. l had had enough.

"are we some spectacle to be gazed upon?" I growled. Not one responded and they quickly went about their business. Standing apart from the rest, I saw Ethan and Dexter glaring. Couldn't we all just get along and live peacefully. I could only hope for our lives were headed for a collision that would lead to the downfall of the strongest pack in the world.

Entering the pack house, I could see pack members busying themselves trying not to stare. We took the stairs and Katherine went to Carina's room while I walked to my father's office.

" I can see the change already" father joked sitting in his Alpha chair with his elbows on the table hands clasped together "you actually look your age you used to look all grumpy and mad and irritated and..."

"okay. Okay I get it. Now can we move on to more important matters" Father laughed heartily at my remark and stood from his sit.

"yes yes your Alpha ceremony. I was thinking we have the ceremony tomorrow. What do you think?" he asked looking through files in his cabinet.

"is it not too short notice? Its not only my ceremony, Katherine will become Luna. She needs time to prepare" as much as I wanted to be Alpha. I knew that my mate was not ready for the responsibilities that lay ahead. If I could wait ten years to become Alpha, a few more months would not hurt.

"Then when do you think is the appropriate time?"

"I don't know Dad, maybe in a few months but I need to ask Katherine". Fathers face broke out into wide grin. "what?"

"and so it has begun" he said

"what!? "the creepy smile was getting to me.

"the days of making your own decisions are over. Now she rules over you."

And he was right, blindly I fell in love and blindly I followed her to my end.

After the meeting with my father, I decided to round the border to check on security, passing the pack border, I ran to my land to check on trespassers, then down the path through dangerous terrain to the place unknown to others.

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