Chapter 25 - My Love

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Katherine's POV

Oh my love

I would give anything

Just to see you again

I sat on a bed in a room that I called my own for months now. The rays of sunshine that shined through the curtains could not cast light to the darkness and hopelessness I felt inside. Endless days of the dreary round of sobbing and sleepless nights.

Over the last couple of days, the rain poured down in torrents but now gave way to a beautiful rainbow. Standing by the window, I saw the beauty of colors but they could not quell the sorrow I felt inside.

I lay on the bed and cuddled a pillow as the tears streamed down my cheeks, I sniffed the pillow hoping it still smelt like him but his scent had since faded away. This was the room where he slept whenever he visited the pack. This was his home. A place where he was truly treated like an Alpha. He saved rogue wolves, gave them a home.

Days I wondered why he hid this part of his life from me, from his parents. I longed to be with him, to hear his voice, I craved his touch.

"I know that it's not easy but you need to move on. Vincent would want you to" Lydia said to me.

But I couldn't, Vincent was alive. I could feel it. My wolf knew it too. We mourned the separation from our mate.

Yet no one believed me they all thought that I couldn't accept the truth. That's why I needed to leave, I had to look for him to tell him how much I loved him.

Why did I listen to that snake Carina, to my brother? They deceived me, I thought they loved and cared for me. offering their help when I planned the surprise for Vincent after we become Alpha and Luna but it was all a ruse to get him there, to kill him. They ruined everything. Many people are dead because of them.

We lost Aunt Kathy, Uncle Michael and my parents were captured. I wanted nothing more than to wrap my arms around my love so that he could know that I was there for him. But he was somewhere alone and in pain.

A knock on my door pulled me away from my thoughts. "can I come in?" he asked

"Come in" the door opened and my brother walked in "what do you want?"

"I wanted to see how you are doing" he said sitting beside me

"I am doing great now leave me alone" I replied facing the wall. I didn't want to face my brother. "listen I know you miss Vincent but you need to come outside get some fresh air it will do you good" he stood up and walked to my side grabbed my elbow and tried to lift me up "come on..."

"No don't touch me. Just leave me alone Ethan" I shrieked

"am just trying to help you"

"I don't need your help. You did this, this is all your fault. you - you ruined my life. You ruined my pack. Wolves are dead because of you" I got up from the bed and looked at my idiot of a brother "I hate you. I hate you" I cried.

"shhhhhh keep your voice down someone might hear"

"and so what if they can hear me? You afraid that they will discover what sort of person you are. It's only a matter of time Ethan they will find out the truth and they will kill you" I knew that the pack noticed the animosity between my brother and I. The rogue pack was suspicious of him, why wouldn't they be. The beta of one strongest packs ran away while the whole pack fell.

"you have no idea how much I regret everything. I wish I could go back" he said running a hand through his disheveled hair

"but you can't. You can't undo what has been done" I wiped the tears from my eyes "but you can help me"

"help you with what?"

"I need you to help me look for Vincent" Despite everything he was the only one I could count on

"Katty no please not this again Vincent is dead" he said exasperated.

"No his not. We didn't see his body. His alive I can feel it" why couldn't he believe me. My love was alive and no one wanted to believe me.

"we can't leave this place. We are safe here. Alpha Dean's warriors are still looking for us"

"you are and always have been a coward" anger flashed through his eyes but quickly disappeared.

"I am not a coward I am simply keeping us safe" he said through gritted teeth

I chuckled "I mean how can I expect you to understand you've never even had a mate. You only play pretend with that snake" my brother became silent staring blankly into space with a pained look on his face.

"I found my mate" he muttered after a moment. I stood stunned but soon regained my composure

"what's her name?"


"Sheila? Sheila is your mate." In the months I stayed in the pack, Sheila was one of the only people I could trust besides Lydia. She stayed with me and provided a shoulder to cry on, sometimes she wouldn't say a word but she just sat with me in silence "she never said anything to me"

"You know her? You've talked to her? please help me get through to her. She won't let me near her"

"well of course she won't let you near her, the first time she met you you had another woman by your side claiming to be your mate" I never really understood my brother, he knew his mate was out there somewhere but still chose to be with Carina.

"I broke up with Carina. I need Sheila to give me a chance, please help me..." I kind of felt sorry for my brother. I knew how it felt like not being able to be with your mate.

"give her time Ethan, she has other things going through her mind. Her brothers are still missing"

"she has brothers? what happened to them?"

"you don't know?"

"how can I if she doesn't want to talk to me and much as I try the people around here don't really like me"

"all she told me was that one day her two brothers with five of their friends left for a trip to one of the human cities but they never returned "I saw the blood drain from my brother's face.

"when was this?"

"I don't know months ago I guess"

"they were seven of them" he whispered

"yes they were, the youngest was her brother terry who was 15 and the older one was bobby just turned 18, the boys left and were never heard from again. They tried searching for them but nothing it's like they dropped off the face of the earth"

"I need to go" before I could ask what was wrong my door was shut and he was gone. Thought it strange but I could not dwell on it. I had to figure out a way to find Vincent.

I remained alone looking through the window to the sky. I muttered a prayer to the goddess

I know that he is alive

I can feel it

Please keep him safe

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