Chapter 21 -Persistence

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To be loved

Or to be feared

To have peace

Or to awaken the beast and wreak havoc

Jacob began to make it his mission to nag me about asking Jemma out. Like a bothersome child who would not relent till he got the toy he desired.

"when are you going to ask her out?" He repeated while we were unloading food supplies from the van at the back of the restaurant.

"I am not going to Jacob I have Katherine" I replied for the umpteenth time

"are you really going to take her back after everything"

"I don't know"

"urgh ...come on man she doesn't deserve you after what she did" he said grabbing a crate full of lettuce and placing it on the ground.

"okay can we talk about something else...anything" I said running a hand over my face, looking to the warm skies. Exhausted not from the work but from the questions I did not wish to answer.

My heart remained cold to the feelings left unresolved. I still felt betrayed. Memories of that night left me scarred.

The way she smiled while she led me into the forest, her long white dress, golden hair and flower crown, blinding beauty. She could do no wrong.

"Florence, Philip, Ethan and Dexter planned for months, Katherine was in it too. How do you think Alpha Dean knew exactly where to find you? It was because of her" Jacob continued on. I sat on the edge of the cargo bay, staring at my feet on the ground "they planned everything, that's the reason she came back to you. didn't you find it strange how she was afraid of you then suddenly the next day she liked you"

"you know you are not innocent in this either, you knew yet you chose to stay quiet"

"I told you I thought I was doing what's be..."

"best for the pack. Yes, I know that. We have moved past it because I have also made mistakes. Doesn't she deserve the same thing?"

"so what you guys get back together and pretend nothing happened?"

"I don't know Jacob" I said standing up feeling restless

"do you know why she did it?"

Deep down I knew the answer. Saying it loud meant admitting that everything was a lie. I uttered no reply. "she did it for Dexter so that they could be together. She never loved you"

My heart shattered once more. I wished nothing more than to run, to feel the breeze flowing through my fur, to feel the vibrations as my paws hit the ground yet I could not. My eyes filled with tears but I would not let them fall.

I glared at the young werewolf, anger began to flow through my veins like venom. He wouldn't let it go.  I wanted nothing more than to rip him to shreds for my rage had boiled over.

But as the thought crossed my mind so did the realization that I would be the one to be ripped to shreds. So I did the only thing I could do.

I walked away.

"where you going?" Jacob called out.

"I just need some ... time alone" I sniffed only then did I grasp that the tears had streamed down my face

"I I can com-come with you" he stumbled clearly unsettled by my current condition

"no I just need some time alone"

"oh okay. stay in the main streets don't wonder off into the forest"

I did not look back, wiping the tears from my eyes. I felt a fool. How could I not see it? Perhaps Jacob was right she did not deserve me. I walked for a while then sat on a bench in Siren park.

Within the sea of thoughts that ran through my mind, I thought about Jacob. I wanted to kill him. I was going to kill him. If not for the fact that I was human, he would have ended up like Mason. Perhaps me being human was the best for everyone.

Once I returned, Jacob did try to apologize but I told him to forget about it and not to speak of it ever again.

Mr. Burns returned days later looking like he had not slept for days. He told Jacob and I that he wanted to meet us at his house later that night.

The night was still and silent with not a breath of wind to disturb the peace, Jacob and I stepped onto Mr. Burns porch blissfully unaware of what waited inside.

I knocked on the door and Mr. Burns opened to allow us in. the first thing that caught my eye was an old woman sitting in a chair. Her hair was silver her skin wrinkled and body frail. I heard growls coming from my side. Jacobs eyes turned golden brown.

"stand down, she means no harm"

"what? What is it?" I asked Jacob

"She has no scent that means she's a witch" he seethed

"yes she is but she is also my very good friend" Mr. Burns replied "she is here to offer her help come now take your seats we have things to discuss"

We begrudgingly took our sits not taking my eyes off the witch. If I was not told what she was I never would have known. She reminded me of my late grandmother, she gave an aura of someone who was nurturing and kind. That was until she opened her mouth.

"this is.... Debra, Debra meet Jacob and Alpha Vincent"

"uh the famous Alpha Vincent. the stories I have heard about you. you are not that scary looking" she said in a soft and raspy voice. Jacob growled and sneered "calm down doggy I am not going to hurt your master" she snickered which was enough to send Jacob lunging at her aiming for her neck. Mr. Burns stepped in front of her just in time. Because of my slow human reflexes, I was a mere spectator.

"calm down Jacob" Mr. Burns bellowed "and you!" he turned to face Debra "I welcomed you into my home as my guest and you will not insult the Alpha and Warrior of Bloodhowlers pack" he scolded

"alright calm down calm down I am sorry. I admit I took it a little too far". I grabbed Jacob's arm and he sat back down taking deep long breathes

"okay now that that's over. Let me tell you why we are all here" Mr. Burns sat down and leaned back into the sofa "I have great news. Debra and I have figured out a way to get your wolf back"

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