Chapter 12 - Moment

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Ethan's POV

To be thought of as weak

I felt aggrieved

yet because of it

I achieved the impossible

"drag him. Tie him to that tree over there" Florence stormed towards Vincent. "what is the all-powerful Alpha going to do now?" she snickered, Phillip by her side with a smug expression on his face. The warriors pulled Vincent through the grass, all the while a helpless mother wailed as I held the knife to her throat and my arm around her waist. The once great and powerful Alpha Michael on his hands and knees, his face etched in haunting despair. No one to come to his aide. In anger father transformed into his wolf but the witches put him to sleep. He lay in my mother's arms, tears running down her cheeks, I could feel her gaze yet I could not bring myself to look at her.

I did not hate Alpha Michael or Aunt Kathy, I did what needed to be done. Bloodhowler's pack and Dark Moon pack joined together to rid ourselves of the monster that called itself Alpha. Those who stood against us where locked up in the packs prison.

For months we planned, I couldn't quite believe just how gullible Vincent was. The moment I begged on my knees for his forgiveness, how could he not see the through it all? I used one man's obsession to topple the other. Alpha Dean's thirst for revenge became my stepping stone to power.

To protect my sister, I made a deal with the enemy. An unconscious Katherine was carried into the pack house by a warrior from Dark Moon. I knew that when she awoke she would be happy, the tears she cried the day she discovered Vincent was her mate still torment me to this day. I wanted to tell her even before she turned, I wanted to take her away from here, keep her safe but I knew that for as long as Vincent was alive, he could never let her go.

Yes, he was not dead but a mere human now so he was no threat. The amount of blood sacrificed for the wolf suppression spell shook me to my core. But none of that mattered, I was going to be Alpha. It was my time to show them all what I was capable of. That I was not some arrogant, egoistical stupid little child.

"is there anything else you want us to do? we would like to be on our way now" the head witch stated. Her long black hair and soulless eyes left me feeling uneasy.

"patience my dear Mida, it will be over soon" Luna Aria replied. I was surprised by the witches' willingness to help the dark moon pack, but I guess greed was enough reason for this union to be formed.

"Son please put the knife down. It's not too late to make things right" Alpha Michael continued to plead.

Luna Aria laughed maniacally as she approached the Alpha "oh how the tables have turned. Tsk tsk. you thought I had forgotten. I told you I would be back!" She glowered at me "Kill Her!"

"No!" the former Alpha cried in a broken voice. "please don't do this" I had no intention of taking her life. I only asked for surrender to become the new Alpha and lead the pack the right way. After all, my biggest obstacle had been dealt with.

"that was not the deal" I bellowed staring at the Luna of the Dark Moon pack

"that was not the deal" Alpha Dean mocked rubbing his chest removing a large silver dagger from a leather scabbard "the deal was for you to allow us into your pack to defeat Alpha Michael, his Luna and of course their son or have you changed your mind?"

"I have not changed my mind, I said we were to defeat them not kill them. They are to be kept in a dungeon for the remainder of their lives"

"oh really" Alpha Dean chuckled "you want to keep your enemies alive to give them a chance to revolt!" He strolled towards me, his eyes never leaving mine. "you are such a naïve boy, you think locking them up will solve anything. Your enemies will simply regroup and fight because the truth is. This is not your pack because you are not an Alpha" before I could fully contemplate on his words, Alpha Dean plunged the dagger straight into Luna Kathy's heart as she gasped. A deafening growl spread throughout the forest, Alpha Michael transformed into his beastly form lunging at Alpha Dean.

My blood ran cold. Luna Kathy slumped in my arms, I dropped the knife, I watched as her eyes rolled to the back of her head.

"Why are you just standing there? HELP HIM!" Luna Aria yelled to the leader of the coven.

"No! we have done what you paid us to do. We will not be involved in this." Mida replied walking away with her coven into the forest.

The warriors of Dark moon joined in the fight. Alpha Michael was eventually overpowered, already in a weakened state due to the loss of his mate. Beaten and bruised, he was left gasping for air on the forest floor.

Hours had passed, Alpha Michael was locked up in prison with the others including Minerva, Uncle Dante, Aunt Mellissa, Jake and my parents because they would not yield.

But perhaps the cruelest thing of all was leaving Luna Kathy's body in front of Vincent. He was still not awake. I feared he was dead, but his heartbeat was there, weak, only enough to keep him alive. I shuddered to think what would happen only reminding myself that he could not hurt me.

I sat in the Alpha's chair. Alpha of the Bloodhowler's pack but who remained? My parents in prison. My sister locked up in a room. Some pack members ran away deep into the forests, the warriors who had a change of heart and wanted to free Alpha Michael and Vincent were either killed or thrown into prison. Those who remained were outnumbered by Dark moon. I underestimated just how strong they were. The only support I had was from Florence and her followers but I could not trust them. It was Florence who fed me lies all those years making believe I was destined to be Alpha.

'not all are born to lead' father once said to me. I did not listen to his advice.

I felt hands under my shirt, she stroked my abs and began to lay kisses on my stomach. "stop it Carina! This is not the time for this" pushing her away from me, I stood and began to pace back and forth.

"we have to celebrate. You are Alpha and I am Luna now" she whined

"this is not the time to celebrate. Can't you see what's happening"

"what is happening is what you wanted! I helped you lay a trap for Vincent by convincing your sister to take him into the forest and the plan worked out perfectly"

"No it did not. my parents are locked up. Aunt Kathy is dead. this is not what I wanted"

 "I know baby, we cannot change what happened to Luna Kathy but we can help your parents. Just tell Alpha Dean to leave then we will be able to sort everything out" she placed a kiss on my shoulder.

"you need to do something about your sister or she will break free" Alpha Dean said barging into the office. "well, well, well what do we have here? It's the Alpha and his supposed Luna. You two look so good together it's almost like you are meant to be"

"I want you to leave my pack" I looked defiantly at the Alpha choosing to ignore what he just said.

"you want us to leave?" he cackled "or what?! What will the Beta - oh sorry my mistake? What will the great Alpha do?"

"I do not want any trouble, we had a deal. You've had your revenge."

"Okay. As you wish Alpha Ethan" he walked out of my office.

"that was easy" Carina mumbled. It was too easy. I didn't think it would be that easy. And easy it was not. 

Screams broke out.

We were under attack. 

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