Hospital Room 4

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Michael: ...

Tokto: ...

Michel: Listen Tokto...

Tokto: I didn't try to kill myself!

Michel: Very good, very good... But then explain to me what happened...

Tokto: ...You... You're going to think I'm crazy...

Michel: Tokto I spent several hours sewing up your internal organs because I think you attempted suicide for no apparent reason, I already think you're crazy...

Tokto: Aaaaah... It's... Is it nice of you to recognize it?

Michel: Well listen to me Tokto... First your arm, and now this... As your doctor, I am in charge of your safety and your good recovery so I think I have the right to ask for some  answers.  Especially since you don't give any logical explanation.

Tokto: There you go... Logic... That's the problem...

Michel: Hmm??  Explain yourself.

Tokto: Aaaaaaaah... Okay!... But promise me not to send me to a psychiatric asylum.

Michel: I promise you that on my diplomas!!

Saying this, he raises his right hand and places his left on his chest, eyes closed, as a sign of sincerity.

Tokto: Well...

Tokto took a deep breath, closing his eyes, before exhaling slowly to calm down a little.

Tokto: Actually...

Michael: Actually?

Tokto: When we first saw you, you mentioned my lack of sleep, remember?

Michel: Yes, but I don't see any connection...

Tokto: If I sleep so little... It's because for a while... I have nightmares every time I close my eyes...

Michael: Okay...

Tokto: In this nightmare... I get eaten alive by some kind... Of... A weird creature!

Michael: I see.

Tokto: And I think... The wounds this creature is doing to me... It's real!

Michel: uh...

Tokto: Look, I know it sounds a bit like a bad horror movie but I swear it's true...

Michel: Um... Tokto...

Tokto: See?!  I knew you wouldn't believe me.

Michel: Calm down, calm down.  I will admit to you that I am quite... Huuuum... Skeptical.  But for all that I do not rule out all the chances that your story is true.  It's just that as you say it's very very very difficult to believe.  But whatever, whatever.  I would like you to tell me more.  So... why would this monster be after you?

Tokto: ...I know... absolutely nothing.  Absolutely nothing.

Michel: I see, I see.  And so I imagine that you don't know why you're having this same nightmare either?

Tokto: Indeed.  I'm totally confused.

Michel: Okay, okay, okay.  Assuming this is true...

Tokto: IT'S TRUE...

Michel: Sorry, sorry, excuse me.  Well, if the wounds this creature inflicted on you are real, then how come you're still alive?  You did say that you were systematically devoured, so why did you still escape unscathed?  If your injuries are real, then your death must be real too, right?

Tokto: ...

Michael: Why are the wounds in these dreams only starting to appear now if you've been having this dream for a while?  And why didn't you do something to try to solve your nightmare problem?  I mean... You probably had to tell yourself that it's just a dream but still... Having the same dream over and over again...

Tokto: Um... I...

Michel: Sorry for being so insistent.  It's just... Your situation is... RAAAAH.  I'll be honest, I don't really believe you...

Tokto: ...It's not very surprising...

Michel: For now I'm going to let you rest a little.  Don't force too much, your sutures could come loose if you become agitated.  I'll come back to see you a little later.

Tokto: ...

Michel: ...Oh by the way.

Tokto: What?

Michel: There is a young boy and a girl who came to see you.  They asked me to tell you that they will come see you as soon as you are able to receive visitors.

Tokto: Huh??  Imaud and Lana came by??

Michel: Ah, these are their names?  In any case they are very worried about you so don't do anything stupid and get better as soon as possible. Okay?

Tokto: I tell you that I didn't...

Michel left the room immediately, leaving Tokto alone with his thoughts.


Alone in his room, Tokto thought as calmly as possible.  At the same time, with this new injury running from his right shoulder to his left side, his movements were more limited than ever.  So he could only stay calm and try to spend his time profiling.  They were trying to put in order all the information he already had.

Tokto: So, then, then.  Let's recap.  Thanks to, or because of, my previous nightmares, I was at least able to determine several things.  Already, the place where the nightmares start changes depending on where I fall asleep.  And apparently, my surroundings will be reproduced identically.  Despite the fact that I am asleep and aware of it, I don't seem to be able to do anything and everything like in a lucid dream.

Indeed, the possibility of lucid dreaming had crossed Tokto's mind, but he quickly realized that it wouldn't work.  He catches his breath before continuing.

Tokto: I was savagely injured during my dream, yet when I woke up, I only had this simple injury.  Fortunately I want to say, otherwise my life would have been over.  But why only this wound remained?  Michel also raised an important point... Why are all these problems only happening now?  I've had this dream for months now but...

While talking to himself, Tokto stopped short, his mind immediately occupied by a subject that seemed very important to him.

Tokto: *But actually... How long have I been having this dream?  One month, two?  No, it's more than that... I realize that I talk about it as something normal, as if I had always had this dream.  But in reality it was from... A few months at most... why can't I remember exactly?!  I feel like it's...*

Michel: You seem lost in your thoughts, Tokto.

Tokto: AH!!  Ooh it's just you... You scared me by sneaking into my room like that...

Michel: How do you sneak?  I entered normally.  You're the one who doesn't pay attention to those around you.  Let me tell you that I've been watching you turn your brain around in your bed for 2 minutes.

Tokto: 2 minutes?  I must really be distracted then.  I didn't notice you at all.  But why are you here?  Did you forget something?

Michel: Umm... Forget?

Tokto: Well yes, you just came out.

Michel: Ah ah... You're really in the moonlight.  It's been several hours since I left.  I finished my day a while ago.

Tokto: What??  Wait... What??

Tokto: *I spent hours thinking?  Even if from my point of view I feel like I've only done a few seconds... What's happening to me...*

Michel: Eh oh stay with me Tokto.

Tokto: Ah sorry... But uh... You said your day is over right?  So what are you still doing here?  And now that I notice... you're not wearing your scrubs or your nursing habits...

Michel: You don't understand?  Yet it is obvious.

Tokto: Not for me, no...

Michel: I thought about what you told me earlier, in relation to your dream.  It seems really surreal to me, but you seemed pretty confident when you told me your theory.  And what's more, it was me who insisted a lot that you speak, so even if I don't really believe in it, I wanted to give you a chance.

Tokto: I... still don't understand...

Michel: Oh, finally make an effort!  It's simple, I told my wife that I would work late tonight.  So tonight, while you sleep, I will stay here and watch you.  If something happens while you're asleep, then I'll have proof of what you told me and we'll figure it out.  On the other hand, if nothing happens you will have to admit that you lied to me and tell me the whole truth.  In this case too, I will help you, don't worry.

Tokto: heeeee...

Michael: What?  Doesn't that seem like a good idea to you?

Tokto: Yes, yes, it's just that... I'm... Surprised.  You're a really good guy actually.

Michel: Ah ah ah.  No no I wouldn't say that.  I'm just an ordinary family man.  Besides, I couldn't stay with the family tonight because of you.

Tokto: I... I'm sorry... It's my fault...

Michel: Raah... If you're really sorry, then stop hurting yourself and get over it quickly!!

Tokto: Um yes sir.

Michel gets up from his chair and retrieves a bag from behind him.

Michel: Well, it's still early.  I brought some little things to snack on and something to pass the time.  It tell you?

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