The next day, I went to school early in the morning and posted the 500 printed copies in almost every corner of the school (in our classroom, in both male and female comfort rooms, hallways, lockers, cafeteria, etc.). I also asked help from some students who are already there, to make it faster.
Thirty minutes before the class starts, I went straight to the park and up to the tower for zipline. Okay, I just need a few minutes to rest and to gather all my strength.
After resting for about twenty minutes, I leaned toward the railings facing the middle of the park and looked down to see the people below.
Wow. I have audience. People are starting to come and most of them are students from our school. I am only expecting Arthur to come, but he's not even here.
Did he read my letter? Did he see the printed copies? It's impossible for him not to see the printed copies at school. What if he saw them, but he just doesn't care? NO. I CAN'T GIVE UP. I AM GOING TO DO THIS EVEN IF HE DOESN'T COME.
I looked at the people again and they are all looking at me. Oh. No. They are waiting for me to do my crazy stunt. I feel like an actor at a theatrical play or like a magician who's about to perform a dangerous trick.
After a few minutes of setting-up, I am now hanging upside-down in Spiderman position on the zipline and the staff is ready to push me in "One... Two... Three...!" Whooooosh!!!
OH MY GOSHHHH! I am moving so fast and screaming so loud, "AAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!" Until I came to a halt and the staff released me from the zipline.
I looked at the people and some of them are cheering;
"Wooohh!! You can do it Allison!!!" Some girls shouted.
"Well done! Young lady!!!" Came from a man's voice.
"Yeahh! One down! Nine more to go!!!" A boy yelled.
I scanned the faces in the crowd, but I still don't see him. I can feel my eyes welling up with tears now. I walked back to the tower and climbed the stairs, until I'm up again. This time no more resting and I started setting up right away with the staff, until I'm hanging upside-down in Spiderman position again.
I am really sobbing now and I don't feel like Spiderman at all. The staff asks me if I'm okay and if I still want to push through with it. I said yes I can do it and I will push through with it.
I closed my eyes and the staff is now counting, "One... Two... Three...!" Whooooosh!!!
I am sobbing and shouting, "I LOVE YOU ARTHUR KINGGGGGGGGG!!!!!!!!!!!" Until I came to a halt.
A few seconds later, I am still hanging upside-down and sobbing with my eyes closed. Then I felt hands touching each side of my face. I opened my eyes and I see Arthur in front of me. I am seeing him upside-down, but it's still him. He's here. He came for me and I wanted to tell him how sorry I am. I want to tell him how much I love him.
"I am so sorry for hurting you. I really thought you're under the curse and that you'll forget about me. I didn't know that I touched Theo and not you. I thought he's you because he's wearing your jacket while sleeping in the library and I didn't see his face. I really thought you're going to... to... die and I don't want you to die. I don't know how to bear with it and I thought maybe if I focus on Theo I can forget about you. I am so sorry for making all these stupid mistakes. I want you to know that all those things we shared together are real and not pretense, because I am truly in love with you." I said, sobbing uncontrollably.
"Shhh... Stop crying." He said, softly and gently brush away my tears with his hands.
"How can I stop crying...? I made stupid mistakes and I hurt you... I'm sorry and—"
He cut me off by kissing me full on the lips and then were actually making-out, with me still hanging upside-down. In the background I can hear people clapping and cheering, but I am focusing on Arthur. I am focusing on his lips, his tongue, and the feel of his hands on my face.
Mmmm... Now I definitely feel like Spiderman. Even better, I think.
After a few seconds, he pulled away.
"I'm really sorry... I really didn't mean to hurt you. I'm telling the truth. I have a curse..."
"I believe you and I am truly in love with you. I love you Allison Wales."
"I love you Arthur King." I said and then we smiled at each other.
Then I continued, "So um... are you just going to leave me hanging here all day?"
He laughed and said, "Well, you look really cute hanging like that. Though, I understand that you have to do eight more."
"Are you serious?"
"You said you're going to do it ten times right?"
Okay. I already did it twice, so I can do it over and over again.
"Right. Okay, let me down now."
The staff released me from the zipline and I'm standing at the ground again.
"Okay, I'm going up to the tower now to do it again." I said to him.
I am starting to walk back to the tower, when he pulled me back towards him.
"I am only kidding. You don't have to do it again." He said, smiling.
"I said I'll do it ten times and I can do it." I said with a serious tone.
"I know you can, but you don't have to. You already beat my record by doing it twice you know?" He said, raising his eyebrows.
I laughed and said, "I guess I'm now one of you. The very few people who are crazy enough to do it."
"Yeah. I think true love is crazy." He said. Then we went back to school and attended the class.
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