I am now in the classroom and the class is already starting, but Arthur texted me that he couldn't come to class today because his brother is sick and he needs to take care of him. It means that we can't have this day, which is our last day. But maybe it's just right that we won't be together today and I won't see him, because the thing is tomorrow it'll all be over.
The class has ended and I am standing in front of my locker still trying to think of how I can deal with this tomorrow when he forgets about everything we shared these past few days. Three days to be exact. Fifty-two hours to be really exact. I never thought that I would fall for him in such little time we had and feel like this for him. I never felt this way for anyone before. I never felt this way for Allen or Luke. It's different with Arthur. I never thought that I would love him so much and now I don't know what to do. I don't know how I can pretend like nothing ever happened between us and be back to having casual chit-chats with him as he struggles for his life, then one of these days see him dead... It's too much and it breaks me.
I just finished fixing my things in my locker and then a boy, about my age, approached me. He has dark brown eyes, pale skin and sloppy black hair similar to Arthur's.
He stared at me and said, "It's you. I've been looking for you these past few days."
"I just saw you a few times around the campus before and I don't know how it happened, but one day I have fallen in love with you." He said, smiling.
I don't remember touching this guy with my hands, but maybe there's a time where one of my gloves slightly slid off and my hand accidentally got into contact with his skin. It's either that or he really likes me. Well whether it's the curse or not, this guy could distract me from thinking about Arthur and that is something I badly need right now.
"Okay. I get it." I said and smiled at him.
"Really? Oh I'm so happy right now. Anyway, my name is Theo. What's yours?"
"Nice to meet you Theo. My name's Allison."
"Allison. What a beautiful name. I love it. "
"Thanks. I love your hair." I said and then I realized that I love his hair because it really reminds me of Arthur's hair. No, I need to focus on Theo and forget about Arthur.
He moved closer, touched my hair and said, "I love your hair too." Then I thought about what Arthur said about my hair that they remind him of the calm sea waves.
NO. STOP IT AMBER. FOCUS ON THEO. He said he loves my hair too. I need to say something. Focus on his face. Compliment him back.
"I love your... um... eyebrows."
He placed his hands on each side of my face and said, "I love your eyebrows too..." He moved closer and continued, "And your eyes..." Then he moved even closer and continued, "And your nose..." Then he moved his face much closer leaving only an inch of space between our faces and continued, "And your lips." Then he kisses me and I felt a pang of guilt.
I feel like I'm being unfaithful to Arthur. NO. NO. NO. Arthur doesn't love me. It's just the curse and he won't care or think about me in just a few hours, SO FOCUS ON THEO.
Theo's mouth is moving intensely and I can feel his tongue touching mine. His eyes are closed and his hands are traveling around my breasts. I try to drown myself into him. I'm kissing him back as hard as I can and I try to match his intensity. I wrapped my hands around his neck and pulled him closer, until there's no space between us. We've been kissing for a few seconds when a voice interrupted me. "Allison?" I pulled back to see who it is.
It's Arthur, standing frozen in front of us. His face is in shocked disbelief, but there's also something else in his expression... He looks deeply hurt.
I walked towards him and nervously asked, "What are you doing here? I thought you'll stay home to take care of your brother?"
"I just went out to buy medicine and stopped by to surprise you, but I guess I'm the one who's surprised." He said, sarcastically.
"Arthur... It's not... um..." I said, trying to find the right words to say.
"Not what I think it is? Is that what you're trying to say?!" he asked, raising his voice.
"You don't understand." I said with my voice shaking. I'm on the verge of tears now.
"Then make me understand!" He yelled angrily with his face creasing.
"Okay I'll tell you. I lied about my hands. The truth is I have a curse that when I touch someone's skin with my hands, that person will fall in love with me for five days. On the sixth day, that person and everyone else except from me, will forget about those five days. I got the curse from an old shop, when I accidentally dropped a jar with glowing liquid and it spilled into my hands. That's the reason why I always wear gloves and—" I started saying, then he interrupted me.
"Whatare you talking about? Is this some kind of joke?!"He asked, angrily
"It's not a joke. It's the truth and let me finish." I said then I continued, "I touched you with my hands Arthur and that's why you fell in love with me. I did it because I want to help you. On your first day at school, you said that you wanted to know how it feels to fall in love and hope that you experience it within this month before... before you die..." I said, shaking and feeling the tears streaming down my cheeks.
"You think I fell in love with you because of a curse? I am in love with you because... from the moment I saw you, I have started to like you already. I am in love with you because as I watch you each day at school, I have loved everything about you. I love the way you dress simple and leave your face exposed without any make-up, but feel comfortable with it because you're just being yourself. I love the way you stare at people when you're listening or talking to them, like you're really focused on them. I love the way you share to people whatever you can. I love the way you smile so wide and the way you make a silly face when you're laughing, like you really express how you feel. I am always looking at you, but you rarely lay your eyes on me. So when you asked me to go with you to the park, I was just so grateful and thrilled. Then we did all those fun activities together at the park and I got to know you better. Then on that same day, I just felt something inside me that I have never felt before. An inexplicable, mysteriously-wonderful feeling... and that's when I realized that I have fallen in love with you." He said, with his voice shaking and tears starting to fill up his eyes.
Why does he have to say these things? He is making it harder for me to move on and forget about him. Of course he's saying these things because he is still under the curse and is still in love with me. I know he'll forget about everything tomorrow, but I still feel like I need to explain to him and I want him to know that I love him.
Then he continued, "But I guess it doesn't matter. It doesn't matter how truly in love I am with you, because it's all just pretense to you after all. You did it because you thought I'm a pathetic boy with heart disease who's going to die this month?! Sorry to disappoint you, but I'm not going to die yet. I never said that I'm going to die this month. I was supposed to say before I leave the town for my bypass surgery. My brother has a friend who knows a great doctor, and is also going to help us with the costs, but they're in another town. That's what I was going to say, but Ms. Wilson already interrupted me. But maybe you're right to pity me, because right now I really do feel pathetic for thinking that you feel the same way for me. You know what? I wish that you're right that it was really just the curse and that I'll just forget about this damn thing I'm feeling right now. Because if this is how it feels to fall in love, then I don't want it anymore." Tears are uncontrollably streaming down his face now.
"It's not pretense. It's true that I used the curse on you, because I wanted to help you. It's not because I think you're pathetic, but because I want to make you happy. I made you experience falling in love, but then it's really you who made me fall in love with you. I love you Arthur." I said, sobbing.
"You love me? So is this how you love? You make-out with Theo when I'm not around?
Or is he sick too and you're also helping him with your curse? Well, it looks like he's really enjoying." he said, furiously. His face has turned blotchy with tears.
"No! I am with him because I want to forget about you!" I yelled at him.
"Okay. Don't' worry. I'll never bother you again!" He yelled back, then walked away.
Theo approached me again and said, "Is he your boyfriend?"
"Good. Let's go. I'll drive you home."
As soon as we are inside his car, he leaned towards me and started kissing me again, but then a question suddenly pops into my head and I pulled back.
"How did he know your name?" I asked.
"Arthur. Do you know him?"
"Oh. I just borrowed his jacket once in the library when I forgot to bring mine. I always sleep in the library, but it's cold there. I can't sleep without wearing jacket, so I borrowed his." He said.
Wait. What? He borrowed his jacket? Is it possible that... he's the one I touched at the library and not Arthur? I need to know.
"If I just knew that he has a thing with you, I never would have borrowed—"
"When did you borrow it?" I asked, cutting him off.
"Last Thursday."
Oh my gosh! That's the day I did it, but I need to be sure.
"Is that after class?" I asked.
"Yes. Why are you asking—"
"And you are sleeping in the library with his jacket?" I asked, cutting him off again.
"I'm sorry. I need to go" I said and I went out of his car.
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