Chapter 5: The awakening.

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I heard his voice! I stand up suddenly.

I'm not dead! Tobias.

I heard him! I can feel his hand on my hand.

Think Tris. Think!

I scream at the top of my lungs but no sound escapes my lips.

OK. Think.

I got it.

I force all my energy into squeezing his hand but only my thumb twitches. Oh Gosh, I hope he felt that.

Ok Tris do it again.


I sit up suddenly.

I felt it. Her thumb twitched!

"Tris!" I yell. "Tris, if you can hear twitch you thumb again." There it was again. Her thumb moving ever so slowly. "Tris,' I say again more softly "I'll be right back." With that I plant a light kiss on her forehead and dash out of the room. "A doctor. I need a doctor." I say rushing up to the makeshift nurses' counter. The nurse, who was in Tris's room earlier, picks up the black phone and calls a doctor to room 186 over the intercom. I walk quickly to her room and a doctor is already standing there. "Her thumb, it twitched." I say. My voice is shaking. The doctor gently takes her hand.

"Tris," the doctor says, "if you can hear me, please twitch your thumb like you did for Tobias." The doctor then looks up. His eyes become wide with astonishment. "Her thumb, it did twitch!" He takes out and safety-pin and then pokes her in the foot with the sharp end. I raise my hand to object but then her foot twitches.


They are poking me. Tobias felt the twitch! He felt it!

I force all my energy out and a groan escapes my mouth.


She groaned!

"Tris!" I say, and make my way around the bed so my hand is resting on her forehead. Her eyelids flutter.

"Tobias?" The words come out of her mouth in a hoarsely. Then her eyes slowly open and stare up at me, her big, blue, beautiful eyes. I start crying not able to contain myself.

"Tris!" I say laughing. "You're alive!" I wrap my arms around her shoulders. I help her sit up against the pillows. Once she's sitting up she wraps her hands around my neck. We are both crying now.

"I love you Tobias. I'll never leave you again." She whispers in my ear and looks up at me with her puffy eyes.

"I'm never going to leave you either." I say and bend down and press my mouth against hers.


History has taught us over and over again that freedom is not free. When push comes to shove, the ultimate protectors of freedom and liberty are the brave men and women that fight for what is right. Throughout our history, they've answered the call in bravery and sacrifice.

You gain strength, courage, and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. You are able to say to yourself, 'I lived through this horror. I can take the next thing that comes along.'


So. What did you guys think?! ( that's the whole ending) Should I post the epilogue I wrote? Please give me feedback!! I love all my lovely readers!

😘 Britt

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