I Do Not Joke About Love

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         Enjolras laid on his bed, thinking about Grantaire and his feelings towards the cynic. The blonde rolled over to his side staring out the window, he wasn’t use to these kinds of feelings. He honestly could never say he had felt this way towards any individual. He knew Grantaire was special to him, he was his other half in a way, but it all made sense now. Enjolras needed Grantaire, Grantaire was what kept him sane throughout all the stress that he encountered.

            Enjolras hands started to sweat, he had to tell the cynic how he was felt, just the problem was would the feelings be returned. That was a risk Enjolras was willing to make. Enjolras sat up and glanced at his clock. It was almost three in the morning. He wanted to tell him now, but he didn’t want to piss Grantaire off. Enjolras got up from his bed and started to pace around the house, his phone held tightly in his hand. Enjolras groaned in frustration, he knew this could wait in the morning, but he didn’t want to wait the morning felt so far away. Enjolras, walked outside onto his balcony. He lit a cigarette and sat down. He stared at the cynics contact, hovering his thumb over the call button. The worse that could happen is he doesn’t pick up. Enjolras took a deep breath and hit the call button. He didn’t know what he was going to say, he cringed at himself realizing that. He was unprepared.

            The phone started to ring, a  couple rings passed until he heard a soft grumble from the other end. “Hello?” a sleepy Grantaire said.

“It’s late, I know. I’m sorry.” Enjolras said faintly. He could barely breath, his pulse was picking up, his body began to shake.

“It’s okay,” Grantaire yawned “Is everything okay?”

Enjolras released a heavy sigh, he didn’t know how he was going to say it but he had too, “I’m in love with you, I love you, I fucking love you.” He said quickly, the word ‘love’ sounded so foreign to his lips, he honestly at first didn’t know if he was saying it right. He waited for a response on the other end, but only silence came through. “Gra-Grantaire?” Enjolras said, the fear in his voice was completely audible. Only if Grantaire could see Enjolras’s face, his face was pale, his eyes were wide with fear.

            “I’ve waited years to hear that.” He whispered “Could, could I come over?”

Enjolras smiled at what Grantaire said, “Of course you can” he said softly.

“See you soon.” He said and hung up. Enjolras put his phone on his lap, he tried to calm himself down. He couldn’t thought, Grantaire was coming over. Enjolras lit another cigarette and began to smoke once more. Ten minutes must of passed, when he heard his front door close. He then saw the door to the balcony open to see Grantaire, his hair was an absolute mess, he had on a oversize sweatshirt and flannel pajama pants. Enjolras got up, he tossed his cigarette over the balcony rail. “Did you say you love me?” Grantaire said breathlessly. Enjolras nodded, his body was trembling, he felt as though his knees were about to give out at any moment. “I, I um…fuck. What?” Grantaire said in a state of shock. He ran his hand through his tangled dark curls.

Enjolras stood there in silence for a minute, it seemed like he forgot how to speak. He took a deep breath “I-I love you ‘taire.” he said, his words where weak. The confidence that usually lingered in his words was gone. His anxiety lurked now in his words as well as his eyes. Grantai         re stepped closer to Enjolras. Grantaire was speechless, he couldn’t believe what he was hearing. He couldn’t believe what he was seeing, seeing the confident Enjolras standing before him, his walls torn down showing an incredible amount of vulnerability.  

Enjolras was waiting for a response but nothing came from the cynic. He only took a step closer, he placed his hand on Enjolras’s face. “I must be dreaming. You would never…or” he said quietly. Enjolras quickly then pressed his lips among Grantaire’s, feeling his soft warm lips dance suddenly with his. Grantaire wrapped his fingers into the long curls of Enjolras’s while Enjolras wrapped his arms around the lower part of Grantaire’s waste, pulling him closer than he was before.  Enjolras pulled away to see Grantaire in tears. Enjolras’s eyes grew wide, he immediately became worried.

“I’m not sad. I’m not. I, I’m so happy.” Grantaire laughed whipping his tears. “I’ve loved you since the day I laid my eyes on you.”

Enjolras smiled, laughing to himself. “Really?” Grantaire sheepishly nodded.

Grantaire looked up at the blonde’s eyes, “I would not lie about love.” Enjolras features softened, he grabbed Grantaire’s hands and pulled him into a tight embrace. The two held onto each other as if they were holding onto dear life.  

A/N: So that's it, sorry if the ending sucked. I'm working on more Enjoltaire so I'll have a new story up soon, I just gotta write it all out. Anways I might continue this or re-write this because I started to this months ago and I like to think my writing has improved. Anywho, I might when I get the time. Anyways thanks for all the support! 

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