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Desiree's POV
5 years ago

I sat on facetime with David getting ready for the Thanksgiving dinner my parents were having.

He was finally going to meet them tonight and he was as nervous as I am.

"Baby no," I told him. "You can't wear sweats to meet my parents, they'd turn you away at the door."

He wanted to make a great first impression on them because I told him how strict they are.

"Well I'm gonna feel stupid in this sweater," He pulled out the sweater I bought him groaning. "I don't wear sweaters Desiree!"

He was trying to be funny because he knew how much I cared about tonight. Curling my hair was really taking up alot of time.

Everything had to be perfect for tonight.

"David just wear the goddamn sweater or I swear to god!" I yelled at him slamming my straightener down on the vanity.

"I'm sorry My Love," He said quietly andI just hung up the phone.

I couldn't talk to him right now when I was rushing to get ready and I still had to help with dinner.

I had to pull my shit together and when I finally did, I finished getting ready.

My hair was still pissing me off but when I finally brushed out my curls they looked better my makeup wasn't half bad.

Tonight my parents, grandparents and some other family was gonna meet David which was scary.

My favorite cousin was coming all the way from Las Vegas just for this and I couodn't wait to see him.

Before I started helping with dinner I took a pic to post on Instagram.


Caption: Thank You🖤

When I walked out of my room everyone was already running around setting things up.

"Ray!" My cousin, Antonio, called and I ran to hug him.

"Tonio!" I hugged him as tight as I could.

Tonio has always been my favorite because he was the only one who was close to my she and didn't act weird.

Everyone else would talk about how spoiled I was because we lived in a nice house in New York.

"How you been short stuff?" Tonio handed me some plates to set on the table ans when he saw the extra spot he gave a bit of a confused face.

"well, I gained a following on social media, cheer is better than ever and you guys get to meet my boyfriend tonight."

"Boyfriend? Oou, whats his name?"

"David," I smiled just thinking about him. "He's really sweet and funny and he just makes me smile."

I helped set the table and when we were finally done the doorbell rung.

"I'll get it!" I screamed running to the door. I opened it to find David with a bouquet of flowers and the biggest smile plastered across his face.

He was wearing the black sweater I brought him with blue jeans and his 4s. His chains stood out around his neck and his smile shined brightly.

"You look amazing," He said as I gave him a big hug. His colonge permiated the air around me and I took it all in. "I'm sorry about how I was acting earlier."

"Baby you're fine," I smiled pulling him in and the room seemed to stand still. "Everyone, this is my boyfriend David. Boyfriend David this is everyone."

They all came and hugged him or shook his hand before we got to my parents.

"Mr. and Mrs. Montez," He shook my fathers hand and hugged my mother. "It is a pleaser to meet you. Thank you for inviting me into your home tonight."

"What are your intentions with our daughter young man?" My dad said and I rolled my eyes.

"Pa!" I growled through my grinding teeth.

"Desiree its fine," David wrapped his arm around my shoulder. "I just wanna make her happy sir, shes my favorite person. You raised an amazing daughter and I hopefully am gonna marry her some day and make her very happy."

Out of no where Tonio appeared behind my parents. He crossed his arms and looked us up and down.

"Hm," He said. "Unc I like this one, he know how to dress."

"Alright Antonio, I picked out the sweater for him."

"David its nice to meet you," My mom said to him. "Desiree is always talking about you."


"Oh really?" David smiled at me and I rolled my eyes.

"Oh I hate you," I rolled my eyes playfully before we sat down and began eating.

As we sat at the table my parents kept giving us a glare.

David couldn't even hold my hand without them making some signal for him to let go.

He was really trying and they weren't.

After dinner everyone went to their hotel rooms and David helped clean up with Tonio.

We danced as we did it ans my parents were busy talking in my dad's office.

"Desiree can you come here for a second?" My dad called out to me.

I walked into the office before my dad closed the door.

"Desiree, we don't like that boyfriend of yours," My mom said and I scrunched my eyebrows. "He was being too fresh with you and he's trynna trap you!"

"Mom what!" I said throwing my hands up. "He was trying to hold my hand! And he didn't wanna seem like he was just gonna use me for the moment!"

"Desiree lower your tone with your mother. And as she said we don't like him so you're gonna have to break up with him."

"What! I'm not doing that! You guys don't like anybody!"


"Pa I don't wanna hear shit from you when you are hardly here! You know nothing about me because you have been emotionally absent for as long as I can remember!"

"Desiree don't say things like that to your father! Its dis-"

"Don't fucking start! You have been even worse! You have always resented me! You guys think throwing money and stuff at me keeps me happy! I miss my parents!"

"You guys act like you know whats best for me but you don't! You don't even know me! You guys hate that you can't control me but maybe it wouldn't be so fuckin hard if you actually tried!"

I walked out of the office slamming the door and I found Tonio and David on the couch.

I ran to David and jumped in his arms crying.

He was the second person to ever get me. He listened to my stories and laughed at my jokes. He was there when I cried or smiled.

"Baby its okay," he cooed rubbing my back. His voice was low and as I cried he sung to me softly.

"Wise men say, only fools rush in. but I can't help. Falling in love with you."

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