Chapter 36

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Harry's P.O.V ~

It's been a couple days since the incident at Cara's, even though it wasn't exactly an incident. Just bad timing.

I just got back from the Apple store so I could finally get a new phone and I put my wallet and phone on the table. I didn't hear anyone, so I assumed Zayn was out with the lads. I put my phone back in my pocket before I walked over to the other side of the hall to see if the any of the other boys were here so I wouldn't be so lonely. I slid the key that Louis gave me into the slot, and I walked in to see Liam at the desk with his computer open. When he heard me walk in, he immediately turned his head around and moved in front of the laptop so I couldn't see.

"Oh uh, hey Harry." He stuttered nervously and forced a smile.

"Hi." I said flatly and took a seat on one of the beds. "What are you up to?" I asked as I saw a flash of red hair on the computer.

Natalie. I wasn't surprised, I knew they video chatted with each other every fucking day so I don't know why he's hiding her.

Unless someone else is there with her.

I felt a rush of anger go through my body when I thought of the possibility that Addison was on the other side of that screen. Why the fuck would he be skyping with my girlfriend? Why would she skype him when she could at least fucking text me? But then again, I'm guilty of that too.

"Is Addison there?" I asked angrily and stood up from the bed to get a view of the screen. Liam quickly moved along with me so I couldn't see, just confirming my suspicions.

"What the fuck Liam! Let me fucking talk to her!" I yelled and was about to push him out of the way when he grabbed my hands before I could do anything.

"Calm down Harry! She's not on here!" He yelled louder than I expected him to.

"Then what the fuck are you hiding?" I yelled and pulled my hands out of his grasp.

"Because I wasn't sure if she was gone yet." He said softly, calmer than before.

"So.. she was there?" I asked him, my voice wavering.

"Yeah.. I didn't know she was going to be. Hell, neither did Nat. She just barged into Natalie's room with.." He started to say but got quiet.

"With what Liam?"

"With articles about you and Cara." He said in a whisper.

I felt everything in me freeze when he spoke. I knew there would be bullshit articles about what happened with me and Cara, but I didn't know Addison would be so naïve and stupid to believe them.

"What did she say?" I asked.

"She was freaking out Harry. She thinks.. she thinks your cheating on her and gave up on her. And she said.. Fuck. Harry, she said she was done." He said, hesitating on the last part of his explanation.

"Done with what?" I asked, fearing the answer.

"Done with you."

I wanted to collapse on the floor and cry my eyes out like a fucking girl, but I couldn't do that in front of Liam. I knew things were bad, this was the biggest fight we have had. But I didn't know that it would get this bad. A small part of me hoped my phone would ring, even though it was shattered. I just wanted to hear her voice, to hear her say she loves me and misses me.

"Oh." I said simply and sat back down on the bed. While I was talking to Liam, I forgot Natalie was still listening to us. Liam finally moved out of the way to reveal Natalie's remorseful face staring at me.

"I'm sorry Harry.. I tried to talk to her, but she won't listen to me." Natalie tried to explain, but I wasn't listening.

"I think the only person she'll listen to is you, Harry." She added quietly. I stayed quiet as I could feel both of them staring at me. I wanted more than anything to talk to her, but I don't think I can handle her telling me she's done.

"Damn it Harry! She loves you more than she loves herself! Do you know what kind of shit you've put her through this past week? She barely eats, she skipped most of the week in school so she's super behind, she barely comes out of her room and she cries her fucking eyes out every night. You promised her you wouldn't put her through this again and look where we are. If you give a shit about her, at least have the fucking decency to tell her it's over or something!" She yelled, getting chocked up herself.

I didn't say anything as I thought about Natalie's words. She was right, Ad deserves better. She deserves someone who can love her with everything they have. Maybe everything I have isn't enough, maybe dating a pop star is too much for her. It was times like these where I wish I could go back three years ago, so I could be Harry the kid from the bakery, instead of Harry Styles from One Direction. That way I could live a normal fucking life and wouldn't have to worry about being oceans away from the love of my life. But I can't blame my fame for everything, I know I caused this stupid fight. Now it was time to end it.

I got up from the bed and started to walk out of the room. I ignored Natalie and Liam's questions as to where I was going or what I was doing. I grabbed my things from my room before I walked down the hall and to the elevator.

It was time to fix this shit, and nothing was going to stop me.


Addison's P.O.V ~

It's been a day since I went to Natalie's house with the articles about Harry. Even though I was heart broken before, I felt like now I was completely empty. I've felt numb for about twelve hours, not crying when I should be or would usually be. I probably cried myself out to the point where my body couldn't produce anymore tears, which was a good thing I suppose.

All the pain and sadness had finally gotten to me, so now I can't feel anything. The moment I found those articles, I felt everything around me shatter into pieces. It was like my world was crumbling around me and all I could do was watch.

I wasn't even thinking straight when I went over to Natalie's and interrupted her video chat with Liam. I just didn't know where to go or who to talk to at the time, and Natalie was the first person who popped into my head.

I know those articles are bullshit, and Liam's reaction confirmed it. No matter how angry we were at each other, Harry wouldn't cheat on me. Or at least I hope he wouldn't. But just knowing he had the ability to talk to her but not me crushed me. All I wanted was a text message or a fucking tweet, nothing extravagant. Just something that reassured me that we were okay.

But we aren't okay, we're far from it.

My mum went on another business trip this morning, but this time she would only be gone for a couple weeks. So I was stuck inside my empty house with my stupid thoughts. I got to the point where I couldn't take it anymore, I had to get out of there.

So I got into my car and drove to the first place I could think of: the lake.

I haven't been to the lake since the last time I was there with Harry, which seemed like ages ago even though it has only been a few months. If I could have gone anywhere else, I would have. But there was no other place that could calm me down, despite the fact that this place had so many memories.

I parked my car and slowly walked over to the water before I took my sandals off and rolled up my jeans so they wouldn't get wet. I put my feet in the water and stared out in front of me as a million different memories played back in my mind. Each one was different, each with it's own stupid joke or accident.

Like the time we came here after my 15th birthday party. People brought alcohol and started acting stupid and starting breaking shit in my house, and since my mum was still out of town I started to freak out. At that time, I didn't know how to stand up for myself, so I just watched as they ruined my home. At one point I just ran out of my house and came straight here so no one would know where to find me.

But, of course, Harry found me. He was the only person that came after me and had the knowledge of where I could possibly be. That's why he was my best friend, he was the only person who knew me inside and out at that time. 

"What are you doing here" Harry asked me as he stood next to me. I wiped away my tears with the ends of the sleeves of my favorite sweatshirt before I looked up at his sparkling emerald eyes. 

"Why are people so stupid? All I wanted to do was have a nice party with people who I thought cared about me. Fuck, I should have just invited you and Nat." I choked out and continued to stare at the water.

"Yeah, that probably would have been better. Even with Natalie there." He joked in an attempt to comfort me as he nudged my side. 

"I'm serious! You and Natalie are the only two people who genuinely care about me, well besides my mum. But she's always gone. You two.. you're like my family." I told him and forced a weak smile. Harry smiled down at me before he wrapped his arm around my shoulder and pulled me into him.

"You'll always have us Ad, no matter what. I can promise you that." He whispered to me before he kissed the top of my head.

"Now c'mon! Let's get those losers out of your house and have the greatest party ever!" He yelled, quickly ending our little moment we were having.

"Fine. Let's go." I smiled at him before we started to walk back to my house.

Now that I look back on everything, I wonder what times Harry knew he had feelings for me. But that just confuses me more. Could we have been together before he left? Could he have not auditioned so he could stay with me?

I would give anything to go back three years ago, to when life was simpler. When I didn't have to worry about school and college, and most of all Harry. It's selfish, but sometimes I wish I could have found a way to stop him from going on the X-Factor. But I knew that would have just prevented him from doing what he loves with his four best friends. It's hard looking back and not having the urge to wish you did something different, and this was one of those times.

As I continued to think about Harry and how our lives could be different, I heard a pair of footsteps coming closer from behind me. I thought it was just someone passing by, even though no one ever goes here. I ignored it until the feet stopped right behind me and a familiar voice started to talk.

"I thought I would find you here." He said in his deep, husky voice that I haven't heard in forever. I turned around and almost fell into the water when I saw who was standing before me.



AN: Ahh cliff hanger! Sorry! I hope you liked it!

If this chapter receives 20+ votes and 15+ comments I'll do another early update!

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