Harry's P.O.V ~
I took Addison's hand in mine as we walked out of the hotel, preparing for the craziness that was outside. Luckily, the security at the hotel set up barriers so we would have a clear pathway to get to the car so we didn't have to worry about being surrounded by screaming girls.
Addison's grip on my hand tightened when we walked outside, being greeted by ear piercing screams. I felt her other hand take a hold of my bicep as she tried to keep her head down and kept walking to the car. I opened the car door for her when we got to it and she quickly climbed in. I walked over to the other side, ignoring all of the screams that were surrounding us, and got into the driver's side.
"You okay?" I asked her as I put the key in and started the car.
"Yeah, I'm fine." She replied and gave me a small smile. I know she still wasn't used to it, but she was getting better about it.
"So where are you taking me?" She asked in an attempt to change the subject.
"I already said I'm not telling you. That's the whole concept of a surprise." I told her and smiled. I could tell she was rolling her eyes at me even though I wasn't looking at her. I know she hates surprises, she always has. I tried throwing her a surprise party for her 10th birthday, I invited all of our friends and family and bough all of the party supplies with my own money. Once we heard her mom's car pull in, we turned off all the lights and hid behind the furniture in the living room waiting for them to come in the door. As soon as Addison's mom turned the lights on, all of us jumped out from behind the furniture and yelled "SURPRISE!" as loud as we possibly could. The look at Addie's face was priceless, her face went white and her brown eyes were wide. She honestly looked like she was about to pass out.
She chewed me out for planning it after everyone left, but I didn't care. I knew she liked it but the thing about Addison is that she likes being able to control everything, and when she can't she goes insane. So surprises aren't her favorite things in the world.
"Just tell me pleaaase?" She begged, putting emphasis on the "please" and batting her eyelashes at me. I had to admit, she looked damn cute doing that but I wasn't going to budge.
"Nope. You're going to have to wait." I told her and her begging face was quickly replaced by one of annoyance.
"I hate you." She muttered before she crossed her arms.
"I love you too." I told her and chuckled, only to receive a playful slap to the arm.
"Hey! That's not very nice!" I said in a sarcastic tone with a smirk.
"Shut up. You're not very nice for not telling me where we're going." She said and shot me a death glare.
"You'll like it, I promise." I told her and she rolled her eyes in response.
We stayed silent for the rest of the ride. Occasionally Addison would turn the radio station if it was a song she didn't like or turn the volume up if she did like it.
"I love this song!" She squealed when the new Miley Cyrus song came on and turned the volume up. I've heard of it, the 5SOS lads are obsessed but I've never heard it in it's entirety. Addison nodded her head to the beat and mouth sang the lyrics until the chorus finally came and her inner pop star came out.
I came in like a wrecking ball
I never hit so hard in love
All I wanted was to break your walls
All you ever did was wreck me
Yeah, you, you wreck me
She sang along the best she could and burst into laughter once she finished. She wasn't terrible at singing, but she wasn't that great either.
"C'mon, sing with me! You never sing with me!" She pouted and stuck out her bottom lip to convince me to do it.
"I don't even know the lyrics." I told her and she shook her head before she continued to sing along. I had to admit, it was a pretty good tune. It has a lot of meaning behind it and I tend to enjoy songs that have a meaning rather than the ones that don't make any sense whatsoever.
As the song went on, I realized how similar it was to how Addison must have felt when I left. Maybe that's why she loves it so much, she can sing along to what she had been feeling for so long.
Once the song ended, Addison turned the volume back down to a normal level and we stayed silent for the rest of the ride. We got to the place I picked out a couple minutes later, the pier. I managed to get it closed off for a couple hours so it would just be me and Addison, which I'm sure she'll appreciate.
"Why is there no one here?" She asked as she looked around for other people.
"I kind of rented it out." I said and scratched the back of my neck. Addison quickly looked over at me with wide eyes and her mouth open.
"You rented out a pier for me?"
"Of course I did. I wanted today to be special." I smiled at her before she quickly leaned in and kissed me.
"I love you, I love you, I love you! Holy shit Harry, this is insane!" She screamed as she jumped out of the car and started to walk onto the pier. I quickly followed her and grabbed a hold of her hand when I caught up to her.
"This is beautiful Harry." She said in a small whisper as she stared out to the ocean and gave my hand a small squeeze.
"Thank you." She turned toward me and said before leaning into me.
"For what?"
"For coming back for me." She said while looking up at me with twinkling eyes. The corner of her mouth curved up as she looked up at me, waiting for me to say something. I continued to stare down at her for what seemed like hours until I placed my hand on her cheek and slowly leaned in before our lips met. It wasn't a long kiss, but it was enough to show her how I was feeling.
"Anytime." I whispered and wrapped my arm around her shoulder. In turn, Addie wrapped her arm around my waist and we started to walk to the edge of the pier where I had another surprise waiting for her.
At the end of a pier was a small table for two set up with plates and such, like they have in those fancy restaurants that people go to on their anniversaries. Standing by the table was a man dressed in a black and white suite who was our waiter I was guessing.
"What's all this?" Addison asked with a smile on her face.
"This is our brunch, I guess you can call it." I told her as I pulled out a chair for her and she took a seat. I sat in the chair across from her and I looked up at her to see Ad looking at me with watery eyes.
"Oh shit, what's wrong?" I asked and moved my hand on top of hers.
"Nothing, absolutely nothing." She choked out with a smile. Okay, now I was confused.
"Why are you crying then?"
"Because.. because I love you so much. The fact that you would do all of this for me.. It's mind blowing." Addie explained.
"Babe, it's okay. I would do anything for you. Hell, everything that I've done up to this point has been for you." I told her. Her eyebrows furrowed in confusion, telling me to explain myself.
"Remember when we were younger, and whenever I would sing you always told me you could picture me singing to thousands of people. Like when I was in the White Eskimos. You always believed in me. Without you.. I don't think I would be here in the first place. I did this for you Addie, you were the only reason why I auditioned for the X-Factor. I wanted.. I wanted to make you proud. I did all of this for you Ad. I know that seems unlikely since I completely cut you off but.. I never stopped wanting to make you proud and I never stopped thinking about you. I put our tour on hold for you, I came back for you, I didn't give up the hope that you would forgive me. I-I did all of this for you Addison. I hope you know that." I told her, pouring out all of my feelings in a matter of seconds. Addison's facial expression didn't change while I was talking, making me nervous on what she was going to say. Finally, a small smile formed on her face and she let out a small giggle.
"You're amazing, you know that?" She told me. "I love you.. I love you more than anyone in the world." She added before she quickly got out of her seat and walked over to me. Before I could say anything, she sat on my lap facing me with one of her legs on either side of me. Then she slowly wrapped her arms around my neck and started playing with my hair.
"I can't do this without you." I told her as I placed my hands on her hips and started rubbing circles on them with my thumbs. Addison just smiled at me before she slowly leaned into me and our lips met.
Her soft lips moved in sync with mine as we took each other in. My hands traveled to Addison's back as she tugged on my curls to pull me closer to her. After a couple minutes, I gently bit her bottom lip and she didn't hesitate to open her mouth wider so I could meet her tongue with mine. Our tongues swirled together and our bodies were as close as humanly possible when we heard a cough. We both pulled away to see our waiter standing there with our food and a very disturbed look on his face.
"I-I'll go back to my seat." Addison stuttered and went back to her chair with red cheeks. Our waiter placed our food in front of us and didn't say a word as he walked away.
"Well that wasn't embarrassing." Addison muttered before she burst into laughter.
"It's not like we were having sex on the pier!" I told her, only causing her to laugh harder. "But that could be arranged." I added before she went silent and her eyes widened.
"I'm kidding Ad." I told her as I took a bite of my food and Addison's cheeks went red again.
"Right.." She said softly and looked down at her food.
I watched Addison as she slowly ate her food, sometimes inspecting her fork full of food before she would shove it into her mouth. A piece of hair fell in front of her face and she quickly pulled it behind her ear before she decided to put her hair up in a ponytail. And in that moment I knew I had to ask her the question I've been waiting to ask since I invited her to come here in the first place.
"Ad?" I asked, causing her to look up from her food with a questioning look on her face.
"D-Do you want to stay?" I nervously asked her.
"Of course I do. Why?" She asked with one of her eyebrows raised.
"I want you to stay on tour with us."
AN: Ahh cliff hanger! Comment what you think Addison will do! :)
Also comment what you liked about this chapter and what you think will happen in the next chapter! You have a change of getting a dedication if you do! This chapter is dedicated to cstar929 since they were the one of the only two comments on the last chapter.
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