Addison's P.O.V ~
"All of these look ridiculous." I muttered to myself in the dress shop. Tomorrow was the day of the lads' premiere and Natalie, their stylist Lou, and I were out shopping for our dresses for the event.
"Shut up Ad! You look amazing in all of these." Natalie said as she sat down on one of the couches in the dressing room. I've probably tried on about fifteen different dresses, and I hated all of them. There was always something that I didn't like about a dress, either it was too long or too short or too formal or too informal. There was no in between.
On the other hand Natalie already found her dress. She tried on about three before she decided on the forth one. It was a short black dress that went to the middle of her thighs. The top part of her dress was tight and the back was made of a sheer-like material that was also on the front of the dress but only on the top of her chest and went down the middle of her chest while the black material covered her breasts. The skirt started at around her belly button as was puffier and wasn't as tight at the top. Natalie looked beautiful in the dress, and I knew she loved it by the way her face lit up when she saw herself in it. Now we were just waiting on me to find something.
"But I need the perfect one. This will be the first time Harry and I go out publicly and I don't want anything to go wrong, especially what I'm wearing." I explained as I wiggled out of another dress. I have already received enough hate as it is, I don't need people bashing my taste in fashion.
"Screw them! Wear what you want to wear, it doesn't matter. Harry will eventually tear it off of you at night so.." Natalie said and started to laugh. I shot a glare at her which caused Lou to start laughing too.
"I hate you both." I huffed and started to look around the store again for more dresses to try on.
"Love you too. But seriously, just pick something! It's a premiere not your wedding." Natalie complained and threw her head back before she let out a groan.
"I'm going to take longer just because you're complaining." I told her and smirked. Natalie just rolled her eyes and started to scroll through her phone.
I kept walking through the store and combing through the racks for a couple minutes before I went over to the last rack that I haven't looked at yet. I was about to lose all hope in finding a decent dress when I saw Lou out of the corner of my eye with a smile on her face. She was holding a dress in her hands that she held up so I could see it.
"Oh my.. God." I said, almost breathless as I admired the dress she was holding.
It was a long dress, which I didn't mind since I prefer long ones. The dress was a pretty beige color that had a satin material on my chest area and was strapless. When the skirt started, it was sparkly on the too half and the sparkles slowly spread out and disappeared as you looked down the dress. The skirt went all the way down to the floor and would have a small train if I walked in it.
"Try it on." Lou said and motioned for me to take the dress. I gladly took it and headed into the dressing room before I put it on.
"Nat! Come zip me!" I yelled once I put it on, but was only able to zip it halfway.
"Coming!" She said before she popped into the dressing room and her eyes widened.
"Shit.." She said under her breath when she saw me.
"Dude you look fucking perfect!" She squealed and started jumping up and down with a smile on her face. "This is definitely the one." She said before she remembered why she came in here in the first place and helped me zip it up all the way.
"Show Lou!" Natalie said with the same smile on her face. I rolled my eyes before I walked out of the dressing room to find Lou.
"Lou look at Addison! Doesn't she look amazing!" Natalie told her. Lou turned to face me and a huge smile formed on her face.
"You look beautiful Ad." She said sweetly and pulled me in for a hug.
"I think this is the one." I told them and they both nodded in agreement.
"I think Harry will agree with that." Lou said and winked, causing me to blush a bright red color.
"Okay, now let's buy our dresses and find some shoes!" Natalie said motioned for me to go back into the dressing room.
"Fine, fine!" I said and quickly went into the dressing room and proceeded to change out of my new dress and back into my clothes I was wearing earlier. I grabbed the dress after I was finished and met Natalie and Lou at the register. As I was pulling out my wallet, Lou put her hand on mine and pushed it slightly so I would put my wallet away.
"Lou, no. I'm paying for my own dress!" I said and proceeded to pull out my wallet but she shook her head.
"Harry gave me specific instructions to make sure you don't pay. He gave me his card, don't worry about it." She explained as she handed Harry's card to the lady at the register.
Damn it Harry, I thought to myself as the lady charged both of our dressed to Harry's card and handed it back to Lou. It was cute, but I hate when people pay for me. It makes me feel.. I don't know like I'm taking advantage of them. But I know there was so alternative, when Harry wants to do something he does it.
"Well, I guess I'll have to say thank you to Harry." Natalie groaned and took her dress in her arms. Natalie and Harry are still on rocky ground, but this was a sweet gesture from him and Nat knew it.
"Now let's get some shoes girls!" Lou said and put her fist up in the air in excitement. Nat and I just looked at each other and burst into laughter before we followed her out the door and headed to the shoe store that was across the street from the dress shop.
"So Natalie, who's your date to this shin dig?" Lou asked as we were walking. I immediately looked over at her and saw her cheeks turning a bright pink color before she ran her fingers through her hair to distract herself.
"Uh, no one. I'm flying solo!" She said and tried to force a smile but it wasn't successful.
"So Liam didn't ask you?" I asked in surprise.
"Nope." She said and continued to look straight forward.
"Odd.. From what I've heard everyone thinks he likes you." Lou explained. Natalie quickly turned her head so she was now staring at Lou with wide green eyes.
"They do?" She asked, a hint of excitement in her voice. Lou nodded and tried to hide a smile by biting her lip.
"Well uh, we're just friends so I doubt he does." Natalie said in an effort to try to mask her hope.
We all knew that was bullshit. Ever since Natalie got here, Liam has been attached at the hip. Even when he first met her when we went to the mall back in Cheshire, he never took his eyes off of her but didn't talk to her either. Maybe he was shy? Before I could think anymore about it, we walked into the shoe store and started to browse the hundreds of shoes they had.
"I was thinking some red heels. What do you think Ad?" Natalie asked as she help up a red pair of pumps.
"Yeah, that would be cute actually. It goes with your red hair." I teased and ignored her when she stuck her tongue out at me. Nat decided on the red heels and walked over to buy them, probably so she wouldn't have to thank Harry again.
I continued to browse until I found a beautiful pair of sparkly heels that matched the sparkles on my dress. I picked them up to show Lou and she nodded in approval before I joined Natalie by the register. Lou handed me Harry's card and I was going to tell her no when she shook her head and gave the cashier the card herself. Great.
"Rich motherfucker." Natalie muttered under her breath before she handed the cashier her shoes as well. He rang them up and gave Lou the card back before we grabbed our shoes and our dresses and we on our way back to the hotel.
As we made our way to the car, I heard two seats of squeals coming from behind us. I raised my eyebrow at Nat, who just shrugged and kept walking. I did the same until I heard someone running from behind us. I quickly turned around to see two girls, probably 14 or 15 years old who had their phones out and smiles from ear to ear. When they saw that I had turned around, they both looked at each other and started jumping up and down. What the?
"You're.. you're Harry Styles' girlfriend right?" One of them asked me.
"Uh, yeah. That's me." I said and forced a smile. I suppose my new label was "Harry Styles' girlfriend", rather than my actual name.
"Your name's Addison, right?" The other one asked.
"Yupp. Addison Miller." I said and glanced over at Natalie who was trying to stifle a laugh.
"Can we have a picture?" They both asked at the same time. Wait, they wanted a picture with.. me? I thought if they wanted to do anything with me they would want to chop me into tiny little pieces and throw me into the ocean.
"Um sure, yeah. My friend Natalie can take it." I said and motioned for Natalie to come over here. She walked over to us and took both of their phones as they stood next to me for a picture.
"Wait, aren't you Liam's new girlfriend?!" One of them asked Natalie and her eyes went wide.
"No, nope. Just friends." She quickly said and tried to hide her bright red cheeks.
"Aw, well that's a shame. You two would be cute together!" The other one explained and Natalie's cheeks became even brighter if that was even possible. She didn't respond to their thought and proceeded to take the pictures. I placed my hands on their shoulders and smiled the best I could as Natalie took pictures on both of the phones.
"Thank you so so much!" One of them said and gave me a hug. I froze in shock but eventually hugged her back and told her it was no problem.
"You're really pretty! You and Harry are the cutest!" The other one said and gave me a hug as well.
"Uh, thank you. What are your names?" I asked them.
"I'm Alex." The blonde one said. "And I'm Sage!" The brunette one said right after. I nodded and pulled out my phone and opened the Twitter app.
"Do you two have a Twitter?" I asked them and their eyes went wide along with their smiles.
"Yes!" They both yelled as I asked them for their usernames and followed them. They were sweet, and they were the first fans that have ever come up to me and asked for a picture.
"I'll make sure the boys follow you as well." I told them and I could have sworn they were about to faint right there."
"Thank you so so so much!" They both yelled and gave me a hug at the same time.
"You're welcome. Have a nice day!" I told them as they walked away before they turned around and waved again.
"You're too nice." Natalie told me and I just shrugged and continued to walk to the car.
"Well, at least we aren't the only ones that think Liam likes you." I said and playfully nudged her arm.
"Shut up." She hissed and started to walk faster to catch up to Lou. I shook my head and followed behind them before we finally got to the car. Lou took our dresses to make sure we wouldn't wrinkle them severely and Nat and I got into the car before Lou did and told the driver to take us back to the hotel.
"Are you girls excited for the premiere?" Lou asked us with a smile.
"I am actually. Just nervous since it's the first time Harry and I will be out in front of everyone." I explained and forced a small smile.
"You'll be fine, and Harry will make sure you feel comfortable." Lou told me and I nodded.
"What about you Natalie?" Lou asked and directed the questions toward her.
"I'm more excited to wear my dress than anything." She said and pulled out her phone.
"But you still don't have a date! Do you think Liam will ask?" Lou continued with the questions.
"Why does everyone think Liam likes me? We're just friends! Can we drop it now?" She said in annoyance.
Lou and I exchanged glances before we silently agreed to stop with questioning Natalie. I had to admit, I was really nervous for this premiere. This shit is hardcore; paparazzi, interviews, other famous people. And who knows how the fans will react. Not all of them are like Alex and Sage, some of them hate the idea of me being with Harry or Harry being with anyone for that matter. And if Liam takes Natalie, they'll explode on her too. I knew Harry would do his best to make me feel as comfortable as possible, but it's nerve wracking having to expose your relationship for the first time to the whole world. And to top it all off, Nat and I have to go back home soon since break is almost over.
I just hope Harry and I can handle everything, no matter how hard it will be.
AN: I hope you all enjoyed this chapter :) It would mean a lot to me if you could comment and tell me your opinion about the chapter and the story, I really want to hear what you have to say!
Next update on Sunday!x
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