Addison's P.O.V ~
All four of us managed to get into the car that was waiting for us, despite the growing number of screaming fans that surrounded the airport. They didn't seem so phase Harry or Liam, probably because they're getting used to the attack on their ear drums.
Harry kept a tight hold on my hand to make sure I wouldn't get caught up in the crowd and I used my free hand to grab his arm. Harry was carrying my suitcase, which made it harder for us to hold onto each other through the craziness. For a second, I looked ahead and saw Liam and Natalie. I saw Liam's hand was placed on the small of Natalie's back and Nat was grabbing onto Liam's shirt with her free hand.
God, this was insane. I've only been mobbed like this twice, both at airports. But imagining this whenever I go out.. I can't imagine how the lads get to do anything without having a huge crowd around them.
When we finally got to the car, one of the bodyguards opened the door and all of us got in as fast as possible. We all got situated and the driver started to comb through the crowd, going as slow as possible so he wouldn't hurt anyone. I didn't notice until a couple minutes later that it felt like my hand was being crushed. I looked down at my hand and saw that Harry's was still holding onto it with the same force he was when we were in the crowd. I looked up at Harry and noticed he was staring straight ahead. His eyes were hard and cold, and now they were a darker shade of green than they normally are. I placed my other hand on top of Harry's hand that was squeezing mine.
"Hey." I said softly, causing him to finally break his stare with the wall and look down at me.
"I'm okay." I told him and a small smile formed on his face and his eyes brightened again.
"Fuck, I'm so sorry Ad." He muttered when he noticed his own hand and quickly loosened his grip.
"It's okay, I'm fine." I repeated.
Harry looked down at me and placed a soft kiss on the top of my head before I leaned my head against his shoulder. I looked to my left to see Liam and Natalie talking, but I couldn't hear what they were talking about. I thought back to what Natalie asked me before we left.
Who do you think I'd look better with? Niall or Liam?
I knew she was joking at the time, but I know Natalie. She gets what she wants, and if what she wants is Liam then she'll find a way to have him. But I had to admit, they do look pretty damn cute together.
"Weird." I heard Harry mutter under his breath. I looked up to see him staring at Liam and Nat as well with a not so pleased scowl on his face.
"Shut up. Let them be." I said, nudging his side with my elbow. Harry let out a chuckle and shook his head.
"Don't make me tickle you in this car." He threatened with his signature cheeky smile. My mouth formed a small "o" and I lightly slapped his chest.
"You wouldn't dare." I challenged. Harry raised his eyebrow and I saw his hand start to travel to my side.
"Tickle me and you won't get any tonight." I spat out. My eyes widened at my own statement, realizing what it meant. I looked at Harry and his eyes were wide as well. He looked.. scared. Either scared because he wouldn't have sex with me if he tickled me, or scared of having sex with me in the first place.
Has he even slept with a virgin? I know he's not one, he lost his virginity before he went to the X-Factor, but he wouldn't tell me with who. Does he know I'm a virgin? He probably does, I probably just look like a virgin. Maybe I wreak of virginity.
"Are you sure?" Harry asked me in a low whisper so Liam and Nat wouldn't hear.
I paused for a moment and looked into his green eyes that were staring directly at me, and I knew I wouldn't want to do it with anyone else.
"Yeah." I said with a small smile. Harry's smile grew as he leaned in and placed his soft lips onto mine.
"We're here." We heard the driver say, quickly interrupting our moment. We pulled apart and started to crawl out of the car with Liam and Natalie right behind us.
The driver got our suitcases out and handed them to me and Nat before we headed towards the hotel. Liam led the way as the three of us followed him into the elevator and watched him press the very top button.
"Fancy." Natalie muttered and I quickly elbowed her side to make her shut up.
"Be nice." I hissed and Natalie just laughed. We waited in silence as the elevator went up and up, finally reaching the floor. Liam got out first and Natalie followed close behind him, leaving me and Harry in the back.
"You don't think they'll do anything, do you?" Harry asked me, his gaze fixed on Natalie and Liam. I just shrugged.
"Who knows. You know Natalie, and you know Liam. What do you think?"
"I don't know." He said with a confused look on his face. We didn't discuss the matter any more since we were now at the hotel room. Liam got out the key and slid it into the slot before opening it for us.
I walked in and struggled to keep my jaw from dropping. The place was fucking huge, it was the biggest hotel room I've ever seen. I wouldn't even qualify it as a room, it was more like a mini condo. Harry took my suitcase and Liam took Natalie's before I could admire the place any longer.
"We'll show you your rooms." Liam smiled and followed Harry down the hallway.
"This is my room, Niall's, Zayn's, Louis', and Harry's." Liam pointed out while we walked down the hallway.
"And these two will be your rooms." He said as he walked into Natalie's and placed her suitcase on her bed.
"Thanks Liam." Natalie said with a sweet smile, causing Liam to blush a little bit.
I looked into my room and saw that Harry already placed my suitcase on the floor and was now sitting on the edge of my bed, staring directly at the floor. I slowly walked over to him, and when I didn't get a reaction I walked closer and sat on his lap so I was facing him and wrapped my legs around his waist.
"What's wrong?" I asked, knowing something was up. Harry's hands traveled to my waist before he looked up at me and forced a small smile.
"Nothing." He insisted and started to rub my hip bones with his thumbs.
"Harry, I've known you for most of my life and I can tell when you're lying. Now spit it out." I said and slightly tugged on his shirt.
"I just.. what you said in the car earlier.." He started to say and I knew what he was referring to.
"What about it?"
"I know you're a virgin Ad, your mom told me."
Wow, thanks Mom, I thought to myself. I swear nothing's off limits with my mom, even my nonexistent sex life.
"Ad." Harry started to say before he removed his hands from my waist and grabbed my own hands.
"I've hurt you enough, and I.. I don't know if I can handle seeing you in pain because of me again." He said softly before he entwined our fingers together. I couldn't help but laugh at his statement, causing him to look at me with an annoyed face.
"So you, Harry Styles, are saying you don't want to have sex with me?" I asked, trying hard not to laugh.
"No." He said quickly. "Trust me, I want to have sex with you. I've been restraining myself for months. But what I don't want to do is hurt you." He explained to me before he looked down at our hands.
"What's this?" He asked before I could say anything. I looked down and saw his thumb tracing over my bracelet, our bracelet.
"The bracelet." I said simply, and Harry looked up at me with a huge smile on his face causing his dimple to show.
"What?" I asked and poked his dimple.
"I just.. I never thought you would put it on again."
"Why didn't you take yours off?" I asked and looked down at his own bracelet. His was worn out and looked like it was about to fall off, like he hasn't taken it off once.
"Because I thought if I did, I would forget about you. And I didn't want to do that." Harry explained softly. I brought one of my hands up to his cheek and leaned forward so our foreheads were touching.
"Addie-" He was about to say but I cut him off by kissing him hard.
He didn't pull away, and instead he placed his hands back on my hips as the kiss deepened. My hands traveled to the back of his neck and I took his brown curls into my hands. Soon enough I felt Harry's tongue slip into my mouth and I slipped mine into his as well. Without hesitating, Harry leaned back onto the bed so now I was on top of him. As we continued to kiss, I felt something hard against my crotch. When I realized what it was, without thinking I quickly pulled away from Harry with wide eyes.
"Oh uh.. sorry?" He said nervously, causing me to laugh before leaning in to kiss him more.
Without warning, Harry flipped me over so now I was on the bottom and he was on top. I continued to grab onto his curls to pull him closer to me until I pressed my body up against his, causing Harry to let out a loud moan that vibrated against my lips. I removed my hands from his hair and found the hem of his shirt. Before I could pull it off, Harry pulled away from me.
"Are you sure you want to do this?" He asked one last time.
"Harry." I said and he nodded.
"I'm sure." I whispered. That was all he needed before his lips crashed onto mine and I pulled his shirt over his head.
AN: Hiii guys :)) So just to warn you, the next chapter is going to have some sexual content, so if you don't feel comfortable reading it just skip the next chapter! Please keep reading, commenting & voting!