CHAPTER 8: unexpected encounter

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(POV: Nobody)
<<Timeskip 2 days after the fight with Adam and Blake>>
Izuku grabbed a glass of water and sat in front of his computer.

Izuku: *sigh* Well, it's time for me to finally start registering for the Beacon exam. I have all the necessary papers and procedures.

Izuku turned on the computer as he took a sip of water.

Izuku: I've been watching TV, and you can submit the application online. You just have to send your details through the website, and that's it.

Izuku: Heh, it's not as complicated as in my previous world, Great.

With that said, he proceeded to search for the Beacon Academy page online, and after a few minutes, he managed to access it.

Izuku: Okay, time to fill out the form!

Izuku filled out all with his documents on the site, luckily it was easy and didn't take too long.

Izuku: Wow, that was pretty quick. Now I just have to press 'submit'. *he said with a calm smile* nothing could go wrong now.

[-Does not meet the minimum age requirement to enter the academy-]

[-Minimum age 17-]

Izuku: ......uh? *he said incredulously*

Right, he had forgotten that he had to be 17 to enter.

Izuku: Ugh, damn it! And I wanted to do something legal for once!

With a heavy sigh, he grabbed his forehead in frustration; he needed another plan to get in.

Izuku: Well, Ruby got in thanks to the fight with Roman, maybe I can... wait!

A light bulb went off in Izuku's head, and with a wicked smile, he chuckled softly.

Izuku: Yes, that could work, but I'll have to wait for Roman and Ruby's fight. I'll be there and I'll be able to talk to Ozpin.

Oh yes, Izuku would enter that academy no matter what, and he already had a plan, a risky one, but a plan nonetheless.
Izuku was in the bathroom, looking at himself in the mirror. His wound had completely healed, but it left a good scar.

Izuku: "You really outdid yourself with that attack, Blake. You left me a nice reminder of you on my face," he said, touching the scar.

Izuku: "It looks a bit small, but it hurt like hell. I'm sure if my aura hadn't absorbed part of the attack, you would've easily torn my face off blake. Thanks aura for existing" he said with a silly smile.

Izuku: " well, at least I look more intimidating. Having Izuku's body is a pain in the ass because I'm too short and cute, only when I activate All For One with my suit I look intimidating... so thanks I guess" he said with an awkward laugh, talking to himself.


He felt bad for what he did.

And he hate feeling this way.

With a heavy sigh, he gave himself a slight slap on the forehead to stop thinking about it and went to the living room, where he sat on a couch.

Once seated, he grabbed a sword that was on the table near him and looked at it with grace.

Izuku: "I'll borrow this, hope you don't mind, Adam~" he said with a mocking smile.

Izuku: "Truth is, I'm not one to use weapons, but I need it if I have Adam's semblance."

Izuku: "Now I can easily use the special attack 'moon-slice.' Unfortunately, I couldn't grab the sheath/gun, as Adam had it attached to his hip," he said, moving the sword with ease and agility.

Yup, now you have Adam's sword.

But how did you get it? Easy.

When Blake pushed Adam, he dropped the weapon due to the strong push she gave him, sending it out of the train car.

Izuku: "I could have grabbed Blake's weapon from the ground too, but I didn't because I never figured out how that weapon works, and it's a pain in the ass trying to understand it, so no."

Izuku: "I just need the sheath, but a regular one. Tomorrow, I'll go to a nearby weapons store and buy one, no need to worry."

He grabbed the sword tightly and placed it in front of him, staring at it for several seconds, as if analyzing it.

Although, in reality, he was just thinking about that fight he had and its outcome.

Remembering Blake caused a sadness in his chest, strange as it may sound, he even felt... regretful.

He was surprised when he realized that.

Dropping the sword abruptly and standing up with a look of confusion, he looked at his hands.

Several memories of Blake started flooding his mind, not only of her but also of Blake's family, he knew he had just left some parents without their only daughter.

And with each memory that appeared, he felt angrier.

"ENOUGH!" He exclaimed angrily, activating All For One, his red eyes shining with fury.

Very angry and confused, he hit the wall, and with frustration, he began to speak.

"I don't understand damn it! I've always been a bastard who never cared about anyone but fighting! I pushed away my family, bullied many people, humiliated several people, and almost killed several people too, and I never felt remorse!" He shouted, confused.

"Damn it, I led a classmate to suicide, and I didn't care! But now it turns out that I killed a character that I don't even like, and I FEEL SAD AND REGRETFUL!?" Red and black lightning started emanating from him with such force that he began to destroy things in his house.

Breathing heavily, he began to calm down a bit.

He put his forehead against the wall, still angry, and said.

"God... I've been feeling like this for more than 2 days, my head hurts so much."

"...What's happening to me? Although, I... I'm glad to feel this way, it makes me feel more human, but I still don't understand..." he said, now calmer, grabbing his forehead.

He wasn't angry anymore; he was now very confused.

Izuku: "I was never like this. But since I came to this world, I started to feel very strange. It's impossible that suddenly I start feeling regretful when I've been a bastard for many years, something is happening to me, and I'm not doing it, I'm sure of that..."

(Curious fact: You were 17 in your past life, but in this one, you're 16, just a year younger than in the previous one)
Suddenly, a shadow began to slowly manifest behind you.

???: maybe I can explain that to you. *said a voice behind Izuku*

Alerted by the new voice, Izuku turned around, only to widen his eyes at the person in front of him.

Izuku: Y-you!? H-how is this possible!? *he said, surprised, looking at the person manifesting in front of him*

Midoriya: Hello (Y/N) (Y/S), it was about time we see each other face to face," he said seriously.

However, upon hearing your true name and surname, you became even more alert.

Izuku(y/n): You!? How... no, you know what? I don't care. Tell me immediately, how the hell are you here and how are you related to what's happening to me!?

You generated fire in your hands and looked at him angrily, although Midoriya didn't step back and remained firm.

Midoriya: Calm down, I'll explain everything. Besides, it's better if you put out that fire; you can't harm a spirit.

Izuku: ("Spirit?... ugh, whatever")

Izuku(y/n) just huffed angrily and extinguished the fire.

Midoriya: That's better. Well, even though you already know me, I'll introduce myself anyway.

Midoriya: I am Izuku Midoriya, the ninth wielder of One For All, and you (y/n) (l/a) stole my body," he said as he approached slightly  angry to Izuku(y/n).

Despite his slightly threatening approach, Izuku(y/n) didn't back down and remained firm.

Midoriya: And I'll gladly explain to you what's happening.

<<Timeskip 20 minutes>>
The two were sitting face to face, having chatted for minutes and with two cups of tea.

Although when Midoriya tried to drink the tea, it passed through his body, ending up staining the floor, which made a vein of anger pop on your forehead when you saw that.

Izuku(t/n) put the cup on the table and grabbed his forehead in frustration.

Izuku(y/n): Let me get this straight because it's to overwhelming.... When I got your body, supposedly your soul had to be replaced by mine, but your WILL to live was so strong that you managed to stay despite me being here.

Izuku(y/n): Also, with one body and two souls, our souls as a consequence is FUCKING FUSING to prevent future problems like both of us dying!. So our emotions, memories, and ways of being will merge into one fucking soul, but the process is slow, and that's the reason of why the changes in my attitude are?! BECAUSE OF A FUCKING SOULS FUSION?! *Izuku quickly said and tooking a deep breath.*

Midoriya: ...yes, exactly. *he said and tried to take a sip of tea but it fell to the floor*

Izuku: Ugh, damn it! *he said, standing up and kicked a flower vase that was there*

Izuku complained and hit parts of the house until he calmed down slowly.

Midoriya: ...calm now? *he said with a straight face*

Izuku: ...calm *he said, sitting down again, still angry.*

Midoriya sighed and put on a serious face.

Midoriya: I'll be honest, I don't like you. Not only do you steal my body, but you're also a horrible person. I saw several of your memories thanks to our fusion, and believe me when i say I'd like to punch you in the face.

Midoriya: But it wouldn't lead to anything by simply hating you; it wouldn't be worth it. So all I can do is wait for our fusion to result in a better person.

Midoriya: That's why while I'm here, I'll boost your good feelings as much as I can. I know that if I don't do it, Blake won't be the only victim who will perish by your hands.

Izuku clenched his fists with fury.

Midoriya: So please, do your best to also be a good person.

Midoriya: There were moments in your past life where you wanted to change. Now you have the chance, and you're not alone; you have me to help you.

Suddenly, Midoriya began to disappear into particles.

Midoriya: I know you hardly did any kind acts in your past life.

"So learn from your mistakes and do the right thing in this life; you have another chance to be a better person, don't waste it."

With that said, Midoriya disappeared completely and began to enter your body.

You just looked at the ground for a while before clicking your tongue and opening the door.

You had to think about everything that happened.

And what better way than to take a walk.

Although it was going to be a long one.
<<Timeskip 1 hour>>
On a lonely path full of trees, Izuku walked with his head down, murmuring angrily about everything.

Izuku: Son of a bitch with a broccoli head, who are you to tell me what to do?!







Upon hearing those noises, Izuku just raised his head confused.

He looked around confused for a few seconds.

Izuku: Damn it, I don't even know where I am, ugh, I should have paid attention to where I was going...

This path seemed familiar to Izuku, so he approached where the noises were coming from.

Izuku: I wonder what it is; I'm sure I even saw some gray clouds around here.

As he approached, Izuku's eyes widened.

Izuku: It's them; I completely forgot that this was happening," he exclaimed seriously, watching as four people fought.

It was Cinder, Mercury, Emerald and Amber.

The maiden.

Here is when Cinder steals half of Amber's powers and leaves her on the brink of death.

Izuku: Hmm, Amber is tired; it's only a matter of seconds before they deliver the final blow...

You were about to turn away; because you wanted to defeat cinder but with her maiden powers.


Several images of Blake dead began to flood your mind. Not only that, but also a rare feeling of doing the right thing too, of helping a person in danger.

And words echoed in your mind.

"Do the right thing."

Izuku: you motherfucker!, you think you can just make me do the right things with your shittiest emotions?!

After that more and more images of all the people he damage start to appear.

Over and over again.

With a now very angry face, Izuku said "Fine! But I'll do it my way!"

With that said, you became invisible and approached the battle.

You will help her, but in a way that Midoriya won't like, and that made you smirk sinisterly.

("You think you can control me? You are gonna regret that you make me help her")

"My way" you say with a sinister smirk



The next episode will be the showdown between you and the three stooges.

I mean, Cinder, Mercury, and Emerald.

Do you think you have enough power to beat them?

Will it be easy or difficult for you? What do you think?

Here is the battle of Amber vs. Cinder, Amber, and Emerald from the series if you want to watch it, so you can understand the next episode better.

Anyway, see you later!

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