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I shut my eyes the moment I opened them, the lights were shining so bright, I didn't know that is how it feels when you die. I opened my eyes again but slowly this time. I wasn't in a white room or in a grave, I am actually in a room, well organised one too. I looked around from the door facing me to the big windows, it looks like I am in a hospital. I looked at my body, there is a bandage on my left leg and on my right hand, so I broke my hand and leg, fair I thought I won't make it.

Next to me was a big desk filled with flowers and chocolates. I heard footsteps, I looked at the glass window and saw Wraith coming in. I laid back down closing my eyes, I can hear the door open and close.

I opened my left eyes to see what he is doing. He walked to the window that has a view of the city, then to the table of the flowers. His face looks tired with dark circles under his eyes, his hair is messy and he also grew a long beard.

I leave this guy for a little while and he becomes a beast? He sighed and came towards my side, I closed my eyes immediately, I heard him drag something, maybe a chair. I almost reacted when he touched my hands, his hands were cold, normally he has warm hands.

"My hands are a bit cold sorry! Someone normally places my stuffs neatly and where i can easily find them but she is refusing to wake up now and I don't even know where my gloves are at or my everything honestly!" He said slowly, his voice sounded hoarse and scratchy, what is wrong with this guy?

"I hate to be broken next to you but I can't help it when you look like this, and I know you said to act normal, but how can I when you are like this looking lifeless? Years back when you left I know you were healthy but now I have no clue" I felt my eyes tear up and I am sure they flowed down on my face. I heard the monitor go off.

"Rams? W-hold on I am coming" He let go of my hand and ran out, later i heard more than one footsteps coming in.

"Stay out please sir" I heard an unfamiliar voice

"But what is wrong?" Wraith's panicking voice came on.

"We will have to check first" He pushed him out of the room and closed the door, I felt a little relived. I opened my eyes and saw two nurses standing.

"Everything seems okay except the heart monitor" Said the female nurse.

"I think she is waking up, let me call Dr Collins"

"I am awake and no need for that, I have been awake for a little while now" I said to them but she already left. My voice sounded really hoarse and dry compared to my normal voice.

"Welcome back Ms Hussain, we will have to do some tests first" Said Doctor Collins coming in.

"Sure, go ahead"

"Well everything seems stable but you are still weak so you will have to stay with us until we are completely sure" Said Doctor Collins.

"Sure Doc, thank you" He smiled and walked out, after some minutes the nurses left too. I looked over at the door and waited as it slowly opened revealing a happy and teary Wraith.

"Dude will you come in already? You have been standing there for some minutes now" I said after some seconds of Wraith standing by the door looking at me. It is like he can't believe I am here again.

"Yeah, it is definitely you" He let out a chuckle as a tear fell from his left eye, he came closer to me and continued looking at me.

"Okay it is getting w-" Before I could finish my sentence he hugged me, I blinked multiple times to stop me from crying.

"Ouch" I said unconsciously after he touched my broken arm.

"Did I hurt you? I am sorry, I just can't believe you are here, I mean I just can't believe!"

"I didn't know my heart was beating until now, I lost it when I saw you looking straight at me, giving me that crazy look, it is like I am breathing again and I am sweating, why is so-" He isn't going to shut up if I didn't cut him.

"Qamar, Qamar calm down, I am here again Alhamdulilah and I will listen to everything you will say okay? It will all be good now, oh come on you are going to make me cry too" I said after his eyes started turning glassy.

"I missed you and I just- I don't even know what to say now" He chuckled cleaning the tears that escaped.

"Some words are to be left unspoken, it is okay now, can you give me water please?" He got up immediately and brought me a bottle of water, I drank almost half of it. I miss drinking water.

"What are those?" I pointed to the table of flowers and gifts.

"Those are from the kids from the orphanage and from your fans, you were on the news for two whole weeks, your fans kept making tweets about you and sending different prayers" Aww, never did I think I will get this kind of love someday. I think the world knows me as Black_Swan now.

"Right after everyone heard you are the same person as the girl on the racing track, it became a huge breaking news, and has been going around till today" He added and I just nodded taking in the new information.

"How long was I out?"

"Three months" My eyes widened as I turned and looked at him.

"Wow" Is all I manage to say.

"Yeah it was the hardest three months I have lived and sorry about your hair, I was the only one here, I tried to look after it as hard as I could" I touched my hair and groaned, he actually tight them in four roll buns.

"You could have just left them down"

"Yeah I thought you will be uncomfortable, Omar did say he would braid it but I said no" He said rolling his eyes I laughed shanking my head, It is good to be back.

"Is my company still alive?"

"Yeah Haroon did a pretty good job and broke the record of working non-stop too"

"Wow, you are going to narrate everything that has happened since I was down"

"No worries, actually we did a little something for you"


"Is it just my eyes or is Ramey actually crying at the sight of a baby?" Asked Wraith laughing, i Ignored their teases and continued looking at the baby in my hands.

"It is not just an ordinary baby it's Ramey's namesake" Added Mama. Layan gave birth to a baby girl while I was in coma and they named the baby after me, it was unbelievable for me, I almost cried.

Mama, Haroon, Layan and Ragheb came in immediately hearing I am awake, because they are in London and the rest are on their way coming.

"Everyone is almost here, including Omar who just landed" Said Wraith seating closer to me

"Hey how about we prank them?" I smiled

"We don't want to ask for another room Rams, I am done with hospitals" Said Wraith.

"No harm will be done, you didn't tell them anything other than I woke up right?"


"Great then we will tell them I lost my memory"

"No way"

"Oh come on Qamar, I broke my arm and leg, let me have fun, even Mama is agreeing to this too" I pouted looking at him, he has 10 seconds if he didn't agree I will threaten him.

"Yeah alright, but if it goes the wrong way I will expose you"

"Whatever" I rolled my eyes as Layan took the baby from me.

"Get in position they are here, I could see Dad speeding here really fast" Said Ragheb peeping through the window that shows the long corridors.

I am actually the only one in this floor except for Lian's office. I should really thank her and Samaar, her husband, the guy would die for her any minute without thinking. Sometimes the way he looks at her reminds me of Wraith, he looks at me the same way, before he told me he loves me.

He would look away when I catch him looking at me but now he would just smile and continue looking, not that it borders me though. His eyes holds comfort and care whenever he looks at me.

"Oh my Ramey!" Said Dad coming into the room, with Dadoo and Uncle Yusuf next to him. Soon the room is filled with all of them.

"Why is she looking at us like that?" Asked Ali, it is so hard not to break character right now.


"Are they also the part of the family?" Wraith started but I cut him off, he looked at me and nodded. I saw them look at us in confusion.

"Hello I am Maraam, well that is what they told me, who are you all?" They looked confused and scared.

"She lost her memory?" Asked Dadoo



"Everything, we have been trying to make her remember some things"

"I know you" I pointed at Haroon

"You do?"

"Aren't you one of the cleaners here? I could swear I saw you" Omar and Ali graspsed trying not to laugh out loud. I held my laughter which caused my eyes to tear up. I saw Dadoo looking at me before shaking his head, I guess he found out.

"No I am not, I am Haroon and actually your boyfriend" I choked on my saliva, but didn't react instead Wraith did.

"Hell no" Yelled Wraith from my side, Haroon is really going to get it, idiot boy!

"Oh really I must have a really bad choice then, what are you 20? 4ft?" Omar and Ali busted out laughing immediately.

"Sorry, I really love this new Ramey" Said Omar

"I will just stay back" He said and moved to the side.

"I will introduce everyone to you now" Said Mama, I really love this playful side of her.

"This is Tamara, your model cousin, Omar your friend, Khalid your Uncle, Hussain your father, Ali your best friend, Yusuf your Uncle and this is Grandma Mariam" The way she introduced is really funny actually, pointing at them one after the other, shaking some along the process.

"I was waiting for you to reach her, she looks like a wicked witch" Grandma opened her mouth wide open and again Ali and Omar laughed out loud this time Dad joined them but he muffled it.

"And this is Nina your Aunt, Layla, Ali and Wraith's sister...Ridaa and Fayrouz are on honeymoon"

"Wooh that's one hell of a big family"

"So do you remember us now?"

"Of course, Uncle Yusuf, Uncle Khalid and Uncle Hussain"

"No Dad and Dadoo" Said Dad immidiately.

"Yeah okay, Tamara is it? Yeah my Barbie doll model"

"Noo, I am your cousin" Cried out Tamara

"Yeah right! Haroon my mistake of a boyfriend is it? I don't what I was think but I am breaking up with you, and then Omar my cleaner?" Haroon groaned looking like he wants to be anywhere but here.

"No that is not me, it will be Ali" Said Omar quickly.

"Then who are you again?" I asked as Ali stomped on his feet like a kid.

"Your brother" He replied annoyingly.

"Oh you and Wraith who is older? Mrs Hussain here said he is my brother too, which makes Layla my sister, Ali also my brother, Ragheb and Layan arecalso my siblings, which makes us one big family, then who is the father?" The ones that know about the prank seem to be cringing too, this is good!

"No" They yelled

"Hell no!"

"We are not siblings!" Said Wraith

"Then we are half-siblings?" All the others except Wraith, faces are red from holding laughter.

"No we are not"

"Then you are my step brother? I mean we look alike, I guess Uncle Yusuf there is the Dad, I-"

"Time out and I will get you back" He whispered.

"Yeah you are my adopted sister" He smirked looking at me, two can play the game.

"Oh really no wonder, so Tamara is your wife?"

"What no!" Said Ali and Tamara immediately.

"But that is what he told me"

"Wraith why will you tell her that?" Asked Uncle Yusuf, causing Wraith to glare at me.

"I didn't tell her that, it is all because she hit her head so she comes with made up stuff"

"Oh my god my grand-daughter is now unstable, god help, I didn't plan for this happen" Yelled Grandma dramatically, as she fell on the floor hitting head. Dad and Uncle Yusuf tried helping her up, I can't help but laugh at this situation.

"I missed you, welcome back" Whispered Dadoo in my ears as he side hugged me, I almost cried I miss his hugs.

"Thank you"

"So that was a prank?" Asked Layla opening her mouth wide, her face is still wet from tears.

"It is never Ramey without the pranks!" Said Ali as he fist bumped me.

"So Haroon what were you saying?"

"Nothing Ma'am I actually missed you-"

"He got a girl" Yelled Tamara

"Say what now?" I smiled wider.

"He met her at the bus stop, it is a beautiful love story"

"And also cliché, don't worry Ramey, I will narrate every single detail to you" Said Omar

"And why will you do that?" Asked Wraith

"Because I know the story and you don't" He replied sticking his tongue at him which he rolled his eyes to. I think the beef between them is still there.

"Sorry Dude but he is right" Said Haroon.

"Well then shift from my side, Omar needs to seat" Wraith opened his mouth wide open, pouting at me. This is the fourth time we teamed up against him, he ignored the rest but I think he is getting enough of it.

"Oh come on Rams, we used to be in the same team, you can't team up against me"

"Err... Qamar you can't use that face on me, I will always in your team" i smiled at him, almost immediately he turned and smirked at Omar. I turned and looked at them giving us weird looks.

"No no, we are not going to agree to this!"

"Wraith what did you do to our Ramey? You have a bad influence on her" Said Ali scrunching his face, I laughed hard holding my side because it is started to pain a little.


It is night time and the family are still here making random jokes, it is good to finally feel free, I mean I get to live a life without fears or expectation of a threat, or guilt. I mean the death of my bodyguards and all those who protected me, including Markel will always make me feel guilty. Winning the race and giving his mother and brother another chance to live a normal live reduced the guilt and I actually feel free right now, I am just glad I saved my family and anyone that could come to harm.

"Do you see that little Ramey is also a look alike of baby Ramey?" Said Dad, looking at the baby in his hand

"Yeah actually, the cute little mouth, the eyes including the giggles" Said Dadoo, making a cute face.

"Oh no, save me Qamar" I said hiding my face behind his back, as he vibrated due to laughing.

"Don't worry I got you Rams" He said in small voice.

"Seriously guys??" I got up as Ali started talking

"We should put up some rules, we won't agree to all this lovey-dowey stuff" He said pretending to be serious.

"Yeah Man, it is so annoying, I can't believe you guys are engaged" Added Tamara, eating an apple. It is crazy how Wraith and I are engaged actually. I wanted to ask him where is my ring, since I got up it is not in my hand. I think they took it off when I got into the accident, I hope it is not lost.

"I think we should reconsider this" Said Ali, they were really trying with Wraith today.

"I never wanted the wedding anyways" Said Omar in all seriousness, Wraith looked at them one after the other as they make fun of us.

"Let them, we will get them afterwards" I whispered to him.

"They didn't even ask for our permission!" Added Haroon

"Yeah? Because you are my what? Grandfather?" I asked raising my brow.

"Oh Maraam I took care of you, since you were a kid and this is how you disrespect me" He faked a pained expression.

"Yeah, Hussain and I were just there looking at you" Said Dadoo dryly, while Dad just shook his head laughing.

"Oh come on Dadoo be on my side for once" Whined Haroon.

"Nahh bro, he never leaves Ramey's side" Said Tamara. Dadoo moved closer to me, I looked confusedly at him only to see his hand is in a fist,  Is he actually fist bumping me?

"Ali you need to stop teaching my parents this stuff" I yelled. I remembered the way Dad was talking to me earlier. He actually said Sup to me, it is so weird.

"Not my fault! They said they want to be young again so that they can get more attention from the female population" He did not just say that because Mama and Aunt Nina are glaring at Dad and Dadoo. God this is one of the funniest days I will never forget. 

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