the flea bite for sale part 19

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It was a wonderful and peaceful morning as Charlie and Sasha both started to wake up and head downstairs for breakfast and after breakfast they decided to go on a walk and when they got to the place where they first met they found out that the guy that was doing the talent shows was selling the place and that's when they both decide to buy the place and turn it into a cafe/Casino for all the dogs to come around the world to either place bats or to hang out at the cafe and have wonderful and delicious food of their choice and when they got the deed to the place they decided to tell Anne Marie and David the good news

When they got home they both went upstairs to wake up the kids and to tell them the good news after they both had their breakfast.
Um Anne Marie David me and Sasha both have an announcement to tell you both saidCharlie

What is it both Anne Marie and David said at the same time

We both have our own little cafe\Casino and it's going to be our family business

And new home said Sasha

So you're both not going to live here anymore said David a little sad

Oh don't worry David well come by and still visit and also we are also working on the rooms so you and Anne Marie can stay with us on the weekend when you both have no school said Charlie

With that said both Charlie and Sasha went to work on their new home and sending the place up and they called the place the flea bite \Charlie and Sasha's place and it was amazing both of the rooms we're done and ready for both of the kids to come and visit them on the weekend Charlie and Sasha's room was big and they had a huge bathroom as well and David and Anne Marie s room was also big and have a big bathroom as well and when everything was ready it was time for the big opening and everybody was decided and when Charlie and Sasha cut the ribbon all the dogs including Anne Marie David Sasha and Charlie all headed inside and on that day everything was never the same after that

I hope you all like The Story So Far let me know what you all think of this story and I'll see you all in the next chapter and have a wonderful night or morning Wherever You Are thank you for the support share the story with your friends and family ❤️💝💖🌹

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